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The Armory.

The Armory displays all of the player's currently unlocked equipment, as well as any locked equipment. It can be accessed from the Shop. The player can highlight a weapon or item and see their description at the bottom.

The number of unlocked items can be seen in the bottom-right corner of the window. Locked items will be displayed as a question mark.

Armory entries can be disabled by purchasing the Customize option in the upgrades shop, and they will not appear when leveling up. Disabled entries show a red slash through them. Note that a minimum of 10 weapons and 10 items must remain enabled. Undiscovered weapons and items cannot be disabled.

List of equipment

Below is a grid of all available equipment as it appears within the in-game Armory. Armory entries can also be viewed in the following lists:


For the full list of changes, see Changelog.

0.7 Release
  • The Armory is now separated into tabs for Weapons, Items, Collabs, and Super Collabs.
  • Armory items can now be disabled with the Customize option.
0.3 Release
  • Initial release
