Injection Type Asacoco

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Injection Type Asacoco is an item in HoloCure - Save the Fans!. It is unlocked by completing the It's Safe I Swear Icon.pngIt's Safe I Swear achievement, which requires the player to complete a stage using the Plug Type Asacoco Icon.pngPlug Type Asacoco.

Injection Type Asacoco gives the player a large ATK Icon.pngATK buff in exchange for a constant drain of HP Icon.pngHP (to a minimum of 1 HP).


Injection Type Asacoco
Item Frame.png
Injection Type Asacoco Icon.png
Level 1
Lose 5% HP every second (until 1 HP remains), but gain 40% ATK.
Level 2
Lose 5% HP every second (until 1 HP remains), but gain 60% ATK.
Level MAX
Lose 5% HP every second (until 1 HP remains), but gain 80% ATK.
Super Injection Type Asacoco
Item Frame.png
Super Injection Type Asacoco Icon.png
Level MAX
Gain 100% ATK. Also gain 200% Skill Damage.


  • HP loss is not affected by damage modifiers and is still applied when invincible.
  • HP loss does not count as a hit. It does not disrupt buffs, nor activate items and skills that respond to getting hit or damaged.
  • If Body Pillow Icon.pngBody Pillow is equipped, the shield takes damage instead. Damage carries over to HP if it is higher than current shield health. Same behavior when invincible.
    • If current HP is 1, HP loss is disabled, allowing the shield to remain up. This is easily sustainable through Hardcore Icon.pngHardcore or Undead Icon.pngUndead.
  • Plushie Icon.pngPlushie does not delay HP loss. Also, if damage has been taken and there's a green and pink part to the HP bar, HP loss will affect the green part. If the green part has been depleted, HP loss will affect the pink part.
  • Kusogaki Shackles Icon.pngKusogaki Shackles reduces HP loss, completely negating it at max level.
  • If used by Kiryu Coco Icon.pngKiryu Coco while she has the GMMF Icon.pngGMMF Skill, the HP loss is completely negated.


  • It's a staple in Hardcore Icon.pngHardcore runs, since HP is fixed at 1.
  • The +80% ATK bonus can be very potent, but if enough ATK Up Icon.pngATK Up upgrades have been purchased at the shop, a character with naturally high ATK is better off with Face Mask Icon.pngFace Mask or Gorilla's Paw Icon.pngGorilla's Paw.
  • Along with a basic source of HP recovery, Body Pillow Icon.pngBody Pillow can act as a major buffer for HP loss. It's only really productive on fast, low HP builds with means of hit negation or revival, however.
    • Energy Drink Icon.pngEnergy Drink helps increase SPD while bringing HP even lower.
  • Seamlessly synergizes with characters whose playstyles revolve around excessive HP recovery. Full Meal Icon.pngFull Meal can help with consistency.
  • The onslaught sequences that follow the 19:30 mark on Hard stages can bring an abrupt end to builds relying on healing methods like Nurse's Horn Icon.pngNurse's Horn, as they may not have a chance to heal properly.
  • The character whom the item is attributed to, Kiryu Coco Icon.pngKiryu Coco, has perfect synergy with this item, as her GMMF Icon.pngGMMF skill completely negates the HP loss, allowing her to benefit from the ATK bonus without penalty.


For the full list of changes, see Changelog.

0.7 Release
  • Added Super variant
0.4 Release
  • Increased the ATK gain per level to 40/60/80% (previously 30/40/50%)
0.3 Release
  • Initial release.


Plug Type Asacoco being promoted in an Asacoco by Watame and Kanata
  • As of Version 0.7, this item grants the single highest ATK bonus in the game, being 80% at max rank. This is the equivalent of 10 ATK stat-ups in only 3 levels.
  • Asacoco (あさココ, lit. Morning Coco) is a series of skits created by former talent Kiryu Coco Icon.pngKiryu Coco. The skits mimic those of a morning news show where Coco would pick up on funny moments from the streams of Hololive members from previous days. The show also features various fake ads and special segments by other Gen 4 members.
    • Asacoco products originated from one of those ads where Coco would sell Asacoco in drug form so that viewers could inject the show directly into themselves in case they miss the stream.[1]
    • The list of Asacoco products currently in the game also includes Breathe-In Type Asacoco Icon.pngBreathe-In Type Asacoco and Plug Type Asacoco Icon.pngPlug Type Asacoco.
    • Breathe-In Type Asacoco Icon.pngBreathe-In Type, Drink Type, and Injection Type Asacoco were the first Asacoco products to be created by Coco. Injection Type was featured injected into an IV bag likely to not overtly portray drug use.[1]
    • Some Asacoco products currently not included in the game are:
      • Drink Type Asacoco, Drop Type Asacoco, Hook Type Asacoco, Mist Type Asacoco, Pacifier Type Asacoco, Patch Type Asacoco, Pill Type Asacoco, Recive Type Asacoco, Snack Type Asacoco, Spray Type Asacoco, Spread Type Asacoco, Sprinkle Type Asacoco, Weed Type Asacoco, and Drink Type Anti-Asacoco.
