Stolen Piggy Bank

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Stolen Piggy Bank (named Retrieved Piggy Bank if used by Moona Hoshinova Icon.pngMoona Hoshinova) is an item in HoloCure - Save the Fans!. It is unlocked by completing the Payday Icon.pngPayday achievement, which requires defeating a Golden YAGOO. Players will receive the achievement whether they win or lose the run in which they defeated the enemy.

Stolen Piggy Bank passively grants HoloCoin Icon.pngHoloCoins by moving around and a SPD Icon.pngSPD buff, at the cost of Pick Up Range Icon.pngPick Up Range.


Stolen Piggy Bank
Item Frame.png
Stolen Piggy Bank Icon.png
Level 1
Gain 1 coin for every 100px traveled and increase SPD by 20%. However, reduce Pick Up Range by 30%.
Level 2
Gain 1 coin for every 75px traveled and increase SPD by 30%. However, reduce Pick Up Range by 30%.
Level MAX
Gain 1 coin for every 50px traveled and increase SPD by 40%. However, reduce Pick Up Range by 30%.
Super Stolen Piggy Bank
Item Frame.png
Super Stolen Piggy Bank Icon.png
Level MAX
Gain 1 coin for every 25px traveled and increase SPD by 50%.



  • Pavolia Reine Icon.pngPavolia Reine's Lady Of The Peafowl Icon.pngLady Of The Peafowl skill triggers from gaining HoloCoins generated by Stolen Piggy Bank, making this item ideal for refreshing the ability's duration so long as Reine is moving.


For the full list of changes, see Changelog.

0.6 Release
  • Added easter egg where item name changes to Retrieved Piggy Bank when playing as Moona Hoshinova.
  • Added Super variant
0.5 Release
  • Changed effect from generating 1 Coin Per Second to 1 Coin Per 100px traveled.
  • Increased Max Level of item from 1 to 3.
  • Pick Up Range penalty reduced from 50% to 30%.
  • Speed buff increased from 15% to 20%/30%/40%.
0.4 Release


  • This item references an incident that occurred back during the time when Hololive Indonesia's 1st Gen members - Airani Iofifteen Icon.pngAirani Iofifteen, Ayunda Risu Icon.pngAyunda Risu, and Moona Hoshinova Icon.pngMoona Hoshinova - used to live together. At the time of the incident, Risu had found Moona's piggybank and taken it back to her room, where she began counting the contents live on stream. Moona was informed of the act by her chat and thus tried to get her piggybank back, much to Risu's panic.[1]
  • When playing as Moona in-game, the item's name changes to "Retrieved Piggy Bank".
