The nuts theming (Big Nuts, Deez, Nonstop Nuts, and Nuts) is based on Risu's love of nuts jokes (both literal and sexual), which started as her playing along with her character trait of being a squirrel girl.[1]
Kay Yu discovered his inner 12-year-old while designing Risu due to the above fact.[2]
Big Nuts' effect and name could be based on the "orgasmic" power of Risu's singing skill,[3] which was even acknowledged by one of hololive's top singers, Suisei, after she watched Risu's 3rd Fes. performance as being similar to Celine Dion.[4]
Deez is an obvious reference to the Deez Nuts joke, which Risu loves making to the extent that she could quickly shut down the counter against anyone using it at her.[5]
Nonstop Nuts is a reference to Risu's "Nonstop Nut November" series in which Risu would release a nut joke short video every day for the entirety of November. The series ran for three years from 2020 to 2022, but is discontinued as Risu had milked the format dry.
DLC (Downloadable Content) is a reference to how Risu can change into completely different voices on occasion due to her wide vocal range, especially when trying to act as different personalities, leading fans to label said voices as "DLC" in reference to them being add-ons to her vocal repertoire.[6]
↑Kay Yu (2023/04/26). Kay Yu on Twitter. “While designing Risu's character, I learned that I am 12 years old if you laugh at her skills, it will also mean you are 12 years old”