The thrown sword from the awakened upgrade does not count as melee and can benefit from Focus Shades.
Special Attack
Charge Rifle
60 seconds
Fires an aimed beam initially, then shortly fires a second charged beam. Each target hit by the initial beam increases the size and damage of the second beam.
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Level 1
First beam:
30% (1 – 5)
Second beam, base:
200% (18 – 22)
Second beam, max:
800% (72 – 88)
Hit limit:
Hit cooldown:
First beam:
10 (0.17 s)
Second beam, base:
60 (1 s)
First beam:
Second beam, base:
Second beam, max:
240 (4 s)
Knockback duration:
First beam:
2 (0.03 s)
Second beam, base:
1 (0.02 s)
Second beam, max:
15 (0.25 s)
Knockback speed:
First beam:
Second beam, base:
Second beam, max:
Up to date with version 0.6.1692275570
Ollie's turn rate is limited to 5 degrees per frame while aiming.
Hitting an enemy with the initial beam grants 1 charge, empowering the damage, width, and knockback of the second beam. Each point of charge grants:
an additional 3% base damage, up to 800% total.
an additional 3% beam width, up to 500% total.
an additional 0.1 knockback duration and speed, up to 15 each.
knockback from the second beam ignores knockback resistance.
Level 1
If HP reaches 0, Ollie gains Undead and can not die for 10 seconds (10s cooldown). However, each time this activates, Ollie loses 50% Max HP for 1 minute. Gain 2% ATK for every 3 Max HP lost.
Level 2
If HP reaches 0, Ollie gains Undead and can not die for 10 seconds (10s cooldown). However, each time this activates, Ollie loses 50% Max HP for 1 minute. Gain 2% ATK for every 2 Max HP lost.
Level MAX
If HP reaches 0, Ollie gains Undead and can not die for 10 seconds (10s cooldown). However, each time this activates, Ollie loses 50% Max HP for 1 minute. Gain 2% ATK for every 1 Max HP lost.
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Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Up to date with version 0.6.1692275570
If Ollie also has an active Chicken's Feather, Undead will activate first.
On revive with Chicken's Feather, Undead and Max HP will be reverted.
Ollie dies if her HP is at 0 when Undead ends.
Health penalty and ATK boost are applied immediately as Undead triggers.
Timer for health penalty and ATK boost resets every time Undead is triggered.
Zombie Ninjutsu
Level 1
Gather chakra while moving. If Ollie stops moving for 1 second, spend all chakra to cast a 1x strength jutsu based on the accumulated chakra.
Level 2
Gather chakra while moving. If Ollie stops moving for 1 second, spend all chakra to cast a 1.50x strength jutsu based on the accumulated chakra.
Level MAX
Gather chakra while moving. If Ollie stops moving for 1 second, spend all chakra to cast a 2x strength jutsu based on the accumulated chakra.
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Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Up to date with version 0.6.1692275570
When unlocked, Zombie Ninjutsu adds a chakra gauge to the bottom-left of the screen, with elemental markers every 25% of the gauge denoting the kind of jutsu Ollie will cast when she stops moving:
If Ollie stops moving with 25%-49% chakra, she will cast a large fireball near her position that lingers for 2 seconds, dealing damage to enemies caught in it.
At 50%-74% charge, Ollie will create a ring of water bubbles that quickly spin around her, dealing damage to enemies hit by them, while healing and granting her temporary invulnerability to damage.
At 75%-99% charge, stopping will create a barrage of rocks to shoot out in all directions, damaging enemies within a large radius and dealing knockback.
At 100% charge, Ollie unleashes lightning on all visible enemies, dealing massive damage and briefly stunning any survivors.
Fire and Rock jutsu benefit from Focus Shades;[Bug?] water and lightning do not.
Simp Of All Time
Level 1
Targets can drop Hololive Merch. When picking up Hololive Merch, Ollie takes 5 damage, but heal back the damage after 2 seconds and gain 30% Haste and SPD for 8 seconds.
Level 2
Targets can drop Hololive Merch. When picking up Hololive Merch, Ollie takes 5 damage, but heal back the damage after 2 seconds and gain 40% Haste and SPD for 8 seconds.
Level MAX
Targets can drop Hololive Merch. When picking up Hololive Merch, Ollie takes 5 damage, but heal back the damage after 2 seconds and gain 50% Haste and SPD for 8 seconds.
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Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Up to date with version 0.6.1692275570
Hololive Merchdrops are not affected by Pickup Range and must be picked up manually.
The self-damage is not lethal; if Ollie's current health is 5 or less, it will be set to 1 upon picking up Merch.
It is however possible to die from picking up Merch if Ollie's max HP is exactly at 5 upon pickup.[Bug?]
Researcher's Coat is unfortunately not ideal for use in raising Ollie's EXP gains, as the Hololive Merch from Simp Of All Time deals HP damage, preventing Researcher's Coat from reaching its maximum effective EXP gain. Consider using Study Glasses to increase the rate that Ollie gains EXP at instead.
The sword is actually just a hair decoration... unless Ollie messes up her morning routine, in which case it would go through her head instead of her hair buns.[1]
The blue glow of the Awakened state is based on Ollie's 3D showcase where the sword glowed blue whenever Ollie powered it up.[2]
The skill's attack pattern (firing a small targeting ray before firing a bigger kill beam) is based on Apex's Charge Rifle's old firing pattern. The firing pattern was changed in Apex's August 08, 2023 Patch, which reverted it to its Titanfall iteration. Incidentally, this change is why it is no longer Ollie's favorite weapon.[3]
Ollie used to love this weapon so much that it appeared in her 3D Showcase where Ollie tried to fight off a burglar with it... by using it as a blunt weapon.[4]
Undead is a reference to Ollie's lore as an undying zombie high school girl.[1]
Zombie Ninjutsu is based on Ollie's New Year's Kimono,[5] whose ninja-themed design is heavily inspired by the various outfits seen in the popular series Naruto. Said title popularized the various ninjutsu "hand seals" used by characters in the show to cast spells powered by chakra, which the icon and description of Zombie Ninjutsu reference.
Simp Of All Time refers to Ollie's nature of being a very enthusiastic fan of vtubers and streamers in general.[6]
During the early access of the game, Ollie's surname was misspelled (Kureji instead of Kureiji), which was noticed by Ollie herself during her initial playthrough.[7]