Moona Hoshinova

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Moona Hoshinova is one of the playable characters in HoloCure - Save the Fans!. She belongs to the group Area 15 and can be unlocked through the Character Gacha. Her Main Weapon is Crescent Moon Icon.pngCrescent Moon, her Special Attack is Moon Goddess Icon.pngMoon Goddess, and she has three other unique skills: Lunar Construction Icon.pngLunar Construction, Hoshinova & Moona Icon.pngHoshinova & Moona, and Moon Song Icon.pngMoon Song.

Moona, alongside the rest of Area 15, Holoro, and HoloH3ro, was added to the game in Version 0.6.

Main Weapon

Crescent Moon
Weapon Frame.png
Crescent Moon Icon.png
Level 1
Throws a spinning crescent at an arc in front.
Level 2
Increase attack size by 20%.
Level 3
Increase damage by 20%.
Level 4
Reduce time between attacks by 15%.
Level 5
Increase attack size and travel distance by 20%.
Level 6
Increase damage by 30%.
Level MAX
Every 5 hits creates a full moon.
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Level 1
Main projectile:
130% (11 – 15)
Full moon:
Attack time:
100 (1.67 s)
Attack count:
Main projectile:
Full moon:
Hit limit:
Hit cooldown:
Main projectile:
30 (0.5 s)
Full moon:
Main projectile:
Full moon:
Main projectile:
60 (1 s)
Full moon:

Level 2
Main projectile:
156% (14 – 18)
Full moon:
Attack time:
100 (1.67 s)
Attack count:
Main projectile:
Full moon:
Hit limit:
Hit cooldown:
Main projectile:
30 (0.5 s)
Full moon:
Main projectile:
Full moon:
Main projectile:
60 (1 s)
Full moon:

Level 3
Main projectile:
156% (14 – 18)
Full moon:
Attack time:
100 (1.67 s)
Attack count:
Main projectile:
Full moon:
Hit limit:
Hit cooldown:
Main projectile:
30 (0.5 s)
Full moon:
Main projectile:
Full moon:
Main projectile:
60 (1 s)
Full moon:

Level 4
Main projectile:
156% (14 – 18)
Full moon:
Attack time:
85 (1.42 s)
Attack count:
Main projectile:
Full moon:
Hit limit:
Hit cooldown:
Main projectile:
30 (0.5 s)
Full moon:
Main projectile:
Full moon:
Main projectile:
60 (1 s)
Full moon:

Level 5
Main projectile:
156% (14 – 18)
Full moon:
Attack time:
85 (1.42 s)
Attack count:
Main projectile:
Full moon:
Hit limit:
Hit cooldown:
Main projectile:
30 (0.5 s)
Full moon:
Main projectile:
Full moon:
Main projectile:
60 (1 s)
Full moon:

Level 6
Main projectile:
202.8% (18 – 22)
Full moon:
Attack time:
85 (1.42 s)
Attack count:
Main projectile:
Full moon:
Hit limit:
Hit cooldown:
Main projectile:
30 (0.5 s)
Full moon:
Main projectile:
Full moon:
Main projectile:
60 (1 s)
Full moon:

Level 7
Main projectile:
202.8% (18 – 22)
Full moon:
304.2% (27 – 33)
Attack time:
85 (1.42 s)
Attack count:
Main projectile:
Full moon:
Hit limit:
Hit cooldown:
Main projectile:
30 (0.5 s)
Full moon:
60 (1 s)
Main projectile:
Full moon:
Main projectile:
60 (1 s)
Full moon:
30 (0.5 s)

Up to date with version 0.6.1692275570
  • Full moon attacks from the Awakened form do not increase the split count of the bonuses from enhancements and Growth Icon.pngGrowth.
  • Level 5's increase is actually 30%, as opposed to the stated 20% in the description.
  • Unlike the base attack, full moon from the Awakened upgrade does not count as melee and can benefit from Focus Shades Icon.pngFocus Shades.

Special Attack

Moon Goddess
Skill Frame.png
Moon Goddess Icon.png
90 seconds
Transforms into the True Moon Goddess Form.
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Level 1
400% (36 – 44)
Attack count:
Hit limit:
Hit cooldown:
45 (0.75 s)
Explosion, X:
Explosion, Y:
720 (12 s)
35 (0.58 s)
Knockback duration:
12 (0.2 s)
Knockback speed:

Up to date with version 0.6.1692275570
  • Activating Moon Goddess creates an explosion that deals damage to enemies within a large area around Moona and knocks them back as she transforms into her True Moon Goddess form.
  • Moona gains 100% ATK Icon.pngATK and SPD Icon.pngSPD while in True Moon Goddess form.
  • True Moon Goddess changes her main attack into a stationary wide area-slashing attack, dealing 2x Crescent Moon's damage. The attack otherwise has the same properties as Crescent Moon, as well as benefits from level up bonuses and all other effects that apply to Crescent Moon.
  • Moon Goddess lasts for 12 seconds.
  • The initial explosion benefits from Focus Shades Icon.pngFocus Shades, but slashes do not.


Lunar Construction
Skill Frame.png
Lunar Construction Icon.png
Level 1
Targets may drop Lunar Blocks. At 5 Blocks, Moona creates a Lunar Rabbit, which explodes on nearby targets dealing 300% damage. If Lunar Rabbit defeats a target, gain Special Meter.
Level 2
Targets may drop Lunar Blocks. At 5 Blocks, Moona creates a Lunar Rabbit, which explodes on nearby targets dealing 400% damage. If Lunar Rabbit defeats a target, gain Special Meter.
Level MAX
Targets may drop Lunar Blocks. At 5 Blocks, Moona creates a Lunar Rabbit, which explodes on nearby targets dealing 500% damage. If Lunar Rabbit defeats a target, gain Special Meter.
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Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Up to date with version 0.6.1692275570
Hoshinova & Moona
Skill Frame.png
Hoshinova & Moona Icon.png
Level 1
Gain Hoshinova buff, increasing ATK by 20%. If taking damage, Hoshinova becomes Moona for 5 seconds, reducing damage taken by 15% instead.
Level 2
Gain Hoshinova buff, increasing ATK by 40%. If taking damage, Hoshinova becomes Moona for 5 seconds, reducing damage taken by 15% instead.
Level MAX
Gain Hoshinova buff, increasing ATK by 60%. If taking damage, Hoshinova becomes Moona for 5 seconds, reducing damage taken by 15% instead.
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Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Up to date with version 0.6.1692275570
  • The duration for Moona resets when taking damage while the effect is already active.
  • A crescent moon icon on the bottom-left of the screen will signify if the Hoshinova buff is active. If Moona is activated, the icon changes into a waning moon icon with a countdown timer indicating its duration.
Moon Song
Skill Frame.png
Moon Song Icon.png
Level 1
Every 10 seconds, Moona sings to create a small moving orb of music that draws targets in, slowly dealing 100% damage per half second.
Level 2
Every 10 seconds, Moona sings to create a medium moving orb of music that draws targets in, slowly dealing 125% damage per half second.
Level MAX
Every 10 seconds, Moona sings to create a large moving orb of music that draws targets in, slowly dealing 150% damage per half second.
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Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Up to date with version 0.6.1692275570
  • Moon Song is able to pull large targets into itself, including Bosses.
  • Moon Song is affected by Haste Icon.pngHaste.


The following outfits are available for Moona:

Idle Run Description
Moona Hoshinova IdleAnim.gif Moona Hoshinova RunAnim.gif Original outfit. Unlocked by default.
Moona Hoshinova O1 IdleAnim.gif Moona Hoshinova O1 RunAnim.gif Traditional outfit.


For the full list of changes, see Changelog.

0.6 Release
  • Initial release


The Moon Goddess Hoshinova from the High Tide MV.
  • The moon theming of Moona's moveset (Crescent Moon Icon.pngCrescent Moon, Moon Goddess Icon.pngMoon Goddess, and Moon Song Icon.pngMoon Song) is a reference to Moona's moon-and-stars visual theming that would later become her unofficial lore of being a moon goddess.
    • According to her official lore, Moona is just a (now graduated) uni student,[1] but her diva-like singing voice,[2] her High Tide MV,[3] and her performance at the 3rd HoloFes[4] popularized the Moon Goddess persona among fans.
    • In her Holo no Graffiti debut, Moona stated that she is an "indie goddess" of the moon, even using her powers to convert La+ Darknesss's horns into styrofoam.[5] However, it is not known whether it should be taken as a confirmation that Moona is indeed a goddess.
  • Hoshinova & Moona Icon.pngHoshinova & Moona is a reference to Moona's two opposite personalities, the motherly and casual Moona vs. the sadistic and domineering Hoshinova. Originally, fans used Hoshinova to refer to any moment where Moona became unhinged or angry, such during the Stolen Piggy Bank Icon.pngPiggy Bank Incident[6] or during her GTA V stream.[7] When the Moon Goddess Moona concept became more popular, fans began to associate it with the existing Hoshinova lore.
  • Moon Goddess Icon.pngMoon Goddess is likely based on Moona's High Tide animated music video with her appearance being based on the "Goddess" Hoshinova, while her attack is based on the "Hero" Moona.[3]
  • Moon Song Icon.pngMoon Song is a reference to Moona's popular MoonUtau (MoonaSinging) unarchived singing streams, where she would spend hours singing mostly English Pop music.
  • Lunar Construction Icon.pngLunar Construction is a reference to Moona's Minecraft skill and her connection with Usada Pekora's Usada Construction (Usaken).
    • During the period when Pekora was taking a break from Minecraft, Moona would continue building under the Usaken banner, continuing the technological evolution within the HoloJP Minecraft server even after the big two construction companies (Usaken/Akukin) went on hiatus.[8] When the HoloID server was later opened, Moona was one of the founding members and became the teacher for Hololive ID members, resulting in the ID Server being noted for being the most technologically advanced and aesthetically cohesive of the three hololive Minecraft Servers.[9] The design of HoloCure's Lunar Rabbits being mechanical bunnies likely alludes to Moona's technological prowess in Minecraft.
    • Lunar Rabbits are a reference to the association of the Pekora-Moona relationship with the Sino-Asian mythology of the Moon Rabbit and the Moon Goddess. In the myth, the rabbits are either subordinates or friends of the Moon Goddess, while in hololive, Moona is the subordinate of the rabbit (princess) Pekora.[10]
  • Moona is currently the only hololive Indonesia character whose eyes in her icon are clearly looking to the left. Moona Hoshinova Icon.png (See Character List for comparison). Before Kiryu Coco Icon.pngKiryu Coco was added, she was the only one at all.
  • Playing as Moona changes the name of Stolen Piggy Bank Icon.pngStolen Piggy Bank to "Retrieved Piggy Bank".

