Ninomae Ina'nis

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Ninomae Ina'nis is one of the playable characters in HoloCure - Save the Fans!. She belongs to the group HoloMyth and is available at the start of the game. Her Main Weapon is Summon Tentacle Icon.pngSummon Tentacle, her Special Attack is Tako Spin Icon.pngTako Spin, and she has three other unique skills: The Forbidden Wah Icon.pngThe Forbidden Wah, The Void Icon.pngThe Void, and The Ancient One Icon.pngThe Ancient One.

Ina, alongside the rest of HoloMyth and Council + Promise, is one of the 11 characters introduced in Version 0.3 - the first public version of the game.

Main Weapon

Summon Tentacle
Weapon Frame.png
Summon Tentacle Icon.png
Level 1
A tentacle shoots out in front.
Level 2
Increase damage by 20%.
Level 3
Reduce the time between attacks by 20%.
Level 4
Increase attack area by 25%.
Level 5
Increase damage by 50%.
Level 6
Adds small knockback on hit.
Level MAX
Chain another 3 Tentacles in a chain at a random direction.
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Level 1
120% (10 – 14)
Attack time:
90 (1.5 s)
Attack count:
Hit limit:
Hit cooldown:
20 (0.33 s)
120 (2 s)
Knockback duration:
Knockback speed:

Level 2
144% (12 – 16)
Attack time:
90 (1.5 s)
Attack count:
Hit limit:
Hit cooldown:
20 (0.33 s)
120 (2 s)
Knockback duration:
Knockback speed:

Level 3
144% (12 – 16)
Attack time:
78 (1.3 s)
Attack count:
Hit limit:
Hit cooldown:
20 (0.33 s)
120 (2 s)
Knockback duration:
Knockback speed:

Level 4
144% (12 – 16)
Attack time:
78 (1.3 s)
Attack count:
Hit limit:
Hit cooldown:
20 (0.33 s)
120 (2 s)
Knockback duration:
Knockback speed:

Level 5
216% (19 – 24)
Attack time:
78 (1.3 s)
Attack count:
Hit limit:
Hit cooldown:
20 (0.33 s)
120 (2 s)
Knockback duration:
Knockback speed:

Level 6
216% (19 – 24)
Attack time:
78 (1.3 s)
Attack count:
Hit limit:
Hit cooldown:
20 (0.33 s)
120 (2 s)
Knockback duration:
5 (0.08 s)
Knockback speed:

Level 7
216% (19 – 24)
183.6% (16 – 20)
Attack time:
78 (1.3 s)
Attack count:
Hit limit:
Hit cooldown:
20 (0.33 s)
120 (2 s)
Knockback duration:
5 (0.08 s)
Knockback speed:

Up to date with version 0.6.1692275570
  • Since the weapon lingers for a short period after being fired, Ina can move around and the tentacle will still damage enemies that come in contact with it even if the animation has long finished.
  • Summon Tentacle is affected by the area increase of Knightly Milk Icon.pngKnightly Milk.
  • Additional tentacles from the Awakened upgrade do not affect the split count of damage bonuses from enchantments and Growth Icon.pngGrowth.

Special Attack

Tako Spin
Skill Frame.png
Tako Spin Icon.png
60 seconds
Summons 8 tentacles around Ina, then spins rapidly around her, dealing 150% damage and knockback to all targets.
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Level 1
210% (19 – 23)
Attack count:
Hit cooldown:
10 (0.17 s)
300 (5 s)
Knockback duration:
20 (0.33 s)
Knockback speed:

Up to date with version 0.6.1692275570
  • Ignores knockback resistance.
  • The description states that 8 tentacles are created, however they all share the same hitbox, meaning that they do not count as separate attack instances that would deal damage individually.


The Forbidden Wah
Skill Frame.png
The Forbidden Wah Icon.png
Level 1
If any attack hits more than 4 times or 4 targets, every 4th hit will deal 2x damage.
Level 2
If any attack hits more than 4 times or 4 targets, every 4th hit will deal 3x damage.
Level MAX
If any attack hits more than 4 times or 4 targets, every 4th hit will deal 4x damage.
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Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Up to date with version 0.6.1692275570
  • When the effect triggers, a crowbar sprite will appear on the affected target.
The Void
Skill Frame.png
The Void Icon.png
Level 1
Targets within 75px moves slower by 10% and takes 50% damage every second. If the target has less than 20% HP, there is a 20% chance to be converted into a Harmless Takodachi.
Level 2
Targets within 100px moves slower by 15% and takes 75% damage every second. If the target has less than 20% HP, there is a 20% chance to be converted into a Harmless Takodachi.
Level MAX
Targets within 125px moves slower by 20% and takes 100% damage every second. If the target has less than 20% HP, there is a 20% chance to be converted into a Harmless Takodachi.
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Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Up to date with version 0.6.1692275570
The Ancient One
Skill Frame.png
The Ancient One Icon.png
Level 1
Summon AO. Every 5 seconds, create a zone with a 25% chance to convert targets to Harmless Takodachis. Harmless Takodachis can stack with other Harmless Takodachis. Touching a Harmless Takodachi will heal for 1HP per stack and deal damage based on its size.
Level 2
Summon AO. Every 5 seconds, create a zone with a 50% chance to convert targets to Harmless Takodachis. Harmless Takodachis can stack with other Harmless Takodachis. Touching a Harmless Takodachi will heal for 1HP per stack and deal damage based on its size.
Level MAX
Summon AO. Every 5 seconds, create a zone with a 75% chance to convert targets to Harmless Takodachis. Harmless Takodachis can stack with other Harmless Takodachis. Touching a Harmless Takodachi will heal for 1HP per stack and deal damage based on its size.
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Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Up to date with version 0.6.1692275570
  • AO hovers around the screen forming a ∞ shape, the symbol for infinity.
  • As a summon, AO has her own pickup radius and will collect nearby EXP Icon.pngEXP and HoloCoin Icon.pngHoloCoin drops.
  • AO's conversion area is:
    • Increased by 12.5% at Level 2 and by 11.1% at Level 3 (MAX), for a total increase of 25%.[not exact numbers]
    • Affected by Knightly Milk Icon.pngKnightly Milk.
  • Conversion chance is rolled independently for each enemy in the area.
    • Deals 125% (11 – 15) damage to enemies that failed to convert.
    • When an enemy is converted, it will count as defeated. EXP Icon.pngEXP and other pickups will drop as normal.
Harmless Takodachis of various sizes
  • Touching a Harmless Takodachi heals Ina 1 HP and causes it to pop, dealing 1% AoE damage to enemies and applying a minor knockback (speed: 1, duration: 1).
  • Harmless Takodachis can stack by colliding with each other, growing larger in the process.
    • Each Harmless Takodachi in a stack increases healing by 1, explosion damage by 1%, and the explosion area by an additional 10%.
    • Harmless Takodachis remain on the field and follow all the behaviors of the target that they were converted from.
    • Harmless Takodachis are invincible, cannot attack, and follow Ina at 55% SPD Icon.pngSPD.
    • Harmless Takodachis do not expire, even if they were previously part of a timed event spawn.

Other effects

Flat character bonus

Ninomae Ina'nis is affected by the Flat character bonus of Cutting Board Icon.pngCutting Board, and the reduced bonus for Absolute Wall Icon.pngAbsolute Wall and Flattening Board Icon.pngFlattening Board, increasing their projectiles' size.

Overview and Tips

  • Featuring low CRT Icon.pngCRT and no critical hit skills, Ina suffers little from the critical hit penalty of Gorilla's Paw Icon.pngGorilla's Paw.


The following outfits are available for Ina:

Idle Run Description
Ninomae Ina'nis IdleAnim.gif Ninomae Ina'nis RunAnim.gif Original outfit. (Unlocked by default.)
Ninomae Ina'nis O1 IdleAnim.gif Ninomae Ina'nis O1 RunAnim.gif Casual outfit.
Ninomae Ina'nis O2 IdleAnim.gif Ninomae Ina'nis O2 RunAnim.gif Formal outfit.
Ninomae Ina'nis O3 IdleAnim.gif Ninomae Ina'nis O3 RunAnim.gif New Year outfit.
Ninomae Ina'nis O4 IdleAnim.gif Ninomae Ina'nis O4 RunAnim.gif Gamer outfit.


For the full list of changes, see Changelog.

0.6 Release
  • Chain Tentacles damage has been increased.
    • Chain tentacle damage increased from 60% to 85% of main tentacle's damage.
  • The Forbidden Wah Icon.pngThe Forbidden Wah's damage multiplier has been increased.
    • From 1.5x/1.75x/2x to 2x/3x/4x.
  • The size of The Ancient One Icon.pngThe Ancient One's conversion area has been increased.
    • Area increased by 25% on all levels.
  • The chance of the Ancient One's conversion has been increased.
    • From 30%/40%/50% to 25%/50%/75%.
  • The damage of the Ancient One if converstion fails has been increased.
    • Increased from 125% (11 – 15) to 100%/150%/200% (8 – 12/13 – 17/18 – 22).
  • The Void Icon.pngThe Void now has an added ability to convert Takodachis.
    • 20% chance to convert targets with less than 20% health remaining.
  • Tako Spin Icon.pngTako Spin damage increased from 180% (16 – 20) to 210% (19 – 23). [Undocumented]
0.5 Release
  • The Ancient One Icon.pngThe Ancient One is now a Summoned companion.
    • Ancient One's zone now also deals damage if conversion fails.
  • Behavior of Harmless Takodachis have changed and new effects added.
    • They will now stack with each other, and deal AoE damage to enemies when defeated, depending on stack size.
    • They will now heal flat HP amounts, depending on stack size, instead of 1% each.
  • Cult Icon.pngCult skill has been removed.
  • New skill has been added to replace "Cult"
    • The Forbidden Wah Icon.pngThe Forbidden Wah - "If any attack hits more than 4 times or 4 targets, every 4th hit will deal 1.5x/1.75x/2x damage."
  • Summon Tentacle Awakened Icon.pngSummon Tentacle awakened now spawns 3 additional tentacles instead of 1. [Undocumented]
0.4 Release
  • Summon Tentacle Icon.pngSummon Tentacle increased hit rate, now hits twice as often
    • HitCD reduced from 60 to 20.
  • Summon Tentacle damage lowered by about 20%
    • Damage reduced from 150% to 120%.
  • The Void Icon.pngThe Void now deals damage per 1 second. Level 1 and 2 now also deals damage
    • Damage from 0%/0%/75% to 50%/75%/100% (level 3 damage increased)
    • Decreased the slow debuff of The Void from 20%/25%/30% to 10%/15%/20%. [Undocumented]
  • All levels of The Ancient One Icon.pngThe Ancient One converted Harmless Takodachis now heal Ina.
0.3 Release
  • Initial release


  • The Ancient One Icon.pngThe Ancient One refers to the strange, eldritch book found by Ina in her lore.
    • Ina nicknamed the tome "AO-chan."
    • AO takes its print book form in HoloCure.
    • In Ina's lore, she later converted AO to a tablet by uploading its contents to the internet (for her convenience).[1]
  • The Harmless Takodachis generated by Ina's abilities are octopus-like void creatures native to her lore.[2]
    • Ina's fans are also known as Takodachi.
    • The name "Takodachi" is a Japanese portmanteau of "Tako" ("octopus") and "Tomodachi" ("friend").
  • The Forbidden Wah Icon.pngThe Forbidden Wah, also known as "The 4th Wah," refers to a running joke among Ina's fandom where saying Ina's signature "Wah" greeting four times in a row is said to have unspeakably cursed consequences (specifically, due to the acronymic possibilities[3]).
    • "The 4th Wah" gained further notoriety during Ina's extended hiatus in late 2022 with the #4thWah Twitter hashtag, which became the main hashtag for risque/NSFW art of Ina.
    • The use of a crowbar for the "4th Wah attack" is based on Ina's usage of crowbars on various streams, whether directly or as merely a threat.[4]
  • Prior to update 0.5, Ina had the Cult Icon.pngCult ability instead of The Forbidden Wah Icon.pngThe Forbidden Wah.
    • Cult Icon.pngCult improved Ina's attack against nearby enemies.
    • Cult Icon.pngCult was a reference to Ina's fanbase, collectively called the Tentacult.
  • In earlier versions, picking up a Harmless Takodachi triggered an enemy hit against the player.
    • Older iterations of Piki Piki Piman Icon.pngPiki Piki Piman (+Special Meter on damage) and Plushie Icon.pngPlushie (+invulnerability on damage) could be triggered by Harmless Takodachis frequently, allowing Ina to survive later waves with ease. In fact, dying could become more difficult than surviving, causing game end rewards to be blocked. This interaction, known as "Ina Lock", was acknowledged by the developer as a bug[5] and was fixed in version 0.4.
    • After being updated, Harmless Takodachi conversion is now a healing effect.


  1. Ninomae, I. (2021, May 5). 【NEW OUTFIT REVEAL】 The Joy of Tako #fashionINAsta.
  2. Ninomae, I. (2021, July 30). 【SOMA】 No Food Wars Here 【#2】.
  3. Vaan Ch.. The Fourth WAH, The Forbidden WAH.
  4. Vaan Ch. (2021/09/14). Did I Just See A Crowbar!?.
  5. Kay Yu. Tweet by @kaynimatic. “The exploit that allows for the inalock is a bug that will absolutely get fixed”