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Enemy lists
Shrimp.gif Stage 1
Sukonbu.gif Stage 2
Matsurisu.gif Stage 3
Moonafic.gif Stage 4
Nousagi.gif Stage 5
Dark Shrimp.gif Stage 1 (Hard)
Kuro Sukonbu.gif Stage 2 (Hard)
Matsurisu3.gif Stage 3 (Hard)
Moonafic VIP.gif Stage 4 (Hard)
Otaku Green.gif Time Stage 1

As the player progresses through the game, different enemies or fans, also referred to as "targets", will appear and make attempts to deal contact damage. Some are capable of additional attacks while others only appear in time events in a fixed formation. Stronger boss-type variants will also appear now and then.

Enemies have a small chance to drop a Fan Letter once the feature is unlocked from the shop.


In general, enemies will move towards the player at their designated movement speed. When an enemy collides with the player's collision box, the player will take damage according to the enemy's ATK Icon.pngATK stat. During this time, the enemy will attack every time its attack cooldown is over.

The enemy defeated counter will increase by one when the player defeats an enemy.

Some enemies have a set maximum lifetime. When this time is up, the enemy will automatically be "defeated". Enemies whose lifetimes expire do not drop pickups, nor count for the total enemies defeated counter.


When an enemy is defeated, it may drop any combination of the following:

Drop item Drop chance Drop increase method(s)
Amount Rate
EXP Icon.pngEXP 1/1 Enemy's EXP stat
Study Glasses Icon.pngStudy Glasses
EXP Gain Up Icon.pngEXP Gain Up
Food Icon.pngFood 1/200 - Uber Sheep Icon.pngUber Sheep
Food Drops Up Icon.pngFood Drops Up
Yummy Icon.pngYummy
HoloCoin Icon.png10 HoloCoins 1/90 Super Chatto Time! Icon.pngSuper Chatto Time!
Money Gain Up Icon.pngMoney Gain Up
Fruit Sandwich Icon.pngFruit Sandwich
Stage multiplier
AnvilTransparent.png Anvil 1/1301 - Credit Card Icon.pngCredit Card
ExpMagnet.gif EXP Magnet 1/3000 - Super Study Glasses Icon.pngSuper Study Glasses


Some attacks apply a knockback effect to enemies hit by it. When an enemy is knocked back, it travels in the opposite direction based on the speed and duration of the knockback effect. If at any point during the knockback duration the enemy collides with another enemy or an environment obstacle (e.g. fences), the knockback immediately stops (the other enemy knockback is also stopped, in the case of colliding with another enemy).

All enemies have some level of knockback resistance. Knockback resistance reduces the strength of the knockback effect by multiplying the knockback speed by 1kbResistance%/100%. Whenever an enemy is hit by knockback, they will gain an additional 10% knockback resistance, stacking up to 90%. Knockback resistance resets if the enemy has not been hit by a knockback in the last 10 seconds. Some attacks, mainly characters' Special Attacks, can ignore this knockback resistance system. There are also some variations of enemies (mainly bosses) that are completely immune to knockback effects, including effects that ignore knockback resistance.

There are few effects that can increase the knockback effect. The "+Knockback Effect" enchantment strengthens the knockback of non-main weapons that already apply a knockback. Similarly, Knockback Stamp Icon.pngKnockback Stamp improve's the knockback of main weapons with a knockback effect. Lastly, Knightly Milk Icon.pngKnightly Milk item increases the knockback of all weapons that are capable of knocking back.

List of effects that apply a knockback
Name Type Level Knockback speed Knockback duration Ignores knockback resistance
Summon Tentacle Icon.pngSummon Tentacle Main Weapon 6 5 5 (0.08 s) No
Tako Spin Icon.pngTako Spin Special - 2 20 (0.33 s) Yes
Phoenix Fire Icon.pngPhoenix Fire Special - 0 (0 s) Yes
Play Dice Icon.pngPlay Dice Main Weapon 6 3 12 (0.2 s) No
Orbit Icon.pngOrbit Main Weapon 6 0 (0 s) No
Become Beeg Icon.pngBecome Beeg Special - 10 10 (0.17 s) Yes
Hatotaurus Icon.pngHatotaurus Special - 2 3 (0.05 s) Yes
Bright Star Icon.pngBright Star Main Weapon 1 1 5 (0.08 s) No
Sakura Gohei Icon.pngSakura Gohei Main Weapon 1 4 10 (0.17 s) No
Red Heart Icon.pngRed Heart Main Weapon 1 5 5 (0.08 s) No
Change of Heart Icon.pngChange of Heart Special - 10 10 (0.17 s) Yes
Ebifrion Icon.pngEbifrion Main Weapon 7 20 25 (0.42 s) No
WASSHOI! Icon.pngWASSHOI! Special - 0 (0 s) Yes
Baseball Pitch Icon.pngBaseball Pitch Main Weapon 4 2 4 (0.07 s) No
Duck Shout Icon.pngDuck Shout Special - 4 4 (0.07 s) Yes
KusogaKick Icon.pngKusogaKick Special - 15 20 (0.33 s) Yes
Cleaning Broom Icon.pngCleaning Broom Main Weapon 3 10 5 (0.08 s) No
NEKO Icon.pngNEKO Special - 12 12 (0.2 s) Yes
Moon Goddess Icon.pngMoon Goddess Special - 0 (0 s) Yes
Charge Rifle Icon.pngCharge Rifle Special - 1 2 (0.03 s) Yes
Keris Icon.pngKeris Main Weapon 7 0 (0 s) No
Umbrella Icon.pngUmbrella Main Weapon 4 3 3 (0.05 s) No
Blacksmith Hammer Icon.pngBlacksmith Hammer Main Weapon 5 5 5 (0.08 s) No
The Rarest Material Icon.pngThe Rarest Material Special - 5 10 (0.17 s) Yes
Silencer Pistol Icon.pngSilencer Pistol Main Weapon 5 3 3 (0.05 s) No
BL Book Icon.pngBL Book Basic Weapon 1 2 5 (0.08 s) No
Bounce Ball Icon.pngBounce Ball Basic Weapon 4 3 0 (0 s) No
Cutting Board Icon.pngCutting Board Basic Weapon 1 7 20 (0.33 s) No
Fan Beam Icon.pngFan Beam Basic Weapon 1 15 10 (0.17 s) No
Plug Type Asacoco Icon.pngPlug Type Asacoco Basic Weapon 6 7 15 (0.25 s) No
Sausage Icon.pngSausage Basic Weapon 3 5 5 (0.08 s) No
Spider Cooking Icon.pngSpider Cooking Basic Weapon 7 3 8 (0.13 s) No
Wamy Water Icon.pngWamy Water Basic Weapon 1 5 10 (0.17 s) No
Absolute Wall Icon.pngAbsolute Wall Collab - 16 15 (0.25 s) No
Curse Ball Icon.pngCurse Ball Collab - 5 7 (0.12 s) No
Dragon Fire Icon.pngDragon Fire Collab - 1 3 (0.05 s) No
I'm Die, Thank You Forever Icon.pngI'm Die, Thank You Forever Collab - 0 (0 s) No
Idol Concert Icon.pngIdol Concert Collab - 3 7 (0.12 s) No
Legendary Sausage Icon.pngLegendary Sausage Collab - 4 4 (0.07 s) No
Holy Fire Icon.pngHoly Fire Super Collab - 3 5 (0.08 s) No
Idol Live Icon.pngIdol Live Super Collab - 0 (0 s) No
Knockback Stamp Icon.pngKnockback Stamp Stamp - 5 5 (0.08 s) No
Headphones Icon.pngHeadphones Item - 10 10 (0.17 s) No
+Knockback Effect Enchantment - 4 4 (0.07 s) No

Special enemies


These self-destructive enemies warn the player with a red circle when the player approaches them, and after a set time, they explode within the radius of the circle, and cause damage. Some examples are the SSRB.gif SSRBs in Stage 2 and Oruyanke 2x.gif Oruyanke in Stage 2 (Hard). Stats of these enemies depends on the exact time that they spawn:

[Toggle display]
ATK = 2 + minutesTimer * 0.15
SPD = 0.35 + 0.015 * minutesTimer
HP = round(4^(3.6 + minutesTimer/8.5) - 127)
expValue = round(5^(1 + (minuteTimer + secondTimer /30)/25))

where minuteTimer and secondTimer is the minute and second component of the timer respectively.


These enemies act as rangers, which move slowly (or not at all), and shoot ranged attacks against the player, in the form of danmaku-style bullets. Some examples are the Rooted Sapling.png Saplings in Stage 1 (Hard) and Shiokko2.gif Shiokko in Stage 3. The stats of these enemies depends on the exact time that they spawn:

[Toggle display]
ATK = 2 + minutesTimer * 0.8
SPD = 0.35 + 0.015 * minutesTimer
HP = round (4^(3.6 + minutesTimer/8.5) - 127)
expValue = round (5^(1 + (minuteTimer + secondTimer / 30) / 25))

where minuteTimer and secondTimer is the minute and second component of the timer respectively.


These ramming enemies display a warning indicator in the form of two large red exclamation points ( !! ) along with an audio cue. Immediately after, they will quickly charge towards the last known location of the player character. Some examples are the Rosetai4.gif Rosetai and Thicc Bubba.gif Thicc Bubbas in Stage 3 (Hard).

Area effect enemies

These enemies periodically apply an effect within a certain radius, either to the player or to other enemies. Currently, all are variations of the Otaku enemy.

Otaku Green.gif Restores the HP of other enemies.
Otaku Red.gif Applies an ATK debuff to the player.
Otaku Blue.gif Applies a SPD debuff to the player.

It is recommended to defeat these enemies quickly, as several of them hiding within a large group of enemies can quickly overwhelm an unprepared player.


Mini-boss and Boss enemies generally behave the same way as regular enemies. The key difference between them are their (usually doubled) size, vastly increased stats, and the amount of drops they provide. These enemies are also immune to all instant KO effects, and some are completely immune to knockback effects. Mini-bosses spawn every 2 minutes, while main bosses spawn every 10 minutes. The amount of boss and mini-boss enemies defeated are one of the variables used when calculating the final score.

If a mini-boss or boss is a Bomber, its stats depends on the exact time that they spawn:

[Toggle display]
ATK = 2 + 0.225 * minutesTimer
SPD = 0.42 + 0.018 * minutesTimer
HP = round(1000+1000^(1 + minutesTimer/25)
expValue = round(750^(1 + minutesTimer/60 ))

where minuteTimer and secondTimer is the minute and second component of the timer respectively.

Harmless enemies

Harmless Takodachis

Harmless Takodachis of various sizes

Ninomae Ina'nis Icon.pngNinomae Ina'nis' skill The Ancient One Icon.pngThe Ancient One is capable of converting enemies into Harmless Takodachis. When an enemy is converted, the enemy is replaced with a ghost-version of the Takodachi.gif Takodachi enemy. These enemies behave like a regular Takodachi enemy, except it cannot take damage through any other method but colliding with the player character, upon which it is instantly defeated.

Harmless Takodachis can stack by colliding with each other, forming bigger Harmless Takodachis. Touching a Harmless Takodachi will heal the player for 1HP per stack, and deal AoE damage based on its size. They can drop EXP, HoloCoins, or Food upon defeat. They are still considered enemies by the game, which causes on-target weapons, like Plug Type Asacoco Icon.pngPlug Type Asacoco or Flattening Board Icon.pngFlattening Board, to target Harmless Takodachis.

Silver YAGOOs

Added in Version 0.5, Silver YAGOOs are harmless enemies that hop around quickly and drop HoloCoins whenever they are hit. There is a 30% chance for a Silver YAGOO to spawn on a certain time period on any map.

Although they technically have extremely high HP, they will vanish after receiving enough hits, and drop a random Stamp. Otherwise, they will disappear after 25 seconds.

Silver YAGOO spawn time and max amt. of coin drop
(not incl. Halu, Shop upgrades and Holozon Box)
Stage Timestamp Amount of coins
Grassy Plains 3:00
Holo Office 3:00
Halloween Castle 3:30
Gelora Bung Yagoo 3:XX
Fantasy Island
Grassy Plains (Night) 3:XX
Holo Office (Evening) 3:00
Halloween Castle (Myth) 3:00
Gelora Bung Yagoo (Night)

Golden YAGOOs

Added in version 0.4, Golden YAGOOs are harmless enemies that hop around quickly and drop HoloCoins whenever they are hit. There is a 20% chance for a Golden YAGOO to randomly spawn on any map at certain timestamps, listed below.

Although they technically have extremely high HP, they will vanish after receiving enough hits, and drop a massive amount of HoloCoins and a Holozon Box. Otherwise, they will disappear after 25 seconds.

Golden YAGOO spawn time and max amt. of coin drop
(not incl. Halu, Shop upgrades and Holozon Box)
Stage Timestamp Amount of coins
Grassy Plains 5:00 400
15:30 1,800
Holo Office 5:00 480
15:00 2,160
Halloween Castle 5:00 520
15:00 2,340
Gelora Bung Yagoo 5:XX 560
15:XX 2340
Fantasy Island
Grassy Plains (Night) 5:00 560
16:00 2,520
Holo Office (Evening) 5:00 600
15:15 2,700
Halloween Castle (Myth) 5:00 640
15:XX 2,880
Gelora Bung Yagoo (Night)


The game follows certain rules when attempting to spawn enemies.

Spawn pool

Throughout the run, the game will keep adding and removing enemies from the spawn pool. These enemies are then selected at random based on their spawn weight, with enemies that weigh more being spawned more often.

Spawn rate

This determines how many enemies can appear on screen at once. This value changes throughout the run.

Enemy level

This determines which variation of the enemy is going to be spawned. In a time event, enemies could spawn with their original stats, or with modified stats (signified by an "override" command in the code).

Example Deadbeat enemy with five levels.
Level Sprite HP ATK SPD EXP value Other features
Level 1
40 4 0.4 7
Level 2
150 7 0.6 9
Level 3
Riot Deadbeat.gif
380 5 0.65 8 Immune to knockback
Level 4
80 7 1.0 8
Level 5
1500 20 0.1 4

Spawn cooldown

This determines how fast the game will spawn enemies.

Maximum enemy limit

This determines how many enemies are allowed to be spawned at any given time. The game will stop periodically spawning enemies when this value is reached. However, enemies spawned via time events (including bosses) will still be spawned. This value changes throughout the run.

Timed events

For a list of timed events for each stage, visit that stage's enemy page.

These are events that trigger based on the current time. When the specified time is reached, the game forcibly spawns enemies in the given pattern, amount, and size. Spawn rate and enemy limits are often modified during these events as well. Timed events can also control the spawned enemies' stats like HP, ATK, SPD, EXP, and lifetime.

Spawn pattern

For a full list of spawn pattern in each stage's timed events, visit that stage's enemy page.

This determines how enemies are spawned. Periodical spawning simply spawns in a random pattern while timed events can spawn with different patterns (see below).

  • Cluster - Large groups of enemies spawn together, but otherwise behave normally with no adjustments to behavior or stats.
  • Horde - Large amounts of enemies move at very high speeds to catch the player off-guard. However, they charge in a straight line, meaning that the player can avoid most of them by stepping out of the way. The enemies within the horde usually have very low HP and EXP drops. Hordes are a good way to trigger On Defeat effects such as the Nurse's Horn's healing effects.
    • Horde Rush - A variation of the Horde where hordes are spawned rapidly, quickly filling the entire screen with hordes. This version is usually announced by an alert indicator.
  • Ring - Enemies spawn surrounding the player, forming a ring shape. The enemies usually creep in to trap the player but there are cases where the ring simply acts as a barrier to prevent the player's safe escape.
  • Wall - Walls of enemies appear in straight vertical or horizontal lines, usually on both sides of the screen. Sometimes they appear at the same time, forming a box shape. The enemies may move towards the player at varying speeds, or simply stand still.
    • Stampede - A variation of the Wall in which the enemies are spawned in a linear formation but are much faster than regular walls. Stampedes are always announced by a quick alert indicator revealing which direction they will appear from. They will also usually have holes in the formation where players can fit through.
      • Wave - A variation of the Stampede where enemies fly rapidly across the screen in a sine-wave pattern in an attempt to confuse the player.
  • Airdrop - Before spawning, a red circle appears, followed by a damage burst as an enemy is spawned in, similar in fashion to Bomber-type enemies. Airdrops can occur either in a coherent formation, as a random scatter around the player, or by attempting to spawn directly on top of the player which necessitates moving out of the way.
  • Fastball - An enemy turns itself into a projectile aimed at the player, signified with with a red line spanning across the screen. In harder stages, these appear rapidly and in copious amounts.
  • Ambush - A combination of Airdrop and Fastball, where enemies drop in at select spots and immediately charge up to ram the player.

Enemy power scaling

For a list of enemies' base stats for each stage, visit that stage's enemy page.

Enemy stats calculation depends on their base stats and how long the run have been going.[1]

Time scaling

The game calculates two following values:

[Toggle display]
a = max(0, minuteTimer - 23) + 37 * hourTimer

where minuteTimer and hourTimer as in the minute and hour component of the timer respectively.

For example, if a run is at 2 hour 30 minute, then minuteTimer = 30 and hourTimer = 2a = 81

[Toggle display]
b = minutesPast30 + 60 * hourPast1

where minutesPast30 and hourPast1 are the total full minutes passed since the 30:00 marks and total full hours passes since 1:00:00 respectively. If time is less than 30:00 (less than 1 hour), then minutesPast30 (hourPast1) = 0.

For example:

  1. If a run is at 2 hour 45 minute, then minutesPast30 = 135 and hourPast1 = 1 ⇒ b = 195.
  2. If a run is at 0 hour 25 minute, then minutesPast30 = hourPast1 = 0, therefore b = 0.

Stats scaling

Enemies' ATK, SPD and HP stats are calculated every minute based on these following formulas:

[Toggle display]
ATK = (baseATK + 2a )^(1+b/25)
SPD=(baseSPD+0.12a)(1+b25)(300 maximum)
SPD = (baseSPD + 0.12a)^(1 + b/25) (300 maximum)
HP = (baseHP + baseHP * 0.05 * a)^(1 + b/50)

Formulas for a and b are mentioned in Time Scaling.


Based on the formulas, a stage could be divided into three phases:

  • Pre-Endgame (Before 23:00): a and b are both equal to 0, enemy stats are essentially equal to their base stats.
  • Endgame (23:00 - 30:00): a is now larger than 0, enemy stats are increased gradually through time.
  • Kill screen (After 30:00): b is now larger than 0, Spawn pool are totally replaced with YAGOOs, enemy stats skyrocket every minute.

List of enemies

For a list of enemies that appear in a certain stage, click on that respective stage name.
List of stages in Holocure
Stage no. Normal mode Hard mode
Stage 1 Grassy Plains Grassy Plains (Night)
Stage 2 Holo Office Holo Office (Evening)
Stage 3 Halloween Castle Halloween Castle (Myth)
Stage 4 Gelora Bung Yagoo Gelora Bung Yagoo (Night)
Stage 5 Fantasy Island
Time Stage 1 Concert Stage


  • According to Kay Yu, the lead developer of Holocure, the difficulty for Normal stages onward will be no more than Stage 2 while Hard mode stages will continue to keep climbing in difficulty.[2]
  • Aside from major bosses and YAGOO, all enemies in game are supposed to represent the fans of Hololive members. However, not all enemy designs are actually fan mascots. This is due to either the member not having a canon fan mascot design or the dev team not being aware of said design. As a result, some of the enemies are either based on other mascots created/associate with a member or are created by the dev team.
