Yozora Mel

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Yozora Mel is one of the playable characters in HoloCure - Save the Fans!. She belongs to the group JP Gen 1 and can be unlocked through the Character Gacha. Her Main Weapon is Kapu Kapu Icon.pngKapu Kapu, her Special Attack is Banpire Icon.pngBanpire, and she has three other unique skills: Mel Mel Cooking Icon.pngMel Mel Cooking, Genius Vampire Icon.pngGenius Vampire, and Acerola Juice Icon.pngAcerola Juice.

Mel, alongside the rest of JP Gen 1 and JP Gen 2, was added to the game in Version 0.5.

Main Weapon

Kapu Kapu
Weapon Frame.png
Kapu Kapu Icon.png
Level 1
Bite targets in front.
Level 2
Each bite can steal the life of the target, healing 5% HP.
Level 3
Increase size of bite by 15%.
Level 4
Increase damage by 20%.
Level 5
Reduce time between attacks by 15%.
Level 6
Increase damage by 25%.
Level MAX
Take a second, larger bite.
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Level 1
150% (13 – 17)
Attack time:
80 (1.33 s)
Hit limit:
Hit cooldown:
30 (0.5 s)
First bite:
Second bite:

Level 2
150% (13 – 17)
Attack time:
80 (1.33 s)
Hit limit:
Hit cooldown:
30 (0.5 s)
First bite:
Second bite:

Level 3
150% (13 – 17)
Attack time:
80 (1.33 s)
Hit limit:
Hit cooldown:
30 (0.5 s)
First bite:
Second bite:

Level 4
180% (16 – 20)
Attack time:
80 (1.33 s)
Hit limit:
Hit cooldown:
30 (0.5 s)
First bite:
Second bite:

Level 5
180% (16 – 20)
Attack time:
68 (1.13 s)
Hit limit:
Hit cooldown:
30 (0.5 s)
First bite:
Second bite:

Level 6
225% (20 – 25)
Attack time:
68 (1.13 s)
Hit limit:
Hit cooldown:
30 (0.5 s)
First bite:
Second bite:

Level 7
225% (20 – 25)
Attack time:
68 (1.13 s)
Hit limit:
Hit cooldown:
30 (0.5 s)
First bite:
Second bite:

Up to date with version 0.6.1692275570

Special Attack

Skill Frame.png
Banpire Icon.png
100 seconds
Mel becomes banned for 4 seconds. All targets are frozen, and any non-boss targets close to Mel are banned from existence.
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Level 1
200% (18 – 22)
Attack count:
Hit limit:
Hit cooldown:
30 (0.5 s)
240 (4 s)

Up to date with version 0.6.1692275570
  • BANNED targets are instantly defeated. EXP Icon.pngEXP and other pickups are dropped normally.
  • BANNED is ineffective against YAGOOs. However, they can still be frozen.


Mel Mel Cooking
Skill Frame.png
Mel Mel Cooking Icon.png
Level 1
Every 15 seconds, scatter 3 Mel Mel Cooking. Closeby targets will slowly move towards the cooking to eat it, which deals slow damage. Mel can also eat her own cooking to heal for 4 HP.
Level 2
Every 15 seconds, scatter 4 Mel Mel Cooking. Closeby targets will slowly move towards the cooking to eat it, which deals slow damage. Mel can also eat her own cooking to heal for 6 HP.
Level MAX
Every 15 seconds, scatter 5 Mel Mel Cooking. Closeby targets will slowly move towards the cooking to eat it, which deals slow damage. Mel can also eat her own cooking to heal for 8 HP.
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Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Up to date with version 0.6.1692275570
  • Bosses are fully affected by this effect.
  • Enemies from quick time events are not attracted by the food, but will take damage from it.
Genius Vampire
Skill Frame.png
Genius Vampire Icon.png
Level 1
On Life-steal heals, create 1 Bat that flies to the closest target to deal 120% damage.
Level 2
On Life-steal heals, create 2 Bats that flies to the closest target to deal 120% damage.
Level MAX
On Life-steal heals, create 3 Bats that flies to the closest target to deal 120% damage.
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Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Up to date with version 0.6.1692275570
Acerola Juice
Skill Frame.png
Acerola Juice Icon.png
Level 1
When eating food, Mel drinks Acerola Juice, gaining 30% ATK and SPD for 5 seconds. The next 4 main weapon attacks will have Life-steal.
Level 2
When eating food, Mel drinks Acerola Juice, gaining 40% ATK and SPD for 5 seconds. The next 6 main weapon attacks will have Life-steal.
Level MAX
When eating food, Mel drinks Acerola Juice, gaining 50% ATK and SPD for 5 seconds. The next 8 main weapon attacks will have Life-steal.
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Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Up to date with version 0.6.1692275570

Overview and Tips


The following outfits are available for Mel:

Idle Run Description
Yozora Mel IdleAnim.gif Yozora Mel RunAnim.gif 3D outfit. Unlocked by default.
Yozora Mel O1 IdleAnim.gif Yozora Mel O1 RunAnim.gif Third 2D outfit.
Yozora Mel O2 IdleAnim.gif Yozora Mel O2 RunAnim.gif Fourth 2D outfit.


For the full list of changes, see Changelog.

0.7 Release
  • Acerola Juice Icon.pngAcerola Juice now only adds Life Steal on the main weapon. Amount of life steal is increased.
0.6 Release
  • Fixed Banpire Icon.pngBanpire description incorrectly showing the duration at 7 seconds (instead of 4). [Undocumented]
0.5 Release
  • Initial release.


  • Yozora Mel is one of the playable characters based on retired hololive members (See: retired members).
    • Her contract was terminated on 16 January 2024.
  • Kapu Kapu Icon.pngKapu Kapu is as reference to Mel's opening greeting KonKapu.
    • Kapu is the Japanese onomatopoeia for a biting/nibling sound.
  • Banpire Icon.pngBanpire is a reference to the fact that Mel's YouTube channel had been banned multiple times, supposedly for producing content that was too risqué for the platform.
    • The most notable of these incidents, and the one that popularized the "Banpire" nickname, was during her comeback stream after an extended hiatus where she got banned four times in a row.[1]
The original Mel Mel cooking
  • Mel Mel Cooking Icon.pngMel Mel Cooking comes from a video where Mel created a dish that many have said could rival some of Haachama's more insane food creations. The icon in particular represents her ungodly concoction of potato chips, ketchup, mayonnaise, chuno sauce, jelly yogurt, acerola juice, curry, rice, cotton candy, and Coca Cola - all mixed together and served with quail eggs as topping.[2][3]
  • Genius Vampire Icon.pngGenius Vampire gets its name from Mel commonly stating she's a genius vampire in her intro.[1]
  • Acerola Juice Icon.pngAcerola Juice is a reference to the fact that, despite being a vampire, Mel doesn't actually like drinking blood and indeed reacts with revulsion to it.[4] Instead, she prefers to drink Acerola juice.[1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Cover Corp. Talents - Yozora Mel.
  2. Yozora Mel (2020-07-20). 【料理】Vtuberチップスで料理!【ホロライブ/夜空メル】.
  3. Kiriku Translation (2020-07-22). Yozora Mel Bizzare Cooking Adventure【Hololive English Sub】.
  4. hololive ホロライブ - VTuber Group (2021-09-12). [Anime] Danger: Sharp Objects.