Chicken's Feather

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Chicken's Feather is an item in HoloCure - Save the Fans!. It is unlocked by completing the Phoenix Sword Icon.pngChicken Down achievement, which requires surviving for at least 10 minutes in a single run with Takanashi Kiara Icon.pngTakanashi Kiara. Players will receive the achievement whether they win or lose the run.

Chicken's Feather adds revive chance(s), as well as upon reviving heals the player and defeats all non-boss enemies.


Chicken's Feather
Item Frame.png
Chicken's Feather Icon.png
Level 1
Gain 1 revive. On revive, instantly heal 50% HP and all non-Boss targets are defeated.
Level 2
Gain 2 revives. On revive, instantly heal 50% HP and all non-Boss targets are defeated.
Level MAX
Gain 3 revives. On revive, instantly heal 50% HP and all non-Boss targets are defeated.
Super Chicken's Feather
Item Frame.png
Super Chicken's Feather Icon.png
Level MAX
Gain 5 revives. On each revive, permanently gain +20%/+10% to ATK/SPD respectively, instantly heal 50% HP, and all non-Boss targets are defeated.


  • Grants a total of 3 revives at max level (5 for the Super version).
  • If the player's health drops to 0, a prompt will appear asking the player whether they want to revive or not.
    • The remaining number of revives are shown before using revive, such that reviving with "Remaining Revives: 1" leaves zero revives remaining.
  • The item remains in the inventory even after all revives are consumed.


For the full list of changes, see Changelog.

0.5 Release
  • Added Super variant
0.4 Release


  • The Chicken's Feather is a reference to people referring to Takanashi Kiara Icon.pngKiara as a chicken instead of a phoenix.[1]
  • The item was datamined from the game code before its full implementation in version 0.4.[2]
