GWS Pill

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GWS Pill is an item in HoloCure - Save the Fans!. It is unlocked by completing the Went Too Halu Icon.pngWent Too Halu achievement, which requires losing a run while using the Halu Icon.pngHalu item.

GWS Pill increases CRT Icon.pngCRT while the Special Meter is charging, as well as the damage of Skill attacks.


GWS Pill
Item Frame.png
GWS Pill Icon.png
Level 1
While the Special meter is still charging, increase crit by 15%. Also increase damage of all Skill attacks by 20%.
Level 2
While the Special meter is still charging, increase crit by 20%. Also increase damage of all Skill attacks by 30%.
Level MAX
While the Special meter is still charging, increase crit by 25%. Also increase damage of all Skill attacks by 40%.


  • GWS Pill is best used on characters with slow-charging Special attacks, such as Hakos Baelz Icon.pngHakos Baelz, Ouro Kronii Icon.pngOuro Kronii, Shirakami Fubuki Icon.pngShirakami Fubuki, etc.
  • GWS Pill synergizes well with Hope Soda Icon.pngHope Soda, as that item increases the charging time of the Special Meter, allowing GWS Pill's effect to last longer. The CRT bonus also offers more opportunities for Hope Soda's CRT Damage Icon.pngCRT Damage bonus to apply.
  • Fittingly, this item is very useful for Pavolia Reine Icon.pngPavolia Reine. Her Special attack "stores" 5x Tonjok Icon.png5 charges of Tonjok to be used at any time after, so the player can use it liberally to maximize the GWS Pill's uptime. The CRT Icon.pngCRT bonus also synergizes with Reine's own skills.
  • Skill Damage bonus can be stacked with Beetle Icon.pngBeetle for a minimum possible bonus of +140% Skill Damage.


For the full list of changes, see Changelog.

0.7 Release
  • Additional effect has been added. GWS Pill now also increases the damage of all Skill attacks.
0.4 Release


  • "GWS" stands for "Get Well Soon" in English, but has a connotation of "getting over one's delusions" in Indonesian slang. This item is a reference to hololive Indonesia's Pavolia Reine Icon.pngPavolia Reine, as she frequently responds to pick-up line Superchats with that phrase.
  • The item getting unlocked after dying with Halu Icon.pngHalu also ties into how both phrases are used to shoot down deluded fans.