Ninja Headband

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Ninja Headband is an item in HoloCure - Save the Fans!. It is unlocked by completing the Path of Sincerity Icon.pngOtsucrazy! achievement, which requires surviving for at least 10 minutes in a single run with Kureiji Ollie Icon.pngKureiji Ollie. Players will receive the achievement whether they win or lose the run.

Ninja Headband increases SPD Icon.pngSpeed and the damage done by MeleeMelee Weapons.


Ninja Headband
Item Frame.png
Ninja Headband Icon.png
Level 1
Increase SPD by 20%. In addition, increase damage of Melee weapons by 5%.
Level 2
Increase SPD by 30%. In addition, increase damage of Melee weapons by 10%.
Level MAX
Increase SPD by 40%. In addition, increase damage of Melee weapons by 15%.


  • The damage bonus from Ninja Headband is applied as an on-hit effect, after the total damage of the attack has been calculated.


For the full list of changes, see Changelog.


Ollie's kimono outfit, featuring the headband.
  • The Ninja Headband's design is based off the Japanese hitai-ate, AKA forehead protector, which is a headband with a metal plate protecting the forehead. Forehead protectors were popularized by the manga/anime title Naruto as standard issue equipment among the story's shinobi characters.
  • Hololive Indonesia 2nd Generation Kureiji Ollie Icon.pngKureiji Ollie's New Year kimono outfit is a samurai/ninja-themed costume with a forehead protector, thus the association of the item with her character.