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Breastplate is an item in HoloCure - Save the Fans!. It is unlocked by completing the Muscle Icon.pngMuscle achievement, which requires taking at least 500 damage in a single run. Players will receive the achievement whether they win or lose the run.

Breastplate reduces damage taken at the cost of SPD Icon.pngspeed and grants a chance to deal counter-damage if the player is hit.


Item Frame.png
Breastplate Icon.png
Level 1
Reduce damage taken by 25% and SPD by 10%. When attacked there is a 50% chance the attacker also takes 200% damage.
Level 2
Reduce damage taken by 25% and SPD by 10%. When attacked there is a 60% chance the attacker also takes 250% damage.
Level MAX
Reduce damage taken by 25% and SPD by 10%. When attacked there is a 70% chance the attacker also takes 300% damage.
Super Breastplate
Item Frame.png
Super Breastplate Icon.png
Level MAX
Reduce damage taken by 30%. When attacked there is a 75% chance the attacker and all targets within 60px take 300% damage.


For the purposes of this item, "when attacked" means coming in contact with an enemy or an enemy attack, including projectiles.

  • Active items, skills, or Special Attacks will not interfere with Breastplate's activation. This means that counterattacks can still trigger while dodging or when invincible.
    • There is one exception: Stealth Mode Icon.pngStealth Mode prevents Breastplate from activating.
  • Enemy projectiles can trigger counterattacks regardless of distance.
  • Counterattacks can be critical hits.
  • The counterattack happens after damage is received, so it can't prevent damage by defeating an enemy.
  • Damage reduction stacks multiplicatively with other damage reduction effects.
  • Kusogaki Shackles Icon.pngKusogaki Shackles reduces this item's SPD Icon.pngSPD penalty, completely negating it at max level.


  • Breastplate can be central to really tanky builds that like to camp an open space within an otherwise cluttered stage and stay within their own AoE while constantly recovering HP.
  • Somewhat of a staple for "no move" runs, as boss-types defeated with counterattacks will drop their Holozon Box right on top of the player, allowing for it to be picked up without moving.
  • Unless planning to make extensive use of counterattacks, Membership Icon.pngMembership tends to be a better option.
  • Works best with characters who react positively to getting hit, either by healing, buffing, turning invincible or responding with a strong attack. Shirogane Noel Icon.pngShirogane Noel, the item's inspiration, works very well with this item.


For the full list of changes, see Changelog.

0.6 Release
  • Reduced SPD debuff from 20% to 10%.
  • Damage reduction has been increased to 25% to all levels.
  • Added Super variant. [Undocumented]
0.5 Release
