Energy Drink

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Energy Drink is an item in HoloCure - Save the Fans!. It is unlocked by completing the Scythe Swing Icon.pngI Like the Cotton Candy Flavor achievement, which requires surviving for at least 10 minutes in a single run with Mori Calliope Icon.pngMori Calliope. Players will receive the achievement whether they win or lose the run.

Energy Drink increases Haste Up Icon.pngHaste and SPD Icon.pngSPD, at the cost of HP Icon.pngMax HP.


Energy Drink
Item Frame.png
Energy Drink Icon.png
Level 1
Increase Haste by 10% and SPD by 40%, but reduce Max HP by 20% as well.
Level 2
Increase Haste by 15% and SPD by 50%, but reduce Max HP by 20% as well.
Level MAX
Increase Haste by 20% and SPD by 60%, but reduce Max HP by 20% as well.
Super Energy Drink
Item Frame.png
Super Energy Drink Icon.png
Level MAX
Increase Haste by 30% and SPD by 60%.


  • The reduction of Max HP applies to the Max HP you had when you picked up this item. As such, it will not affect the increase of Max HP gained from items such as Just Bandage Icon.pngJust Bandage or Piki Piki Piman Icon.pngPiki Piki Piman if they were picked up afterward.
    • However, leveling up Max HP Up Icon.pngMax HP Up does in fact take into account the reduction caused by Energy Drink. Instead of gaining Max HP equal to 10% of your base Max HP, you gain 8% of your original base Max HP.
    • Skills such as Choco Coronet Icon.pngChoco Coronet that temporarily increase your Max HP will be disregarded during reduction.
  • Kusogaki Shackles Icon.pngKusogaki Shackles reduces this item's HP reduction, completely negating it at max level.


For the full list of changes, see Changelog.

0.6 Release
  • Increased SPD bonuses by 10% for each level.
0.4 Release
  • Slightly boosted SPD gain.
    • From 20%/25%/30%/35%/40% to 30%/40%/50% (max level reduced to 3).
  • Now also increases Haste.
    • +10%/15%/25%
  • Decreased Max HP debuff from 25% to 20%. [Undocumented]
  • Added "Super" variant: "Increase Haste by 30% and SPD by 60%." [Undocumented]
0.3 Release
  • Initial release.

