Stage 2

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Stage 2 - Holo Office is the second Stage in HoloCure - Save the Fans!. It is unlocked by beating Stage 1. Enemies in this stage are based on Hololive GAMERS and JP Generation 0. The main bosses for this stage are Mikodanye and A-chan.

The HoloCoin multiplier for this stage is 1.2. The recommended shop upgrades are ATK Up Icon.png ATK Lv 2 and SPD Up Icon.png SPD Lv 2.

Enemy Composition

The names of these fans are inferred from their respective Fan Letter entries. The HoloCure Wiki adds additional descriptors to some fan names to help distinguish between fan variants.

The following is a list of fans that will appear in this stage, the times they appear, their base stats, and their associated fandom. Fan names marked in bold will drop Holozon Boxes when defeated.

For more information on individual fans and the hololive talents they are associated with, see the Trivia section.

Regular Enemies

Hardcore Icon.png Enemy Max HP Up Icon.png HP ATK Up Icon.png ATK SPD Up Icon.png SPD EXP Gain Up Icon.png EXP Haste Up Icon.png Time Fandom Icon.png Fandom
10 3 0.65 6 00:00 - 02:30 Shirakami Fubuki Icon.pngShirakami Fubuki
Mio-fa Wolf.gifMio-fa Cat.gif
40 5 0.7 7 00:30 - 02:30 Ookami Mio Icon.pngOokami Mio
Mega Sukonbu
Sukonbu 2x.gif

800 8 0.75 400 02:00 Shirakami Fubuki Icon.pngShirakami Fubuki
120 6 0.65 8 02:30 - 05:45 Inugami Korone Icon.pngInugami Korone
80 7 0.75 7 02:30 - 05:45 Nekomata Okayu Icon.pngNekomata Okayu
Mama Mio-fa
Mio-fa Wolf 2x.gif
Mio-fa Cat 2x.gif


2,200 10 0.9 650 04:00 Ookami Mio Icon.pngOokami Mio
175 7 0.9 8 05:45 - 08:00 Shirakami Fubuki Icon.pngShirakami Fubuki
Kuro Sukonbu
Kuro Sukonbu.gif
230 8 0.8 8 06:00 - 08:00 Shirakami Fubuki Icon.pngShirakami Fubuki
Mega Koronesuki
Koronesuki 2x.gif

3,000 10 0.9 650 06:00 Inugami Korone Icon.pngInugami Korone
Fried Onigiryaa
Fried Onigiryaa.gif
280 10 0.9 9 07:00 - 08:30 Nekomata Okayu Icon.pngNekomata Okayu
Angry Koronesuki
Angry Koronesuki.gif
300 10 0.8 9 08:00 - 08:30 Inugami Korone Icon.pngInugami Korone
Giant Fried Onigiryaa
Fried Onigiryaa 2x.gif

3,800 13 1.0 1,500 08:00 Nekomata Okayu Icon.pngNekomata Okayu
200 8 0.9 9 08:30 - 11:00 Sakura Miko Icon.pngSakura Miko
Mikodanye 2x.gif

16,000 16 0.7 2,200 10:00 Sakura Miko Icon.pngSakura Miko
250 6 0.9 10 11:00 - 13:00 Tokino Sora Icon.pngTokino Sora
600 14 1.0 11 12:00 - 15:00 AZKi Icon.pngAZKi
1,000 14 1.0 13 13:00 - 15:00 Hoshimachi Suisei Icon.pngHoshimachi Suisei
Soratomo Megablob
Soratomo 2x.gif

6,000 15 1.0 2,000 14:00 Tokino Sora Icon.pngTokino Sora
Pioneering Titan
Pioneer 2x.gif

6,000 15 1.0 2,000 14:00 AZKi Icon.pngAZKi
1,200 16 0.8 13 15:00 - 19:00 Roboco-san Icon.pngRoboco-san
Supercharged Robosa
Robosa 2x.gif

10,000 18 1.1 2000 16:00 Roboco-san Icon.pngRoboco-san
1,400 14 1.2 15 17:00 - 19:00 Sakura Miko Icon.pngSakura Miko
1,300 12 1.0 15 17:00 - 19:00 Tokino Sora Icon.pngTokino Sora
Raving Pioneer
Raving Pioneer.gif
1,500 14 0.95 15 17:00 - 19:00 AZKi Icon.pngAZKi
Swarming Hoshiyomi
1,000 14 1.0 13 17:00 - 19:00 Hoshimachi Suisei Icon.pngHoshimachi Suisei
Atomic SSRB
SSRB Commando 2x.gif

17,000 11 0.8 2000 18:00 Shishiro Botan
2,700 18 0.6 18 19:00 - 20:00 None
Loyal Soratomo
250 6 0.9 10 20:00 - Tokino Sora Icon.pngTokino Sora
A-chan 2x.gif

45,000 20 1 6,000 20:00 None

Time Event Enemies

Haste Up Icon.png Time Hardcore Icon.png Enemy Spawn Pattern Amount Spawned Lifetime (seconds) Max HP Up Icon.png HP ATK Up Icon.png ATK SPD Up Icon.png SPD EXP Gain Up Icon.png EXP Fandom Icon.png Fandom
01:05 SSRB
Cluster 4 2.5 (after triggered) 100 3 0.4 8 Shishiro Botan
01:15 Sukonbu
Wall 40 26.66 50 3 0.65 8 Shirakami Fubuki Icon.pngShirakami Fubuki
01:30 Koronesuki
Wall 30 15 300 6 0.2 5 Inugami Korone Icon.pngInugami Korone
30 15 300 7 0.2 5 Nekomata Okayu Icon.pngNekomata Okayu
03:00 Koronesuki
Airdrop 1 - 120 6 0.65 8 Inugami Korone Icon.pngInugami Korone
03:10 Onigiryaa
Airdrop 5 - 80 7 0.5 7 Nekomata Okayu Icon.pngNekomata Okayu
03:20 SSRB
Airdrop 5 2.5 (after triggered) 100 3 0.4 8 Shishiro Botan
03:45 Riot Mio-fa
Riot Mio-fa Wolf.gifRiot Mio-fa Cat.gif
Stampede 30 20 600 5 3.0 8 Ookami Mio Icon.pngOokami Mio
04:15 SSRB
Airdrop 10 1.5 (after triggered) 100 3 0.4 8 Shishiro Botan
04:45 Fubu-chun
Wave 7 6 100 8 0.9 8 Shirakami Fubuki Icon.pngShirakami Fubuki
05:15 - 05:19 Horde 50 every 2.0s - 175 7
05:30 - 05:32 Sukonbu
Airdrop 15 every 1.0s - 10 3 0.65 6
05:45 Riot Mama Mio-fa
Riot Mio-fa Wolf 2x.gif
Stampede 20 20 600 5 0.7 8 Ookami Mio Icon.pngOokami Mio
06:15 - 06:22 Koronesuki
Stampede 30 every 1.0s 20 500 6 2.0 180 Inugami Korone Icon.pngInugami Korone
06:17 - 06:20 SSRB
Airdrop 1 every 3.0s 1.5 (after triggered) 100 3 0.4 8 Shishiro Botan
06:40 SSRB Commando
SSRB Commando.gif
Wall 20 30 (1.5 after triggered) 400 6 0.7 8
07:00 Fried Onigiryaa
Fried Onigiryaa.gif
Airdrop 10 - 280 10 0.9 9 Nekomata Okayu Icon.pngNekomata Okayu
07:15 - 07:19 Fubu-chun
Horde 60 every 1.0s - 175 7 0.9 8 Shirakami Fubuki Icon.pngShirakami Fubuki
07:30 - 07:39 Riot Mio-fa
Riot Mio-fa Wolf.gifRiot Mio-fa Cat.gif
Stampede 38 every 1.0s 10 1000 8 1.75 8 Ookami Mio Icon.pngOokami Mio
07:45 Fubu-chun
Wave 20 6 200 10 0.9 8 Shirakami Fubuki Icon.pngShirakami Fubuki
08:10 - 08:19 Random Airdrop Spam
Fried Onigiryaa.gif

Kuro Sukonbu.gif

Mio-fa Wolf.gif

Angry Koronesuki.gif
Airdrop 1 random enemy every 1.0s - 280
Nekomata Okayu Icon.pngNekomata Okayu
Shirakami Fubuki Icon.pngShirakami Fubuki
Ookami Mio Icon.pngOokami Mio
Inugami Korone Icon.pngInugami Korone
09:00 35P
Airdrop 15 - 200 8 0.9 9 Sakura Miko Icon.pngSakura Miko
09:15 Riot 35P
Riot 35P.gif
Airdrop / Ring 40 20 500 15 0.1 8
09:30 - 09:33 Airdrop / Wall 40 every 1.0s 15 1000
09:33 SSRB
Airdrop 3 1.5 (after triggered) 50 3 0.1 5 Shishiro Botan
09:39 5
10:30 SSRB Commando
SSRB Commando.gif
Wall 20 400 6 0.7 8
11:15 - 11:24 Soratomo
Wave 20 every 1.0s - 250 6 0.9 10 Tokino Sora Icon.pngTokino Sora
11:30 Riot 35P
Riot 35P.gif
Stampede 20 20 700 15 2.0 8 Sakura Miko Icon.pngSakura Miko
11:45 Soratomo
Airdrop / Wall 60 - 250 6 0.5 10 Tokino Sora Icon.pngTokino Sora
12:30 - 12:36 Pioneer
Stampede 30 every 1.0s 20 700 14 2.0 8 AZKi Icon.pngAZKi
12:45 - 12:48 Airdrop 8 every 1.0s - 600 1.0 11
13:00 - 13:08 Hoshiyomi
Airdrop 3 every 2.0s - 1000 14 1.0 13 Hoshimachi Suisei Icon.pngHoshimachi Suisei
13:30 15 300
14:20 SSRB Commando
SSRB Commando.gif
Cluster 20 1.5 (after triggered) 500 5 0.8 15 Shishiro Botan
14:40 Hoshiyomi
Airdrop 15 - 300 14 1.0 13 Hoshimachi Suisei Icon.pngHoshimachi Suisei
15:30 - 15:36 Robosa
Stampede 20 every 1.0s 11 4000 16 1.0 5 Roboco-san Icon.pngRoboco-san
15:35 Fubu-chun
Wave 10 6 1500 8 0.9 8 Shirakami Fubuki Icon.pngShirakami Fubuki
15:38 Pioneer
Stampede 25 20 1500 14 2.0 5 AZKi Icon.pngAZKi
15:41 Riot 35P
Riot 35P.gif
Stampede 6 20 700 15 2.0 8 Sakura Miko Icon.pngSakura Miko
15:45 Hoshiyomi
Airdrop 15 - 300 14 1.0 13 Hoshimachi Suisei Icon.pngHoshimachi Suisei
16:15 Riot 35P
Riot 35P.gif
Wall 50 10 1000 15 0.3 5 Sakura Miko Icon.pngSakura Miko
16:45 - 16:48 Hoshiyomi
Wave 10 every 1.0s 6 1500 15 3.0 13 Hoshimachi Suisei Icon.pngHoshimachi Suisei
16:50 30 4.0
17:30 Riot 35P
Riot 35P.gif
Airdrop / Ring 50 8.5 3000 15 0.1 5 Sakura Miko Icon.pngSakura Miko
17:34 Hoshiyomi
Stampede 40 10 3000 15 3.0 7 Hoshimachi Suisei Icon.pngHoshimachi Suisei
17:40 SSRB Commando
SSRB Commando.gif
Airdrop 5 1.5 (after triggered) 500 5 0.8 15 Shishiro Botan

Late-game enemies

The stats of fans beyond the 23-minute mark are affected by end-game power scaling, meaning their base stats will slowly increase over time.

Hardcore Icon.png Enemy Max HP Up Icon.png HP ATK Up Icon.png ATK SPD Up Icon.png SPD EXP Gain Up Icon.png EXP Haste Up Icon.png Time Fandom Icon.png Fandom
Sukonbu 2x.gif
2,500 18 0.6 25 22:00 Shirakami Fubuki Icon.pngShirakami Fubuki
Mio-fa Wolf 2x.gifMio-fa Cat 2x.gif
2,500 18 0.6 25 22:00 Ookami Mio Icon.pngOokami Mio
Angry Koronesuki
Angry Koronesuki 2x.gif
2,500 18 0.6 25 22:00 Inugami Korone Icon.pngInugami Korone
Fubu-chun 2x.gif
2,500 18 0.6 25 22:00 Shirakami Fubuki Icon.pngShirakami Fubuki
Fried Onigiryaa
Fried Onigiryaa 2x.gif
2,500 18 0.6 25 22:00 Nekomata Okayu Icon.pngNekomata Okayu
35P 2x.gif
2,500 18 0.6 25 22:00 Sakura Miko Icon.pngSakura Miko
Kintoki 2x.gif
2,500 18 0.6 25 22:00 Sakura Miko Icon.pngSakura Miko
Raving Pioneer
Raving Pioneer 2x.gif
2,500 18 0.6 25 22:00 AZKi Icon.pngAZKi
Hoshiyomi 2x.gif
2,500 18 0.6 25 22:00 Hoshimachi Suisei Icon.pngHoshimachi Suisei
Soratomo 2x.gif
2,500 18 0.6 25 22:00 Tokino Sora Icon.pngTokino Sora
Robosa 2x.gif
2,500 18 0.6 25 22:00 Roboco-san Icon.pngRoboco-san
SSRB Commando
SSRB Commando 2x.gif
2,500 18 0.6 25 22:00 Shishiro Botan
YAGOO enemy.png
9000 5 1.2 25 30:00 - 40:00 None
Angry Yagoo.png
10,000 10 1.4 25 40:00 None


For the full list of changes, see Changelog.

0.6 Release
  • The following fans were changed:[Undocumented]
    • Pioneer Old.gifRaving Pioneer Old.gif Pioneers were given a Pioneer.gifRaving Pioneer.gif new design
0.4 Release
  • Added Stage 2.
0.3 Release
  • Stage 2 existed in the game code, but it was incomplete and inaccessible.[1]


The potted plant Fauna. Wider view.
Achan asleep at her desk.
  • The music for this stage is Candy-Go-Round by hololive Idol Project. The song is originally sang by Roboco, Aki Rosenthal, Shiranui Flare, Minato Aqua and Yozora Mel.
  • There is a potted plant in this stage that has the hair of Ceres Fauna.
  • Before fighting A-chan, you can see her sleeping at one of the office desks. After the fight starts, the desk will be empty.
  • The stage appearance is based on the Hololive Office as depicted in Holo no Graffiti.
    • Stage 2 is the first HoloCure stage based on an actual Hololive location.
    • HoloGra's office is based on Cover's actual office specifically the Shinkawa Office, Cover's first independent office.[2][3] However, Cover, Hololive Production and its various agencies has since moved from that location.
      • A physical replica of the office was shown off at HoloExpo 2022. According to HoloGra, it's the actual office itself physically uprooting from the building its was part of in order to join in the fun at the expo.[4]
  • The gameplay design resembles Vampire Survivor's Inlaid Library


The enemies for this stage are the mascots of Hololive members from Gen 0 and Gamers as well as Shishiro Botan (SSRB) and Cover/Hololive Staff.

  • The "Mama Mio-fa" mini-boss can uses either the Cat or the Wolf variant of the Mio-fa sprite at random.

TV Scenes

The TV in the Holo Office.

The stage includes a TV which shows pixelated screenshots of various Hololive content, mostly from Holo no Graffiti and various MVs.[5]



Stage 2 BGM - Candy-Go-Round chiptune ver. by Eufrik

Full Map

Full view of the stage map. The right end overwrites the empty space on the left, forming a loop.


  1. u/AmashiSen (2022/07/03). Disclaimer: Post Contains Data Mined Content. Data Mining: General 1.
  2. Fumanata (2022/05/22). YAGOO.
  3. Tanigox (Motoaki Tanigo) (2021/01/03). Shinkawa Office. “The first independent office of our company is the Shinkawa office. It is also the setting for Holo no Graffiti.”
  4. Hololive Official Youtube Channel (2022/03/20). (Anime) The Office.
  5. Tetra_Galaxy04 (2022/09/16). I tried looking for the scenes shown on the Holo Office TV.