Stage 2/Design reference and trivia

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Enemy Trivia
Shrimp.gif Stage 1
Sukonbu.gif Stage 2
Stage 3 Stage 3
Moonafic.gif Stage 4
Nousagi.gif Stage 5

This page contains information on enemies that appear in Stage 2 and Stage 2 (Hard), including their origin and how they relate to the talents they are referencing.


  • HLC OG are designs original to HoloCure.
  • General are mascots, both official and fan made, belonging to or associated with a talent, but are not meant to represent their fans.
  • Fan Mascots are official mascots representing the associated talent fanbase.
Hololive Members Fan name Mascot Name

and Type

Tokino Sora IdleAnim.gif

Tokino Sora

Soratomo Nun-nun (Fan Mascot) Soratomo.gif Nun-nun.gif
AZKi IdleAnim.gif


Pioneers Pioneer (Fan Mascot) Pioneer.gifRaving Pioneer.gif
Mic Pioneer (HLC OG) Pioneer Old.giflink#Pioneer
Roboco-san IdleAnim.gif


Robosa Robosa (Fan Mascot) Robosa.gif

Robosa2.gif (Hard only)

Hoshimachi Suisei IdleAnim.gif

Hoshimachi Suisei

Hoshiyomi Hoshiyomi (HLC OG) Hoshiyomi.gif

Hoshiyomi2.gif (Hard only)

Sakura Miko IdleAnim.gif

Sakura Miko

35P 35P (Fan Mascot) 35P.gif
Kintoki (General) Kintoki.gif
Shirakami Fubuki IdleAnim.gif

Shirakami Fubuki

Sukonbu Sukonbu (Fan Mascot) Sukonbu.gifKuro Sukonbu.gif
Fubu-chun (General) Fubu-chun.gif
Oruyanke (General) Oruyanke 2x.gif(Hard Only)
Miteiru (General) Miteiru.gif(Hard Only)
Ookami Mio IdleAnim.gif

Ookami Mio

Mio-fa Mio-fa (Fan Mascot) Mio-fa Cat.gifMio-fa Wolf.gif
Nekomata Okayu IdleAnim.gif

Nekomata Okayu

Onigiryaa Onigiryaa (Fan Mascot) Onigiryaa.gifFried Onigiryaa.gif
Inugami Korone IdleAnim.gif

Inugami Korone

Koronesuki (fandom)

Listener-san (general)

Listerner-san (Fan Mascot) Koronesuki.gif Angry Koronesuki.gif
Shishiro Botan SSRB SSRB (Fan Mascot) SSRB.gifSSRB Commando.gif
Kiryu Coco IdleAnim.gif

Kiryu Coco

Otaku Otaku (HLC OG) Otaku Green.gifOtaku Red.gifOtaku Blue.gif(Hard Only)
Staff-san Staff-san (HLC OG) HoloStaff.gifHoloStaff2.gif
Major Bosses
Hololive Members Mascot name Mascot
Sakura Miko IdleAnim.gif

Sakura Miko

Mikodanye 2x.gif


A-chan 2x.gif
Harusaki Nodoka Harusaki Nodoka
(Hard Only)

Major Bosses


Mikodanye is a costume mascot created for a cafe collaboration with Sakura Miko who would later frequently reapeares in many Hololive IRL event.


A-chan is a former staff member of Cover, close friend of Tokino Sora, and co-founder of what would later become the VTuber agency Hololive.

Harusaki Nodoka

Nodoka is a staff member of Cover who appears on screen as the junior and later successor of A-chan.

Canon Fan Mascots

This category consists of enemies that are directly based on official fan mascot design use by Hololive Talents.

List of canon fan mascot designs: Mio-fa, Onigiryaa, Koronesuki, Sukonbu, SSRBs, Soratomo, 35Ps, Robosa and Pioneer.

Sukonbu Sukonbu.gifKuro Sukonbu.gif

Sukonbu Design Sheet by Fubuki, note the customization freedom

Sukonbu are the fans of Shirakami Fubuki. Their name Sukonbu/Sucorn(すこん部) contains multiple elements with its own meaning, with Suko being a slang for liking something, Kon is the onomatopoeia for Fox sound, and bu(部) is the suffix for clubs. The corn element of their design is due the similar sound of Corn and Kon in Japanese.[1] Their mascot was created by Fubuki herself and comes in two variants, one wearing a light blue scarf meant to represent her Japanese fanbase and one wearing a dark blue bow representing the foreign fans a.k.a Friends.[2] The design use in-game is the Japanese version with a HoloCure original black variant representing Kurokami fans.

  • Fubuki would later create a kemonomimi version[3] meant to be used by her fans which she would commission a Live2D to use once at a joke.[4]
  • Sukonbu also has an older design, where it is a human male wearing a non-descript white t-shirt but their heads are replaced with a corn cobs.

Miofa Mio-fa Cat.gifMio-fa Wolf.gif

Miofa's official emoji

Miofa or Miofams are the fans of Ookami Mio. Their name is a combination of Mio's name and the shortened form of family. Their design was commissioned by Mio and consists of two variants, a wolf version and a cat version, which is based on her being a wolf-girl, as well as her love for cats.[5]

Onigiryaa Onigiryaa.gifFried Onigiryaa.gif

Okayu and the Onigiriyaas being led to jail

Onigiryaa are the fans of Nekomata Okayu. Their name and design are based on the onigiri, which is Okayu's favorite food. Onigiryaa wear prisoner clothes because they're meant to share the sins of their oshi Okayu. Since Okayu's sins are their sins, Onigiryaa will have to go to prison in place of her (although Okayu will occasionally join them there).[6]

Koronesuki Koronesuki.gif Angry Koronesuki.gif

Listener being use as garbage disposal by Korone

Koronesuki are the fans of Inugami Korone. Their name is a simple combination of Korone's name and suki(すきー) which means "to like [something]". The actual mascot itself however is called "Listener-san", which is a generic term for the audience (equivalent to "Chat" in English) of a streamer or radio personality, which was where the term originated from. The mascot design, like most of Korone's drawings (i.e. Piki Piki Piman Icon.pngPiki Piki Piman,...), was a spur of the moment creation during her famous retro game stream, as a form of emotional boost. In this case, the game was a classic Popcap-esque conveyor sushi game, and Korone, due to her frustration, wanted to use her viewers (the listeners) to act as a garbage dump for her bad sushi rolls, hence the large open mouth. [7]

  • Korone once did a stream to get her fans to create a new mascot for the Koronesuki only to pick the original design in the end. The most common complaint was that while she like the cuteness of a lot of the design, a Koronesuki mascot can't be too cute or else she can't deck it in the face.[8][8]

Soratomo Soratomo.gif Nun-nun.gif

Sora's end stream screen with a crowd of Nun nun

Soratomo are the fans of Tokino Sora. Their in-game design is based on nun-nun (๑╹ᆺ╹), which is Sora's favorite kaomoji turned mascot. The phrase "nun-nun" name came from Sora intentionally cutesy way of saying "un un".[9] The mascot would later be use to represent the Soratomos.

35P 35P.gif

Miko with her 35P merchs

35P are the fans of Sakura Miko. Their name is pronounced Miko-P which is based on Japanese Goroawase pun where certain spelling for 3 (Mi) and 5 (Go) create the sound for Miko. 35 also references Miko's birthday, March 5th. The suffix "-P" is the Japanese shorthand for a producer. Miko gave her fanbase this suffix base on the idea that her fanbase are her producers who suggest ideas and promote her works.[10]

  • Due to the perversion level of both Miko and the 35P, certain section of her fanbase decided to call themselves 45P ("ShikoP") which means F*p in Japanese.[11]
  • The -P suffix started as an affectionate nickname for notable Japanese producers before being popularized first by the iDOLM@STER franchise, before spreading to the Vocaloid fandom, where many of its notable creators use the -P suffix in their name.
  • Miko also stated that she is attached to the -pi sound due to it being part of her childhood nickname "Chappi", which she speculated might have influenced her to choose 35P as her fanname.[12]

Robosa Robosa.gifRobosa2.gif

Robosa pin set

Robosa are fans of Roboco-san. Their name is derived from the word "Robot Circle" (Roboto kuru as it's pronounced in Japanese), which is another name for "Robotic Club". Their official English name is Roboser.[13]

Pioneer Pioneer.gifRaving Pioneer.gif

AZKi showing off the final Pioneer design

Pioneers are fans of AZKi. They orginally don't have a mascot to represent themselves until much later, after AZKi's restructuring of her activities. Their design was created on-stream by AZKi with ideas contributed by her viewers.[14][15]

  • First appearing in Version 0.6, this design replaced an earlier HoloCure original design Pioneer Old.gifRaving Pioneer Old.gif.
  • As per Kay's usual speed, the new design was immediately drawn and integrated into the dev build for 0.6 only a few hours after AZKi ended the drawing stream.[15]

SSRB SSRB.gifSSRB Commando.gif

The variety of SSRBs

SSRB are the fans of Shishiro Botan. Their name is short for Shishiro Bo-dan(獅白ぼ団) which a pun based on Botan name and the word dan(団) which means group or troupe.

  • SSRBs are the first fan mascot to appear in-game before their associated member.
  • During Botan's first playthrough of Holo Office, She called the Atomic SSRB mini-boss a noob (zako ざこ) due to how quickly it died.[16]

Canon Mascot

This category consists of enemies based on mascots associated with Hololive Talents, including fan designs that are acknowledged by the talents themselves.

List of canon mascot designs: Fubu-chun, Kintoki and Miteiru.

Fubu-chun Fubu-chun.gif

Gamer-chun full set

Fubu-chun is part of the set of bird-like mascots (Gamer-chun) which are used to represent Hololive Gamers. The other designs include Mio-chun (Mio), Kayu-chun (Okayu) and Koro-chun (Korone). "Chun" is the Japanese onomatopoeia for bird's chirp. Like all of her mascots, they are designed by Fubuki herself.[17]

Kintoki Kintoki.gif

Miko no Tsutome Episode 1 Ending

Kintoki is the mascot character of Cover Corp's "Miko no Tsutome 3D" anime shorts, a series that was created independently from Hololive and is the predecessor to Holo no Graffiti.[18] When the project was shelved and Miko was transferred into Hololive, the mascot remained as part of Miko's repertoire of characters. Like most of Hololive general mascots, Kintoki rarely appears on stream and only gets featured in backgrounds, on merchandise and on fanarts.

Miteiru Miteiru.gif

Fubuki taste testing a Miteiru

Miteiru is mascot created by Fubuki after her 2020 birthday celebration and outfit reveal. The mascot is based on that new outfit, with the bow being a direct reference. Like most of Fubuki's mascots, its name is a verb which in this case means "to stare" or "watch".[1]

Oruyanke Oruyanke 2x.gif

Oruyanke and it's true form as describe by Fubuki

Oruyanke is one of Fubuki's many mascots. Like all of her mascots, its name is a pun, which in this case means "They're there!" in Japanese Kansai dialect.[19]

  • This enemy was introduced in Version 0.5, and first appears in the hard version of Stage 2 and the regular version of Stage 3.
  • The fact that this enemy appears in both Stage 2 and Stage 3 is a nod to the fact that Fubuki is part of Gamers and JP Gen 1.

HoloCure Original

This category consists of enemies that were created by the HoloCure team for the game. This category can include a range from entirely original designs, to designs that are inspired by other mascots, or popular fan interpretations.

List of HoloCure original designs: Otaku, Hoshiyomi, and Staff-san.

Otaku Otaku Green.gifOtaku Red.gifOtaku Blue.gif

Quantum Chicken Soup Grass Big Chungus meme by u/Archdarck

Otaku are enemies based on the popular ( :^ ) ) emoticon face. This emoticon was popularized by the "Quantum Chicken Soup Grass Big Chungus" meme posted by u/Archdarck, which was featured in an episode of Kiryu Coco's Meme Review.[20] Because the face was then closely linked with Coco's Meme Review, that meant it was both the representation of Hololive's Reddit communities, particularly r/Hololive, and also used as the unofficial mascot for Coco's fandom, the Tatsunoko.

  • This enemy was introduced in Version 0.5, and first appears in the hard version of Stage 2 and the regular version of Stage 3.
  • Prior to Version 0.7, which revealed this enemy's name in the Fan Letter bestiary, "Reddit-niki" was used by the HoloCure Wiki. With the context of the name Otaku and the introduction of a new enemy type specifically to represent the Tatsunoko.gifTatsunoko2.gifTatsunoko, this enemy could be seen as a representation of Hololive fans in general - and concert-going fans in particular - with their buff effect and penlight-waving animation reflecting the motivational and vibe building atmosphere by these fans during streams and concerts.[21]

Hoshiyomi Hoshiyomi.gifHoshiyomi2.gif

Hoshiyomi (星詠み, Stargazer) are fans of Hoshimachi Suisei. Their name is based on Suisei's star and comet motif. Suisei refuses to give her Hoshiyomi a cute mascot design, as she doesn't want them to get full of themselves and think of themselves as cute. Therefore (according to Suisei) Hoshiyomi are formless beings eternally looking for a (cute) vessel to form their being, like wandering comets.[22] This means that their in-game design is a HoloCure-original design, with little possibility of being made canon.

  • After encountering them in the game for the first time after the Version 0.5 release, Suisei remarked that their design is closer to that of Cometomo (the old name of Hoshiyomi from her indie days), even naming them HoshiTomo. The moment also prompted fans to speculate that their current formless state is due to Suisei's destroying their old form. [23]

Staff-san HoloStaff.gifHoloStaff2.gif

Smol Ame and Staff-san. Note the same outfit by the other staff members in the background.

Staff-san are a HoloCure original enemy meant to represent the employees of Cover Corp and its VTuber agency Hololive Production. Staff-san is a polite pronoun used by the talents to talk about the staffs working at the various Hololive events. One of the most notable occasion and the one that inspired this particular sprite was the Hololive Production floor staff members at HoloExpo 2022, who were wearing the same outfit as the sprite.[24] Usually, HoloPro staff do not have a general mascot to represent them as a collective, although A-chan and later on Harusaki Nodoka fill in this role for the talent management side of Hololive.

  • Some specific staff members however do have their own unique design which can be roughly divided into two categories:
    • Staff members given official design to interact with fans or appear in content: Izutsu (Legend of Polka Co-host), Tsuranimizu (former INNK President and AZKi's manager), Harusaki Nodoka (Cover Corp employee), Gorimane (HoloStar EN Senior Manager), Daidou Shinove (former Holostar Manager) and Omegaα (former HoloEN Staff)
    • Managers who were given a design by their talents: Enma, Jenma, J-Chad (HoloEN Managers); A-chan (HoloPro Staff)


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Fubuki Unofficial Fansite (2021). Fubuki Mascots.
  2. Shirakami Fubuki (2021/05/26). This is a summary of Sukonbu's appearance (^・ω・^§)ノ.
  3. Shirakami Fubuki (2022/05/06). The rough sketches of the Babiniku Sukonbu & Friends that were devised during the broadcast 🦊🌽Everyone is finally here....
  4. Sushi (2022/06/03). Fubuki accidentally becomes Sukonbu when she changes her outfit.
  5. Mio Channel 大神ミオ (2022/04/23). 【復帰】大神ミオです!お久しぶり!【雑談】.
  6. HoloLive etc Cuts (2020/06/11). Nekomata Okayu - Forced Her Sins on Onigirya~.
  7. JShay Translations (ジェイ・シェイ) (2022/05/05). The Reason Why Korone Created the Koronesuki With Huge, Open Mouths.
  8. 8.0 8.1 JShay Translations (ジェイ・シェイ) (2022/12/31). Korone Chooses a New Design for Her Viewer Mascot, Listener-san.
  9. Takanashi Kiara (2021/09/18). 【HOLOTALK】With our 15th guest:Tokino Sora! , Question Nun-nun.
  10. Hect / Hololive Clips (2023/06/12). Miko Named Her Fan Name "35P" And Talks About Its Origin.
  11. Sushi (2021/05/02). Miko accidentally says "Fap-P" 45P【Hololive/Eng sub】.
  12. Yunaユナ Ch (2022/06/22). Miko reveals her at-home nickname which may link to the origin of the 35P name.
  13. Cover Corp. (2022). "Robocosan Birthday Celebration 2022" Robocosan & Roboser Lapel Pin.
  14. AZKi Channel (2023/05/14). 【お絵描き】ついに明かされる…!開拓者の姿!?Drawing Stream【ホロライブ / AZKi】.
  15. 15.0 15.1 Kay Yu (2023/05/15). Kaynimatic on r/hololive.
  16. VTube Tengoku (2022/09/11). Botan Meets BEEG SSRB and Immediately Calls It a NOOB【Hololive】.
  17. Shirakami Fubuki (2019/05/06). Hololive Gamer Chun.
  18. Cover Corp.. 【第一話】おれさまのごしゅじん【みこのつとめっ!】(Miko no Tsutome ep 1). Red Ch.赤.
  19. Fubuki Unofficial Fansite (2021). Fubuki Mascots.
  20. u/Archdarck (2020/09/07). Coco has had it enough of our bullshit!.
  21. Yura (2024/11/15). Hoshiyomi Non-Stop Shouting "Sui-chan Is Cute Today Too" (Hoshimachi Suisei /Hololive).
  22. Yunaユナ Ch (2022/07/01). Sui-chan!! Give Hoshiyomis a Mascot too!!.
  23. Yura (2023/03/08). Sui-chan Sees Hoshiyomis In HoloCure But... (Hoshimachi Suisei / Hololive).
  24. VP Ch. (2022/03/27). Haachama Realized That She Knows Staff-San IRL And Can Get Her Number.