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Food drops appear as Hamburgers.

While in battle, food, in the form of hamburgers, has a chance to drop from defeated targets. When collected, the player will be healed for 20% of their maximum HP.

Related effects

Various items and other effects interact with food or provide similar benefits.


  • Full Meal Icon.pngFull Meal item, when equipped, doubles the amount of healing gained from food.
  • Uber Sheep Icon.pngUber Sheep item increases the drop rate and grants periodical food drops.
  • Sake Icon.pngSake grants bonus Crit for a brief period after eating food.


  • Okayu's Feast Icon.pngFeast skill has a chance to cause enemies to drop additional types of food in the form of cookies, parfaits, pizza slices, and chickens. These heal her for 1, 3, 5, and 20 HP respectively.
  • Okayu's Yummy Icon.pngYummy skill increases the drop rate of food and grants her bonus ATK, SPD and Crit after eating food.
  • Korone's Choco Coronet Icon.pngChoco Coronet skill has a chance to cause enemies to drop chocolate coronets, which heal Korone for 5 HP and temporarily increase her Max HP.
  • Mel's Acerola Juice Icon.pngAcerola Juice skill grants her ATK, SPD and lifesteal after eating food.


  • Food Drops Up Icon.pngFood Drops Up shop upgrade increases the drop rate.
  • Jingisukan Icon.pngJingisukan's damage/healing pools grant the character the status of eating food while in them.
  • Hamburger Meal dish doubles the food drop rate.
  • The hamburger also has a chance to appear as an option during a level up, restoring 20 HP.

Drop rate

By default enemies have a 1/200 chance to drop food when defeated. The drop rate can be increased by Uber Sheep item, Food Drops Up upgrade, Hamburger Meal dish and Okayu's Yummy skill.

The new drop rate is calculated using the formula:

[Toggle display]
dropChance = 1/(200 * (1 - (uberSheepBonus + foodUpBonus + yummyBonus))) * hamburgerMealBonus

where the bonus coefficients at each level are

Level uberSheepBonus foodUpBonus yummyBonus
1 0.10 0.04 0.33
2 0.12 0.08 0.43
3 0.15 0.12 0.5
4 0.18 0.16 -
5 0.20 0.20 -

However, with Uber Sheep and Food Drops Up this is not the correct way to calculate the increase, causing the drop rate increases to slightly vary from the values given in the description:

Uber Sheep
Level Description New drop rate Actual increase
1 10% 1/180 11.1%
2 12% 1/176 13.6%
3 15% 1/170 17.6%
4 18% 1/164 22%
5 20% 1/160 25%
Food Drops Up
Level Description New drop rate Actual increase
1 4% 1/192 4.2%
2 8% 1/184 8.7%
3 12% 1/176 13.6%
4 16% 1/168 19%
5 20% 1/160 25%

For Yummy the calculation is correct, however there is still small variation due to the coefficients being given to accuracy of 2 decimals only.

Level Description New drop rate Actual increase
1 50% 1/134 49.3%
2 75% 1/114 75.4%
3 100% 1/100 100%

Furthermore, the method of adding the coefficients together at the beginning introduces and even larger error: For example, with all three effects at max level, the new drop rate per the formula is 1/20. This is a +900% increase to the original, whereas the additive percentage based on the descriptions would only be +140%.


  • Food being represented by hamburgers is likely a reference to Shirakami Fubuki as she has expressed great enthusiasm for the dish multiple times.[1] In particular, Kay Yu has previously made a pixel animation of Fubuki eating a hamburger[2] that the latter has used as her intro animation during streams.[3]

