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The Leaderboard screen.

The Leaderboard is where the highest scores of HoloCure players can be found. Scores can be organized by stage, by character, and by time (all time or daily). The top 100 scores will be displayed, separated into 10 pages. Times and player levels will also be shown. The player can also view their own score. In the settings, the player can change their username, and they can show/hide the names of other players as well as their own name. Scores can also be deleted.


The player's performance is measured by their in-game score, which is calculated when the player completes the stage in Stage Mode or once they are defeated in Endless Mode.

Score calculation

The player's base score is calculated as follows:

[Toggle display]
baseScore = enemyDefeated * 75 + miniBossDefeated * 428 + bossDefeated * 2251 + max(0, finalMinuteValue - 30) * 20126 + min(59, finalMinuteValue) * 126 + min(59, finalSecondValue) * 10 + playerLevel * 1219

If the player is playing in Hardcore Mode, a bonus based on the time the player managed to survive is added to the base score:

[Toggle display]
hardcoreBonus = floor(baseScore * (finalMinuteValue * 0.01 + finalHourValue * 1.2))
[Toggle display]
finalScore = floor(baseScore + hardcoreBonus)


  • enemyDefeated is the number of enemies defeated in this round, visible in the top-right corner of the screen.
    • Despawned enemies do not count as defeated, excluding post 30-minute Yagoos.
  • miniBossDefeated and bossDefeated are respectively the number of mini-boss and boss-type enemies the player has defeated in this run.
    • Post 30-minute Yagoos count as mini-bosses. Golden and Silver Yagoos count as bosses.
  • playerLevel is the character's level at the end of the run.
  • finalHourValue, finalMinuteValue, and finalSecondValue are respectively the hour, minute and second values of the in-game timer at the end of the run.


  • Prior to 30 minutes the player's score mostly consists of enemies defeated. However, due the Yagoos counting as mini-bosses and minutes past 30 having high weight, top scores require surviving full minutes after hitting the 30 minute mark while defeating a high amount of Yagoos.


For the full list of changes, see Changelog.

0.7 Release
  • The Leaderboard was disabled again.
0.6 Release
  • Re-added the Leaderboard.
0.4 Release
  • Temporarily disabled the Leaderboard option due to the below issues.
0.3 Release
  • Initial release. Within a day of release, the leaderboards were stopped from logging scores, due to unprecedented data load.
  • Trying to view the leaderboards would often crash the client.[1]


Finishing a run at exactly 9:59:59 resulted in a higher score than finishing a run at exactly 10:00:00
  • Due to the game calculating the visible minutes instead of the total minutes elapsed and hours not being factored into base score, it is possible to get a higher score by finishing a run at the 59-minute mark rather than finishing it one minute later (increasing the hour by 1 but reseting minutes).
  • Kay Yu has implied that there is a system in place to prevent cheated scores from reaching the Leaderboard.[2] Kay has also checked new records himself to ensure that they are legitimate.[3]


  1. /u/ThisOneVibin on /r/Holocure (2022/08/29). “Don't try to use the leaderboard”
  2. Kay Yu (2023/08/23). /u/kaynimatic on /r/Holocure. “Yes, there is nothing stopping cheaters from pressing the submit button, and they will see it on the leaderboard screen. whether or not the score actually makes it to the server, that's a separate matter heh but that's all I'll say”
  3. Kay Yu (2023/11/30). /u/kaynimatic on /r/Holocure. “When we got the alert for your previous record, I checked your build, tried the build myself to see if it's legit, and I was baffled it actually works. I was like, no way this is legit, it has to be cheated somehow, but nope it worked, I was surviving So yeah, nice. LOL”