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The soundtrack for HoloCure: Save the Fans! is primarily composed by Eufrik, with contributions by Patterns and Raining Marbles. Every track in the game is a remix of a song released by Hololive Production.

List of Songs

Song Context Composer Original Song Note

Intro (Save the Fans)
Intro Cutscene Eufrik

Shiny Smily Story

Shiny Smily Story
Menu BGM Eufrik
Game Over Theme Game Over BGM Eufrik

Yumemiru Sora E
Victory Theme Victory BGM Eufrik

Welcome Home
(Yumemiru Sora E)
HoloHouse BGM Eufrik The main component of the remix

Connect the World
Feature as a segment,

The original Connect The World contains a short melody from Shiny Smily Story which is a part of the segment used in-game.

id:entity voices
Feature as a segment

Usada Casino BGM Eufrik
Raining Marbles


Go Peko, Go Peko, Go Peko!!
Usada Casino Minigame BGM Eufrik

Stage 1 BGM Eufrik


Shijoshugi Adtruck
Stage 1 (H) BGM Eufrik

Shijoshugi Adtruck

Stage 2 BGM Eufrik


Stardust Song
Stage 2 (H) BGM Eufrik
Raining Marbles

Stardust Song

Koyoi Wa Halloween Night
Stage 3 BGM Eufrik

Halloween Night, Tonight!

Myth or Treat
Stage 3 (H) BGM Eufrik

Myth or Treat

ID:Entity Voices
Stage 4 BGM Eufrik

id:entity voices
Co-produced by Eufrik and Raining Marbles

Bokura Ga Kuru Kara
Stage 4 (H) BGM Eufrik
Raining Marbles

All Aboard! viv:ID CRUISE ~Bokura ga kuru kara~

Miraculous Fantasia
Stage 5 BGM Eufrik

Interact Fantasia

Kiseki Knot

Asuiro Clearsky
Time Stage 1 BGM Eufrik

Asuiro Clearsky


  • The BGMs for both version of Stage 3 are the most integrated into their stages, with both being the basis of the stages' thematic design (Halloween).
  • The majority of songs in the game are from Hololive Idol Project, which is the general brand for music commissioned directly by Cover Corp., as opposed to songs produced by the individual talents, which are usually released under their own name (albeit with Cover still acting as the music label, with some exceptions).
    • Most of the stage BGM are based on songs from Hololive's Bouquet album which contains songs composed for Hololive first all-original concert Bloom,.
    • The only songs used by Holocure not published under Hololive Idol Project are id:entity voices, the theme songs of Hololive Indonesia, and Myth or Treat, the Halloween song and first group song of Hololive Myth.
  • Shiny Smily Story and Yumemiru Sora e was composed alongside Kirameki Rider as Hololive first original group songs, the first songs of Hololive Idol Project and was intended to be use for the first HoloFes concert. This led to the three songs gaining a historical significance among the Hololive fandom with Shiny Smily Story becoming the official theme song for Hololive hence why it is made into the BGM for the intro and menu.
    • Yumemiru Sora e is also the unofficial theme song of JP Gen 1 due to its five then current members being the singers for the released version of the song.
    • Eufrik wanted to use Kirameki Rider as a Game Over/Victory theme instead of Yume Miru Sora E, but that song is unfortunately one of the few songs not allowed by Cover Corp to be used by fans.[1]
      • Kirameki Rider is frequently used as the final songs in various Hololive concert, most notably in HoloFes.[2]
  • Eufrik uploaded a variant of HoloCure's Id:Entity Voices that also contains the original vocals from Hololive ID members on his 2nd channel.[3]


  1. Eufrik (2023). Eufrik on Youtube Community. “Sadly Kirameki Rider is one of the few songs that are not allowed to be used in fan-work according to Cover's guidelines. I badly wanted to use it for the Victory and Game Over jingles or even as a bgm but alas. Shame because it's one of the songs with the stronger melodies in all of hololive.”
  2. Hololive Official Youtube (2020/07/24). Kirameki Rider (hololive 1st fes. "Nonstop Story" edit).
  3. Eufrik (2023/08/04). HoloCure - id:entity voices (with Vocals).