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The Upgrades screen.

Upgrades are passive bonuses that can be obtained from the Shop. They cost HoloCoins to purchase, and are permanent across all game sessions, unless refunded. Some upgrades can be further improved by purchasing them again, but with an increased HoloCoin cost (see the tables below). Increasing an upgrade's level only affects the cost of that specific upgrade, so players can freely choose which upgrade to prioritize.

Each upgrade level is signified by the addition of a blue dot; the amount of dots varies from 1 up to 10, depending on the upgrade. A green check mark and "SOLD!" will appear over a completely maxed upgrade.


Upgrades can be reset completely by selecting the Refund options. Refunding will reset an upgrade's level to zero (i.e. disabled) and the total cost of all purchased upgrades is refunded to the player in full, at no extra cost. The player can refund upgrades for a single item by selecting the item and selecting the Refund option, or the player can refund every purchased upgrade at once by purchasing the Refund All item in the Others section.

List of Upgrades


Upgrade Description HoloCoin.gif Cost
Per Level Total
Special Attack Icon.pngSpecial Attack Unlocks the Special Attack for all characters. Press the secondary button (default: X) to use. 500 500
Growth Icon.pngGrowth Increase the damage of Character Main Weapons and Special Attacks by 1% per in-game level.[Note 1] 500 / 10,000 / 50,000 60,500
Reroll Icon.pngReroll Grants a use of Reroll when leveling up. 2,500 / 5,000 / 7,500 / 10,000 / 12,500 / 15,000 / 17,500 / 20,000 / 22,500 / 25,000 137,500
Eliminate Icon.pngEliminate Grants a use of Eliminate on options when leveling up. 2,500 / 5,000 / 7,500 / 10,000 / 12,500 / 15,000 / 17,500 / 20,000 / 22,500 / 25,000 137,500
Stamps Icon.pngStamps Unlocks the Stamps system. Stamps may be dropped by targets which can modify the main weapon. 500 500
Hold Icon.pngHold Grants a use of Hold on options when leveling up, which will guarantee an option to appear again next level. 5000 / 10000 / 15000 / 20000 / 25000 75000
Customize Icon.pngCustomize Allows weapons and items to be disabled in the armory, and will not appear in game. 50000 50000
Heal Potion Icon.pngSupports Unlocks the Support Items, allowing the use of support abilities chosen before a stage. 1000 1000
Wheat Icon.pngMaterial Find Fans have a chance to drop Holo House materials in main game stages. 20000 20000
Fan Letters Icon.pngFan Letters Unlocks Fan Letters. All fan types can drop Fan Letters, which grants permanent boosts. 50000 50000
Enchantments Icon.pngEnchantments Unlock Weapon Enchantments. General weapons may gain enchantments. 1000 1000
Fandom Icon.pngFandom Unlock Fandoms, where characters gain bonuses based on accomplishments. Check the Achievements Menu for more info! 2000 2000
Total: 535,500


Upgrade Description HoloCoin.gif Cost
Per Level Total
Max HP Up Icon.pngMax HP Up Increase Max HP by 4% per level. (Max 40%)[Note 2] 200 / 500 / 1,200 / 2,750 / 6,000 / 12,000 / 18,000 / 24,000 / 30,000 / 36,000 130,650
ATK Up Icon.pngATK Up Increase all damage by 6% per level. (Max 60%) 300 / 750 / 1,800 / 4,100 / 9,100 / 18,000 / 25,000 / 31,000 / 37,000 / 43,000 170,050
SPD Up Icon.pngSPD Up Increase movement speed by 6% per level. (Max 60%) 200 / 500 / 1,200 / 2,750 / 6,000 / 12,000 / 18,000 / 24,000 / 30,000 / 36,000 130,650
Crit Up Icon.pngCrit Up Increase critical hit chance by 2% per level. (max 10%) 300 / 750 / 1,800 / 4,100 / 9,100 16,050
Pick Up Range Icon.pngPick Up Range Increase base pick up range by 10% per level. (Max 100%) 200 / 500 / 1,200 / 2,750 / 6,000 / 12,000 / 18,000 / 24,000 / 30,000 / 36,000 130,650
Haste Up Icon.pngHaste Up Increase attack speed by 4% per level. (Max 20%) 400 / 1,000 / 2,400 / 5,500 / 12,000 21,300
Regeneration Icon.pngRegeneration Slowly heals 1 HP every 5 seconds. +1 HP per level. (Max 5 HP/ 5 seconds)[Note 3] 200 / 500 / 1,200 / 2,750 / 6,000 10,650
Defense Up Icon.pngDefense Up Increases defense, reducing damage taken by 3% per level. (Max 15%) 500 / 1,250 / 3,000 / 6,900 / 15,000 26,650
Special Cooldown Reduction Icon.pngSpecial Cooldown Reduction Reduces the cooldown time of special attack by 3% per level. (Max 15%) 500 / 1,250 / 3,000 / 6,900 / 15,000 26,650
Skill Up Icon.pngSkill Up Increase the damage of Skill attacks by 4% per level. (Max 40%) 500 / 1,250 / 3,000 / 6,900 / 15,000 / 20,000 / 30,000 / 40,000 / 50,000 / 60,000 226,650
EXP Gain Up Icon.pngEXP Gain Up Increases the amount of EXP gained by 4% per level. (max 20%) 300 / 750 / 1,800 / 4,100 / 9,100 16,050
Food Drops Up Icon.pngFood Drops Up Increases the rate that food is dropped by 4% per level. (max 20%) 150 / 375 / 900 / 2,000 / 4,500 7,925
Money Gain Up Icon.pngMoney Gain Up Increases the amount of HoloCoins gained by 20% per level. (Max 200%) 400 / 1,000 / 2,400 / 5,500 / 12,000 / 20,000 / 30,000 / 40,000 / 50,000 / 60,000 221,300
Enhancement Rate Up Icon.pngEnhancement Rate Up Increases the chance of success during enhancements by 3% per level. (Max 15%) 300 / 750 / 1,800 / 4,100 / 9,100 16,050
Total: 1,151,275


Upgrade Description HoloCoin.gif Cost
Per Level Total
Marketing Icon.pngMarketing Increase the number of fan spawns by 1 per level. This will increase the difficulty of the game. 2,000 / 4,000 / 6,000 / 8,000 / 10,000 30,000
Weapon Limit Icon.pngWeapon Limit Limit the max number of weapons that may be gained in a game. (From 5 down to 0.) 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 0
Item Limit Icon.pngItem Limit Limit the max number of items that may be gained in a game. (From 6 down to 0.) 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 0
Collab Ban Icon.pngCollab Ban No collabs can be created. 0 0
Supers Ban Icon.pngSupers Ban Super Items will not drop. 0 0
G Rank Off Icon.pngG Rank Off Turn off bonuses gained from G Ranks on all characters. 0 0
Hardcore Icon.pngHardcore Ultimate challenge! HP is set to 1. Gain massive bonus score the longer you survive in Endless Mode. 0 0
Refund Icon.pngRefund All Refunds all purchases in the shop. 0 0
Total: 30,000


  1. Growth:
    • Despite being written as a percentage, the Growth upgrade actually increases the weapon damage by a flat amount of 0.1 damage per level.
    • The amount is multiplied by the rank of the upgrade, granting 0.3 damage per level at maximum rank.
    • The effectiveness of Growth is reduced on projectiles with high tickrate and projectile count:
      • The bonus is split based on the amount of projectiles the weapon has. Generally, the split count is based on the attack count of the weapon's primary attack sequence, including extra projectiles gained from levels, "+1 Projectile" enchantment and Projectile Up Stamp Icon.pngProjectile Up Stamp. Secondary attacks, like Awakened form or on-hit effects, generally do not increase the split count.
      • Weapons with hit cooldown (strictly) lower than 20 multiply the growth bonus by hitCD/20, up to an 80% reduction (hitCD = 4).
    • The damage bonus does not benefit from other bonuses to weapon's base damage, such as level up, enchantment and stamp bonuses, or enhancements, but scales with the player's ATK and all other damage multipliers.
  2. Even though the HP Up upgrade states that it increases HP by 4% per level, it actually increases HP by a flat value of 4 per level, resulting in a 60% to 100% increase depending on character.
  3. The healing from Regeneration upgrade does not trigger any on-heal effects nor benefit from healing bonuses from items or character skills.


  • Total coin cost to purchase every upgrade:
    • Version 0.7: 1,733,325
    • Version 0.6: 1,537,325
    • Version 0.5: 1,250,675
    • Version 0.4: 963,625
    • Version 0.3: 183,425


For the full list of changes, see Changelog.

0.7 Hotfix 9

Material Find drop rates have increased slightly.

0.7 Release
  • The Enhancements and Stat Upgrades tabs are now Ability and Stats, respectively.
  • Added the following to the Ability tab:
    • Hold, Customize, Supports, Material Find, and Fan Letters
0.6 Release
  • Separated the Upgrades into three tabs: Enhancements, Stat Upgrades, and Others.
  • Added the following: Skill Up, Item Limit, Collab Ban, and Supers Ban.
  • The max level of Growth was increased from 1 to 3, and its effect was changed from 2% per player level to 1% per player level per upgrade level.
  • The calculation for weapon damage boosts from Enhancing and Growth has been adjusted. When Base weapon damage is increased via enhancing or Growth, the increase is evenly distributed among the amount of projectiles for the attack.
0.5 Release
  • Added the following: Eliminate, Marketing, Stamps, Enchantments, Fandom, and Weapon Limit.
  • The max level of Reroll was increased from 5 to 10
  • Upgrades beyond 5 are represented by an additional row of blue dots, instead of gold dots
0.4 Release
  • Added the following: Growth, Enhancement Rate Up, Defense Up, and G Rank Off.
  • The following had their max level increased from 5 to 10: Max HP Up, ATK Up, SPD Up, Pick Up Range, and Money Gain Up.
    • Upgrades beyond 5 are represented by gold dots replacing the blue dots.
  • Hardcore icon was modified, adding a skull.
0.3 Release
  • Initial release.
