Life Steal Stamp

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Life Steal Stamp is a stamp that allows the attacks from the character's main weapon to heal a portion of the characters health.


Life Steal Stamp
Skill Frame.png
Life Steal Stamp Icon.png
Level 1
Once per second, Weapon attacks may heal a random amount up to 5% of Max HP.
Level 2
Once per second, Weapon attacks may heal a random amount up to 10% of Max HP.
Level MAX
Once per second, Weapon attacks may heal a random amount up to 15% of Max HP.
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Level 1
5% of max HP

Level 2
10% of max HP

Level 3
15% of max HP

Up to date with version 0.6.1692275570


For full list of changes, see Changelog.

0.5 Release
  • Added the Stamps system.
