ATK Up Stamp

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ATK Up Stamp is a stamp that increases the damage and critical damage of the Character's main weapon.


ATK Up Stamp
Skill Frame.png
ATK Up Stamp Icon.png
Level 1
Increase damage of weapon by 15% and crit damage by 5%.
Level 2
Increase damage of weapon by 20% and crit damage by 10%.
Level MAX
Increase damage of weapon by 25% and crit damage by 15%.
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Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Up to date with version 0.6.1692275570


For full list of changes, see Changelog.

0.6 Release
  • Fixed ATK Up and Solo Stamps' damage bonuses stacking incorrectly on certain weapons. [Undocumented]
  • ATK Up Stamp Icon.pngATK Up Stamp
    • Has gained the effect of previous Crit Up Stamp.
      • Crit damage increase reduced from 10%/20%/30% to 5%/10%/15%.
0.5 Release
  • Added the Stamps system.
