Trumpet Stamp

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Trumpet Stamp is a stamp that causes the character's main weapon to make trumpet sounds.


Trumpet Stamp
Skill Frame.png
Trumpet Stamp Icon.png
Level 1
Weapon will sound like a trumpet. There is no other effect.
Level 2
Weapon will doot harder.
Level MAX
It will be harmful if this doots any louder.
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Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Up to date with version 0.6.1692275570
  • This weapon will add a 'doot' sound effect everytime your weapon attacks. Subsequent upgrades will make the 'doot' louder and more frequent.
  • Doot cooldown: 8/6/4 (0.13 s / 0.1 s / 0.07 s)
  • The played sound effect is different if the stamp is equipped by Kaela.


For full list of changes, see Changelog.

0.5 Release
  • Added the Stamps system.
