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Template-info.svg Documentation

Creates table of weapons of the given weapon category from the data stored in weapon pages using Cargo. Template {{WeaponTableC/row}} is used to format the rows.


# Name Description
1 N/A Weapon's category: basic, main, collab or super collab.



{{WeaponTableC|super collab}}


Weapon Weapon Item Weapon type Description
MultishotMultishot Spits flames which contain the strength of 50kg(?). All attack damage is also multiplied 1.3 times.
RangedRanged Put on a Special Live! Reduce Special Cooldown by 30%. Whenever activating the special, increase all stats by 50% for 10 seconds (can only activate once per 30 seconds)
RangedRanged Throws delicious grilled lamb all around. Standing inside the Jingisukan areas heals 3 HP per second (Considered as Food heal). Also increase Max HP by 100.
RangedRanged Freeze everything around, dealing constant damage. Also increase Crit chance by 20%.