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This template is deprecated and should not be used. It has not been maintained or it is superseded by another template.
Details: This module is no longer in use. Stats are now stored using the {{WeaponBoxC}} template in the weapon's page.
Following documentation is transcluded from Module:WeaponData/doc. The code can be found at the bottom.

This is a data module for storing the weapon stats in the form of a Lua table. The values can be accessed using the {{GetDataValue}} template.

How to edit descriptions

Aside from descriptions, majority of these values can only be accessed through datamining, which requires some degree of programming knowledge, so this documentation will not go into further detail on how to edit these properties. See following sections for an attempt to explain the arrangement in detail.


1. Find the weapon in the module (Ctrl+F). For example, in the case of "Fox Tail" the entry will look like this:

	["Fox Tail"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Swipes Tail in front at close range.",
			weaponType = "Melee",
			attackTime1 = 70,
			attackCount1 = 1,
			damage1 = 1.5,
			hitLimit1 = -1,
			hitCD1 = 10,
			area1 = 1
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Increase damage by 20%.",
			damage1 = 1.8
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Increase attack area by 20%.",
			area1 = 1.2
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Swing tail in front and back.",
			attackCount1 = 2,
			attackDelay1 = 10
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Reduce time between attacks by 15%.",
			attackTime1 = 59
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Increase attack area by 20%.",
			area1 = 1.44
			-- LVL 7/Awakened
			desc = "If Fox tail hits a target, there is a 20% chance to summon a Fubuki Sword that deals 100% damage.",
			label1 = "Tail",
			label2 = "Sword",
			damage2 = 1,
			area2 = 1,
			duration2 = 45,
			speed2 = 35,
			chance1 = 20

2. Scroll down until you find the level, which description you want to edit, indicated by "-- LVL " comment.

3. Usually on the very next line you will find " desc = ". The text within the quotation marks after this contains the description for the current level, you may freely edit this part.

4. Save your edit. If you did something wrong, the compiler will throw you an error and prevent you from proceeding, so it is unlikely that you will be able to cause any damage with your edit.

New entry

The block below can be copied to create a new entry with descriptions only.

    ["WEAPON_NAME"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "DESCRIPTION"
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "DESCRIPTION"
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "DESCRIPTION"
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "DESCRIPTION"
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "DESCRIPTION"
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "DESCRIPTION"
			-- LVL 7/Awakened
			desc = "DESCRIPTION"

Colored text

Color coded in-game values can be added using the <span> tag as follows:

<span class=colorcode>Text to color</span>

For example,

Increase damage by <span class=gtgreen>20%</span>.

will output:

Increase damage by 20%.

Below is a list of the color classes available in the wiki's CSS. If more colors are needed, contact an admin.

  • gtgreen
  • gtred
  • gtyellow
  • gtblue
  • gtpink
  • gtorange
  • gtgray
  • gtpurple

General structure

The table contains weapon entries associated with a key value that is the weapon's name. Each weapon entry is a table of the weapon's levels, and each level is a table of the stat values at that level. In short:

  • Weapon
    • Level
      • Stat


Stat values are to be omitted if they do not exist, unknown, or if the current level does not change the value.

Following is a list of the currently used stats.

Key Value Description
desc string In-game description.
weight float Weapon's weight parameter. Describes how often the option appears in level ups and boxes compared to other weapons.
weaponType string Weapon's type: melee, ranged or multishot.
label string Effect header.
cooldown float Special Attack cooldown in seconds.
attackTime float Time between attack sequences in frames.
minDelay float Attack time minimum in frames.
duration float Duration of the effect in frames.
damage float Damage of the attack in decimal.
heal string Healing amount of the attack.
area float Area scale in decimal.
hitLimit float Amount of enemies the projectile can hit before expiring, use -1 for unlimited hits.
hitCD float Time before the projectile can hit the same enemy again in frames.
speed float Speed of the projectile or unit in pixels per frame.
attackCount float The amount of attacks in an attack sequence.
attackDelay float The time between attacks in an attack sequence in frames.
range float Effect range in pixels.
radius float Radius of an orbiting effect in pixels.
chance float Effect chance percentage (without the % sign).
kbDuration float Duration of knockback effect in frames.
kbSpeed float Speed of knockback effect in pixels per frame.

Handling multiple values of the same property

Weapons can cause multiple effects with different values in the same property. These values are differentiated by appending number to the base key (starting from 1) and using the label parameter to denote the effect. For example, a projectile has a bounce effect with different stats from the main projectile:

    -- LVL X
    label1 = "main", -- main projectile's stats
    damage1 = 1.2,
    area1 = 1.3,

    label2 = "bounce", -- bounced projectile's stats
    damage2 = 0.6,
    area2 = 0.8

In case of there being only one effect, the label parameter can be omitted, but '1' must be appended to the base key, except for desc and weight, which generally cannot have multiple values per level.

There is no limit to how many effects can be stored this way, but currently the templates using the data can handle up to 5, and may not display values beyond that.


-- This module stores the weapon data. Weapons ordered by type:
-- 1. Character weapons
-- 2. Basic weapons
-- 3. Collabs
-- Alphabetical order within types.

-- Up to date with version 0.6.1692275570.

return {
	["Aik"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Sends Aik to the closest as well as random targets and fires a beam.",
			weaponType1 = "Multishot",
		    attackTime1 = 90,
		    duration1 = 50,
		    damage1 = 1.6,
		    hitLimit1 = -1,
		    speed1 = 8,
		    attackCount1 = 2,
		    attackDelay1 = 8,
		    area1 = 0.8*1, -- beamSize * image_xscale
		    range1 = 250,
		    hitCD1 = 60
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Increase damage by <span class=gtgreen>20%.</span>",
			damage1 = 1.92
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Increase size of beam by <span class=gtgreen>20%</span>.",
			area1 = 0.8*1.2
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Send <span class=gtgreen>3</span> Aik.",
			attackCount1 = 3
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Reduce time between attacks by <span class=gtgreen>15%</span>.",
			attackTime1 = 76
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Send <span class=gtgreen>4</span> Aik.",
			attackCount1 = 4
			-- LVL 7/Awakened
			desc = "Become a cross shape beam. Increase damage and size of beam by <span class=gtgreen>30%</span>. Has a chance to apply a debuff that reduces DEF by <span class=gtgreen>30%</span>.",
			damage1 = 2.496,
			area1 = 0.8*1.5,
			chance1 = 30
	["Axe Swing"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Swing a bloody axe in an arc in front.",
			weaponType1 = "Melee",
			attackTime1 = 90,
			attackCount1 = 1,
			damage1 = 1.2,
			hitLimit1 = -1,
			hitCD1 = 30,
			area1 = 1
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Increased damage by 30%.",
			damage1 = 1.56
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Increase attack area by 20%.",
			area1 = 1.2
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Reduce time between attacks by 10%.",
			attackTime1 = 80
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Increased damage by 30%.",
			damage1 = 2
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Increase attack area by 20%.",
			area1 = 1.44
			-- LVL 7/Awakened
			desc = "Crit is guaranteed on Axe Swing and crits deal 3x damage."
	["Baseball Pitch"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Throws a very fast baseball in front.",
			weaponType1 = "Ranged",
		    attackTime1 = 60,
		    duration1 = 120,
		    damage1 = 1.4,
		    hitLimit1 = 3,
		    speed1 = 8,
		    hitCD1 = 20,
		    attackDelay1 = 4,
		    area1 = 1.2,
		    range1 = 100,
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Increase damage by 20%.",
			damage1 = 1.68
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Reduce time between attacks by 30%.",
			attackTime1 = 42
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Double the speed of the baseball and gain small Knockback effect.",
			speed1 = 16,
			kbDuration1 = 4,
			kbSpeed1 = 2
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Reduce time between attacks by 50%.",
			attackTime1 = 21
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Increase hitlimit by 3 and increase damage by 20%.",
			hitLimit1 = 8,
			damage1 = 2
			-- LVL 7/Awakened
			desc = "When Baseball is initially thrown, gain bonus damage of 100%, but this bonus reduces over time.",
			area1 = 1.4
	["Bird Feather"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Shoot a bunch of feathers at a spread. Pierces through targets.",
			weaponType1 = "multishot",
			attackTime1 = 90,
			attackCount1 = 2,
			attackDelay1 = 5,
			damage1 = 1.2,
			hitLimit1 = 5,
			hitCD1 = 15,
			area1 = 1,
			duration1 = 25,
			speed1 = 9,
			range1 = 120
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Increase damage by 20%.",
			damage1 = 1.44
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Increase hit limit by 5.",
			hitLimit1 = 10
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Shoot 1 additional feather.",
			attackCount1 = 3,
			attackDelay1 = 4
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Reduce the time between attacks by 30% and increase hit limit by 5.",
			attackTime1 = 63,
			hitLimit1 = 15
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Shoot 2 additional feathers.",
			attackCount1 = 4
			-- LVL 7/Awakened
			desc = "Feathers home into targets 3 times.",
			area1 = 1.5,
			speed1 = 17,
			duration1 = 60
	["Bright Star"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Shoot forward a spinning star.",
			weaponType1 = "multishot",
			attackTime1 = 75,
			attackCount1 = 1,
			damage1 = 0.8,
			hitLimit1 = -1,
			hitCD1 = 10,
			area1 = 1,
			duration1 = 30,
			speed1 = 7,
			kbDuration1 = 5,
			kbSpeed1 = 1
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Increase damage by 20%.",
			damage1 = 1
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Stars last 1 second longer.",
			duration1 = 90
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Shoot 2 stars.",
			attackCount1 = 2
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Increase size by 30%.",
			area1 = 1.3,
			hitLimit1 = 15
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Shoot 3 stars.",
			attackCount1 = 3
			-- LVL 7/Awakened
			desc = "Stars end with a burst.",
			label1 = "Projectile",
			label2 = "Burst",
			damage2 = 1.5,
			area2 = 1.5,
			hitCD2 = 30
	["Cleaning Broom"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Throws a large spinning broom.",
			weaponType1 = "multishot",
		    attackTime1 = 100,
		    damage1 = 1.1,
		    area1 = 1,
		    hitLimit1 = -1,
		    duration1 = 120,
		    speed1 = 6,
		    hitCD1 = 30
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Increase damage by 20%.",
			damage1 = 1.32
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Gain small knockback.",
			kbDuration1 = 5,
			kbSpeed1 = 10
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Throw 2 Brooms.",
			attackCount1 = 2,
			attackDelay1 = 3
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Increase size by 15%.",
			area1 = 1.15
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Reduce time between attacks by 15%.",
			attackTime1 = 85
			-- LVL 7/Awakened
			desc = "Throw 3 Brooms. Targets have a 30% chance to become Wet. Brooms damage is increased by 20% for each stack the target has.",
			attackCount1 = 3,
			chance1 = 30
	["Clock Hands"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Stab forward with a large clock hand, and at a random target with the smaller clock hand.",
			weaponType1 = "Melee",
			label1 = "Big hand",
			label2 = "Small hand",
			attackTime1 = 90,
			attackCount1 = 1,
			damage1 = 1.68,
			damage2 = 1.12,
			hitLimit1 = -1,
			hitCD1 = 45,
			area1 = 1.2,
			area2 = 0.8,
			range1 = 100
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Increase area of attack by 20%.",
			area1 = 1.44,
			area2 = 0.96
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Increase damage by 30%.",
			damage1 = 2.184,
			damage2 = 1.456
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Reduce the time between attack by 10%.",
			attackTime1 = 81
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Increase area of attack by 30%.",
			area1 = 1.872,
			area2 = 1.248
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Reduce time between attack by 15%.",
			attackTime1 = 69
			-- LVL 7/Awakened
			desc = "Increase damage by 50% and stun targets for 0.5 seconds.",
			damage1 = 3.276,
			damage2 = 2.184
	["Diva Song"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Send a flying music note in front.",
			weaponType1 = "Ranged",
			attackTime1 = 70,
			attackCount1 = 1,
			damage1 = 1.35,
			hitLimit1 = -1,
			hitCD1 = 30,
			area1 = 1,
			duration1 = 60,
			speed1 = 4
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Increase damage by 20%.",
			damage1 = 1.62
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Reduce time between attack by 15%.",
			attackTime1 = 60
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Increase attack area by 20%.",
			area1 = 1.3
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Increase damage by 25% and speed by 25%.",
			damage1 = 2.025,
			speed1 = 5
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Reduce time between attacks by 25%.",
			attackTime1 = 45
			-- LVL 7/Awakened
			desc = "When hitting a targets, there is a 30% chance that the music note sends 2 more notes that deal 75% damage.",
			label1 = "Primary",
			label2 = "Secondary",
			damage2 = 2.025*0.75, --main projectile damage * 0.75
			area2 = 0.5,
			speed2 = 4
	["Dual Katana"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Slashes twice in front.",
			weaponType1 = "Melee",
		    attackTime1 = 100,
		    duration1 = 15,
		    damage1 = 1,
		    area1 = 0.9,
		    attackCount1 = 2,
		    attackDelay1 = 5,
		    hitCD1 = 30,
		    hitLimit1 = -1
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Increase damage by 20%.",
			damage1 = 1.2
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Increase size by 10%.",
			area1 = 1
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Reduce time between attacks by 15%.",
			attackTime1 = 85
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Slashes twice behind."
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Increase damage by 20%.",
			damage1 = 1.44
			-- LVL 7/Awakened
			desc = "If a slash defeats a target, there is a 40% chance for the defeated enemy to turn into a Spirit that flies outwards, damaging targets in its path.",
			label1 = "Slash",
			area1 = 1.1,
			chance1 = 50, -- tooltip error
			label2 = "Spirit",
			damage2 = 1.44*3, -- damage1 * 3
		    attackCount2 = 1,
		    attackDelay2 = 30,
		    hitLimit2 = -1,
		    speed2 = 3, -- + random(2)
		    hitCD2 = 45,
		    duration2 = 180,
		    area2 = 1
	["Ebifrion"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Swings a large Ebifrion following aimed direction",
			weaponType1 = "Melee",
		    attackTime1 = 90,
		    damage1 = 1.4,
		    hitLimit1 = -1,
		    image_xscale1 = 1,
		    hitCD1 = 15,
		    duration1 = 30
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Increase damage by 20%.",
			damage1 = 1.68
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Increase size by 10%.",
			area1 = 1.12
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Increase the swing arc by 30 degrees."
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Increase damage by 20%.",
			damage1 = 2
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Increase size by 20%.",
			area1 = 1.34
			-- LVL 7/Awakened
			desc = "Increase damage by 30%. On hit, there is a 10% chance to cause massive knockback and 2 times damage.",
			damage1 = 2.6,
			chance1 = 10,
			kbDuration1 = 25,
			kbSpeed1 = 20
	["Fox Tail"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Swipes Tail in front at close range.",
			weaponType1 = "Melee",
			attackTime1 = 70,
			attackCount1 = 1,
			damage1 = 1.5,
			hitLimit1 = -1,
			hitCD1 = 10,
			area1 = 1
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Increase damage by 20%.",
			damage1 = 1.8
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Increase attack area by 20%.",
			area1 = 1.2
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Swing tail in front and back.",
			attackCount1 = 2,
			attackDelay1 = 10
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Reduce time between attacks by 15%.",
			attackTime1 = 59
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Increase attack area by 20%.",
			area1 = 1.44
			-- LVL 7/Awakened
			desc = "If Fox tail hits a target, there is a 20% chance to summon a Fubuki Sword that deals 100% damage.",
			label1 = "Tail",
			label2 = "Sword",
			damage2 = 1,
			area2 = 1,
			duration2 = 45,
			speed2 = 35,
			chance1 = 20
	["Hi-Spec Pistol"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Shoots a few times in aimed direction.",
			weaponType1 = "Multishot",
			weaponType2 = "Ranged",
			attackTime1 = 80,
			attackCount1 = 4,
			attackDelay1 = 5,
			damage1 = 0.6,
			hitLimit1 = 3,
			hitCD1 = 10,
			area1 = 1,
			duration1 = 120,
			speed1 = 6,
			range1 = 100
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Shoot 1 more bullet.",
			attackCount1 = 5
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Bullets +1 pierce.",
			hitLimit1 = 4
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Reduce the time between attacks by 15%.",
			attackTime1 = 68
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Increase damage by 20%.",
			damage1 = 0.72
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Shoot 1 more bullet.",
			attackCount1 = 6
			-- LVL 7/Awakened
			desc = "Gun becomes a piercing blast.",
			attackCount1 = 1,
			damage1 = 2.6,
			hitLimit1 = -1,
			hitCD1 = 6,
			area1 = 2,
			speed1 = 5,
	["Kapu Kapu"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Bite targets in front",
			weaponType1 = "Melee",
		    attackTime1 = 80,
		    damage1 = 1.5,
		    image_yscale1 = 1,
		    hitLimit1 = -1,
		    hitCD1 = 30
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Increase damage by 20%.",
			chance1 = 15
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Each bite can steal the life of the target, healing 5% HP.",
			area1 = 1.15
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Increase size of bite by 15%.",
			damage1 = 1.8
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Reduce time between attacks by 15%.",
			attackTime1 = 68
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Increase damage by 25%.",
			damage1 = 2.25
			-- LVL 7/Awakened
			desc = "Take a second, larger bite.",
			label1 = "First",
			label2 = "Second",
			area2 = 1.15 * 1.4
	["Love Needle"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Thrust a giant needle in front.",
			weaponType1 = "Multishot",
		    attackTime1 = 90,
		    duration1 = 30,
		    damage1 = 1.5,
		    hitLimit1 = -1,
		    speed1 = 25,
		    hitCD1 = 30,
		    range1 = 100,
		    area1 = 1
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Increase damage by 20%.",
			damage1 = 1.8
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Increase size of attack by 20%.",
			area1 = 1.2
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Stab twice with needle.",
			attackCount1 = 2,
			attackDelay1 = 7
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Reduce time between attacks by 15% and increase damage by 30%.",
			attackTime1 = 76,
			damage1 = 2.34
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Stab 3 times with needle and needle fires 25% farther.",
			attackCount1 = 3,
			speed1 = 31
			-- LVL 7/Awakened
			desc = "Targets hit by the tip of the needle take 1.5 times damage, and Critical hits have a 20% chance to heal Choco for 5 HP.",
			chance1 = 20
	["Murasaki Bolt"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Fires a quick magic bolt in front.",
			weaponType1 = "multishot",
			attackTime1 = 65,
		    duration1 = 15,
		    damage1 = 1.4,
		    speed1 = 12,
		    hitCD1 = 30,
		    hitLimit1 = 5
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Shoot 2 magic blast.",
			attackCount1 = 2
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Increase hit limit by 3.",
			hitLimit1 = 8
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Increase damage and speed by 20%.",
			damage1 = 1.68,
			speed1 = 15
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Reduce time between attacks by 20%.",
			attackTime1 = 52
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Shoot 3 magic blasts.",
			attackCount1 = 3
			-- LVL 7/Awakened
			desc = "When hitting a target, there is a 30% chance to shoot additional homing magic missiles to the target.",
			label1 = "Normal",
			chance1 = 30,
			label2 = "Homing",
			damage2 = 1.68 * 1.5,
		    attackCount2 = 1,
		    hitLimit2 = 1,
		    speed2 = 5,
		    range2 = 400,
		    hitCD2 = 45,
		    duration2 = 180,
		    area2 = 1,
	["Nature Shield"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Create 3 razor sharp leaves that spiral outward.",
			weaponType1 = "multishot",
			attackTime1 = 100,
			attackCount1 = 3,
			damage1 = 1.1,
			hitLimit1 = 3,
			hitCD1 = 45,
			area1 = 1,
			duration1 = 90,
			speed1 = 5
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Increase damage by 20% and increase hit limit by 5.",
			damage1 = 1.32,
			hitLimit1 = 8
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Reduce the time between attacks by 15%.",
			attackTime1 = 85
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Shoot 2 additional leaves.",
			attackCount1 = 5
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Increase area of attack by 30% and increase hit limit by 5.",
			area1 = 1.3,
			hitLimit1 = 13
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Increase damage by 30% and remove hit limit.",
			damage1 = 1.716
			-- LVL 7/Awakened
			desc = "Shoot 2 additional leaves and aim towards targets.",
			attackCount1 = 7,
			hitLimit1 = -1
	["Nephilim Blast"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Shoots dual light and dark blast.",
			weaponType1 = "multishot",
			attackTime1 = 70,
			attackCount1 = 1,
			attackDelay1 = 3,
			damage1 = 1,
			hitLimit1 = 2,
			hitCD1 = 10,
			area1 = 1,
			duration1 = 120,
			speed1 = 5,
			range1 = 100
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Increase damage by 20%.",
			damage1 = 1.2
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Increase attack area by 50%. Each blast can pierce +3 times.",
			area1 = 1.5,
			hitLimit1 = 5
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Reduce the time between attacks by 25%.",
			attackTime1 = 52
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Can pierce through targets.",
			hitLimit1 = -1
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Increase damage by 33%.",
			damage1 = 1.596
			-- LVL 7/Awakened
			desc = "Blast becomes a short beam that hits many times.",
			attackTime1 = 65,
			minDelay1 = 35,
			attackCount1 = 7,
			attackDelay1 = 3,
			damage1 = 0.25
	["Orayo!"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Punch towards the front in a random cone.",
			weaponType1 = "Multishot",
			attackTime1 = 60,
			attackCount1 = 2,
			attackDelay1 = 4,
			damage1 = 0.85,
			hitLimit1 = -1,
			hitCD1 = 60,
			area1 = 1,
			speed1 = 12,
			arc1 = 40
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Increase attack area by <span class=gtgreen>25%</span>.",
			area1 = 1.25
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Increase damage by <span class=gtgreen>30%</span>.",
			damage1 = 1.1
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Increase amount of punches by <span class=gtgreen>1</span>.",
			attackTime1 = 50,
			attackCount1 = 3,
			arc1 = 60
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Increases attack area by <span class=gtgreen>25%</span>. Widen Korone's punch range slightly.",
			label1 = "X",
			label2 = "Y",
			area1 = 1.5,
			area2 = 1.25,
			arc1 = 100
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Increases amount of punches by <span class=gtgreen>2</span>.",
			attackTime1 = 40,
			attackCount1 = 5,
			arc1 = 80
			-- LVL 7/Awakened
			desc = "Reduce time between combination punches by <span class=gtgreen>50%</span>.",
			attackDelay1 = 2,
			speed1 = 15
	["Orbit"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Create an orbiting planet. Hits multiple targets.",
			weaponType1 = "Melee",
			attackTime1 = 90,
			attackCount1 = 1,
			damage1 = 1.5,
			hitLimit1 = -1,
			hitCD1 = 20,
			area1 = 1,
			duration1 = 50,
			speed1 = 8,
			range1 = 100,
			radius1 = 50
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Increase damage by 20%.",
			damage1 = 1.8
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Increase area of attack by 20% and range by 20%.",
			area1 = 1.2,
			radius1 = 60
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Increase damage by 33%.",
			damage1 = 2.394
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Increase area of attack by 30% and range by 30%.",
			area1 = 1.56,
			radius1 = 72
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Reduces the time between attack by 10%.",
			attackTime1 = 80
			-- LVL 7/Awakened
			desc = "Create a second planet and knocks back targets.",
			attackCount1 = 2,
			kbDuration1 = 10,
			kbSpeed1 = 3
	["Onigiri"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Throw an onigiri in an arc.",
			weaponType1 = "multishot",
			attackTime1 = 75,
			attackCount1 = 1,
			damage1 = 1.2,
			hitLimit1 = 3,
			hitCD1 = 30,
			area1 = 1,
			duration1 = 120,
			speed1 = 4.5
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Increase damage by 20%.",
			damage1 = 1.44
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Throw 2 onigiri.",
			attackCount1 = 2,
			attackDelay1 = 3
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Increase attack area by 40%.",
			area1 = 1.4
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Throw 4 onigiri.",
			attackCount1 = 4
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Speed of onigiri is increased by 20%.",
			speed1 = 5.4
			-- LVL 7/Awakened
			desc = "Throw 6 onigiri and slow down enemies by 30% for 5 seconds.",
			attackCount1 = 6
	["Phoenix Sword"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Short ranged slash in front.",
			weaponType1 = "Melee",
			attackTime1 = 70,
			attackCount1 = 1,
			damage1 = 1.3,
			hitLimit1 = -1,
			hitCD1 = 20,
			area1 = 0.8
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Increase damage by 20%.",
			damage1 = 1.56
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Increase attack area by 25%.",
			area1 = 1
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Reduce the time between attacks by 15%.",
			attackTime1 = 60
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Can hit twice per slash.",
			hitCD1 = 5
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Increase damage by 20%.",
			damage1 = 1.872
			-- LVL 7/Awakened
			desc = "Sword is engulfed in flames, and can hit many times. Also leave a burning fire under hit targets.",
			label1 = "Main",
			label2 = "Fire",
			damage1 = 0.65,
			damage2 = 0.2,
			area1 = 1.25,
			hitCD1 = 4,
			chance1 = 25
	["Pistol Shot"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Shoots 3 Projectiles forward.",
			weaponType1 = "multishot",
			attackTime1 = 80,
			attackCount1 = 3,
			attackDelay1 = 6,
			damage1 = 1,
			hitLimit1 = 1,
			hitCD1 = 20,
			area1 = 1,
			duration1 = 120,
			speed1 = 5,
			range1 = 100
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Shoot <span class=gtgreen>2</span> additional shot, and each bullet can pierce <span class=gtgreen>+1</span> times.",
			attackCount1 = 5,
			hitLimit1 = 2
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Increase damage by <span class=gtgreen>20%</span>.",
			damage1 = 1.2
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Bullets ricochet if hit limit is reached.",
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Each bullet can pierce <span class=gtgreen>+1</span> times. Reduce the time between attacks by <span class=gtgreen>25%</span>.",
			attackTime1 = 60,
			hitLimit1 = 3
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Increase damage by <span class=gtgreen>20%</span>.",
			damage1 = 1.44
			-- LVL 7/Awakened
			desc = "For the next 2 seconds, 15% of all damage taken by target is stored in time. Then target takes total of stored damage."
	["Play Dice"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Throw out a dice. The number on the dice determines the damage.",
			weaponType1 = "multishot",
			attackTime1 = 75,
			attackCount1 = 1,
			damage1 = 0.35,
			hitLimit1 = -1,
			hitCD1 = 30,
			area1 = 1.2,
			duration1 = 80,
			speed1 = 16,
			range1 = 100
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Increase damage by 30%.",
			damage1 = 0.455
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Throw 2 dice.",
			attackCount1 = 2
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Dice shoots out farther, and increase area of attack by 30%.",
			area1 = 1.5,
			speed1 = 19
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Adds small knockback on hit.",
			kbDuration1 = 12,
			kbSpeed1 = 3
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Increase damage by 30%.",
			damage1 = 0.5915
			-- LVL 7/Awakened
			desc = "Throw 3 dice.",
			attackCount1 = 3.0576,
			chance1 = 10
	["Red Heart"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Create big red hearts. In Haato form, hearts knock enemies back. In Haachama form, damage is increased by 50%.",
			weaponType1 = "multishot",
		    attackTime1 = 90,
		    duration1 = 45,
		    damage1 = 0.8,
		    hitCD1 = 20,
		    area1 = 0.8,
		    hitLimit1 = -1,
		    radius1 = 40,
		    attackCount1 = 2,
		    range1 = 100,
		    kbDuration1 = 5,
		    kbSpeed1 = 5
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Increase damage by 20%.",
			damage1 = 0.84,
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Increase size of hearts and spin radius by 10%.",
			area1 = 1,
			radius1 = 36
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Add an additional heart.",
			attackCount1 = 3
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Hearts last 0.33 second longer.",
			duration1 = 65
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Increase damage by 25%.",
			damage1 = 1,
			-- LVL 7/Awakened
			desc = "Hearts spiral out at the end. In Haato form, Hearts apply -30% DEF debuff. In Haachama form, apply -30% ATK debuff.",
			chance1 = 100
	["Sakura Gohei"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Swing a gohei that creates a burst of Sakura blossoms.",
			weaponType1 = "Melee",
			label1 = "Gohei",
			label2 = "Burst",
			attackTime1 = 85,
			attackCount1 = 1,
			damage1 = 0.4,
			hitLimit1 = 1,
			hitCD1 = 10,
			area1 = 1.4,
			kbDuration1 = 10,
			kbSpeed1 = 4,
			damage2 = 1.4,
			area2 = 1.4 * 0.65,
			hitLimit2 = -1,
			hitCD2 = 20
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Increase attack area by 20%.",
			area1 = 1.68,
			area2 = 1.68 * 0.65
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Increase damage by 30%.",
			damage1 = 0.52,
			damage2 = 1.82
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Swing twice.",
			attackCount1 = 2,
			attackDelay1 = 20
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Reduce time between attacks by 15%.",
			attackTime1 = 72
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Increase size by 30%.",
			area1 = 2.18,
			area2 = 2.18 * 0.65
			-- LVL 7/Awakened
			desc = "On hit, target takes 25% extra damage for 1 second."
	["Scythe Swing"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Swings in a half circle arc in front.",
			weaponType1 = "Melee",
			attackTime1 = 100,
			attackCount1 = 1,
			damage1 = 1.4,
			hitLimit1 = -1,
			hitCD1 = 30,
			area1 = 1
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Increase damage by 20%.",
			damage1 = 1.68
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Increase attack area by 15%.",
			area1 = 1.15
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Increase damage by 30%.",
			damage1 = 2.184
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Reduce the time between attacks by 10%.",
			attackTime1 = 90
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Increase attack area by 10%.",
			damage1 = 1.25
			-- LVL 7/Awakened
			desc = "Increase damage by 40%. Has a 10% chance to instant KO.",
			damage1 = 3.0576,
			chance1 = 10
	["Summon Tentacle"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "A tentacle shoots out in front.",
			weaponType1 = "Melee",
			attackTime1 = 90,
			attackCount1 = 1,
			damage1 = 1.2,
			hitLimit1 = -1,
			hitCD1 = 20,
			area1 = 1.5,
			duration1 = 120
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Increase damage by 20%.",
			damage1 = 1.44
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Reduce the time between attacks by 20%.",
			attackTime1 = 78
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Increase attack area by 25%.",
			area1 = 1.875
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Increase damage by 50%.",
			damage1 = 2.16
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Adds small knockback on hit.",
			kbDuration1 = 5,
			kbSpeed1 = 5
			-- LVL 7/Awakened
			desc = "Chain another 3 Tentacles in a chain at a random direction.",
			label1 = "Primary",
			label2 = "Chain",
			damage2 = 2.16 * 0.85, -- main projectile damage * 0.85
			attackCount2 = 3
	["Tarot Cards"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Throw a card that quickly returns back.",
			weaponType1 = "multishot",
			attackTime1 = 80,
			attackCount1 = 2,
			damage1 = 1.2,
			hitLimit1 = 20,
			hitCD1 = 15,
			duration1 = 30,
			area1 = 1,
			speed1 = 15,
			range1 = 200
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Increase damage by 20%.",
			damage1 = 1.44
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Throw 3 tarot cards.",
			attackCount1 = 3,
			attackDelay1 = 3
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Reduce the time between attacks by 15%.",
			attackTime1 = 68
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Throw cards farther and increase damage by 40%.",
			damage1 = 2,
			duration1 = 40,
			speed1 = 20,
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Throw 4 tarot cards.",
			attackCount1 = 4
			-- LVL 7/Awakened
			desc = "When hitting a target, there is a 30% chance that they target may lose 20% ATK, SPD, or take 20% more damage.",
			chance1 = 30
	["Trident Thrust"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Mid ranged stab attack in front.",
			weaponType1 = "Melee",
			label1 = "X",
			label2 = "Y",
			attackTime1 = 70,
			attackCount1 = 1,
			damage1 = 1.6,
			hitLimit1 = -1,
			hitCD1 = 20,
			area1 = 1.25,
			area2 = 1.5
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Increase damage by 20%.",
			damage1 = 1.92
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Stab 1 extra time, forming a V shape.",
			attackCount1 = 2,
			attackDelay1 = 3
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Reduce the time between attacks by 15%.",
			attackTime1 = 56
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Increase damage by 40%.",
			damage1 = 2.688
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Increase attack area by 25%.",
			area1 = 1.56,
			area2 = 1.875
			-- LVL 7/Awakened
			desc = "Thrust 3 times, in a fork-like shape.",
			attackCount1 = 3,
			attackDelay1 = 3
	["Crescent Moon"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Throw a spinning crescent at an arc in front.",
			weaponType1 = "Melee",
			attackTime1 = 100,
			attackCount1 = 1,
			damage1 = 1.3,
			area1 = 1,
			hitLimit1 = -1,
			duration1 = 60,
			hitCD1 = 30
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Increase attack size by <span class=gtgreen>20%.</span>",
			area1 = 1.2
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Increase damage by <span class=gtgreen>20%.</span>",
			damage1 = 1.56
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Reduce time between attacks by <span class=gtgreen>15%.</span>",
			attackTime1 = 85
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Increase attack size and travel distance by <span class=gtgreen>20%.</span>",
			area1 = 1.56,
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Increase damage by <span class=gtgreen>30%.</span>",
			damage1 = 2.028
			-- LVL 7/Awakened
			desc = "Every 5 hits creates a full moon.",
			label1 = "Main projectile",
			label2 = "Full moon",
			attackCount2 = 1,
			damage2 = 2.028 * 1.5, -- 1.5x main proj
			area2 = 1.56 * 1.5, -- 1.5x main proj
			duration2 = 30,
			hitCD2 = 60
	["Path of Sincerity"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Long slash forward.",
			weaponType1 = "Melee",
			attackTime1 = 90,
			damage1 = 1.3,
			area1 = 1,
			hitLimit1 = -1,
			attackCount1 = 1,
			hitCD1 = 20,
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Increase damage by <span class=gtgreen>20%.</span>",
			damage1 = 1.56,
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Increase attack size by <span class=gtgreen>20%.</span>",
			area1 = 1.2
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Reduce time between attacks by <span class=gtgreen>10%.</span>",
			attackTime1 = 81
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Increase damage and attack size by <span class=gtgreen>25%.</span>",
			damage1 = 2.028,
			area1 = 1.56,
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Reduce time between attacks by <span class=gtgreen>10%.</span>",
			attackTime1 = 73
			-- LVL 7/Awakened
			desc = "Throws the sword.",
			hitCD1 = 15,
			duration1 = 50,
			area1 = 2
	["Silencer Pistol"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Shoots a high speed piercing bullet. If Zeta is invisible, pistol becomes a wide-area instant shot.",
			weaponType1 = "Multishot",
			label1 = "Normal",
			attackTime1 = 90, 
			damage1 = 0.9,
			hitCD1 = 60,
			hitLimit1 = -1,
			speed1 = 11,
			attackCount1 = 2,
			attackDelay1 = 5,
			duration1 = 90,
			area1 = 1,
			label2 = "Invisible",
			speed2 = 11*3,
			area2 = 1*2,
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Increase damage by <span class=gtgreen>20%</span>.",
			damage1 = 1.1
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Reduce time between attacks by <span class=gtgreen>15%</span>.",
			attackTime1 = 76
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Shoot 3 shots.",
			attackCount1 = 3,
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Add a small <span class=gtyellow>knockback</span> effect.",
			kbDuration1 = 3,
			kbSpeed1 = 3
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Increase the speed and damage of projectile by <span class=gtgreen>33%</span>.",
			speed1 = 15,
			speed2 = 15*3,
			damage1 = 1.463
			-- LVL 7/Awakened
			desc = "Each time a bullet hits the enemy, the damage increases by <span class=gtgreen>10%</span>, up to 100%."
	["Blacksmith Hammer"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Swings a hammer in front.",
			weaponType1 = "Melee",
			attackTime1 = 70,
			damage1 = 1.2,
			hitCD1 = 60,
			hitLimit1 = -1,
			area1 = 1.2,
			attackCount1 = 1
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Increase damage by 30%.",
			damage1 = 1.56
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Increase attack size by 30%.",
			area1 = 1.44
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Reduce time between attacks by 15%.",
			attackTime1 = 60
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Adds a small knockback effect.",
			kbDuration1 = 5,
			kbSpeed1 = 5
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Increase damage and attack size by 30%.",
			damage1 = 2.028,
			area1 = 1.872
			-- LVL 7/Awakened
			desc = "Increase damage by 30%. There is a 30% chance to hit several minerals out of the target, which deal 40% of the weapon's damage each.",
			label1 = "Hammer",
			chance1 = 30,
			damage1 = 2.6364,
			label2 = "Mineral",
			damage2 = 2.6364*0.4,
			area2 = 1.5,
			duration2 = 120,
			hitCD2 = 60,
			hitLimit2 = 10

	["Peafowl Feathers"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Shoots a spread of feathers in fron and back.",
			weaponType1 = "Multishot",
			attackTime1 = 100,
			duration1 = 15,
			damage1 = 1.2,
			hitCD1 = 15,
			hitLimit1 = -1,
			speed1 = 10,
			attackCount1 = 2,
			attackDelay1 = 8,
			range1 = 120
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Shoots <span class=gtgreen>1</span> more feather.",
			attackCount1 = 3
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Increase damage by <span class=gtgreen>20%</span>.",
			damage1 = 1.44
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Reduce time between attacks by <span class=gtgreen>15%</span>.",
			attackTime1 = 85
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Shoots <span class=gtgreen>1</span> more feather.",
			attackCount1 = 4,
			attackDelay1 = 7
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Shoots <span class=gtgreen>1</span> more feather and flies out farther.",
			area1 = 1.2,
			attackCount1 = 5,
			attackDelay1 = 6,
			speed1 = 13
			-- LVL 7/Awakened
			desc = "Shoot spreads of feathers all around.",
			attackDelay1 = 5
	["Umbrella"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Swings umbrella in front.",
			weaponType1 = "Melee",
			attackTime1 = 90,
			damage1 = 1.1,
			hitCD1 = 60,
			hitLimit1 = -1,
			area1 = 1,
			attackCount1 = 1
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Increase damage by <span class=gtgreen>20%</span>.",
			damage1 = 1.32
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Increase attack size by <span class=gtgreen>20%</span>.",
			area1 = 1.2
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Add a small <span class=gtyellow>knockback</span> effect.",
			kbDuration1 = 3,
			kbSpeed1 = 3
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Reduce time between attacks by <span class=gtgreen>15%</span>.",
			attackTime1 = 76
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Increase damage and attack size by <span class=gtgreen>25%</span>.",
			area1 = 1.5,
			damage1 = 1.65
			-- LVL 7/Awakened
			desc = "Splashes rain drops in front in a spread.",
			label1 = "Umbrella",
			label2 = "Rain",
			attackCount2 = 10,
			damage2 = 1.65 / 1.5, -- umbrella damage/1.5
			hitLimit2 = 10,
			speed2 = 8,
			hitCD2 = 30,
			duration2 = 60
	["Nuts"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Throws several nuts in front.",
			weaponType1 = "Multishot",
			attackTime1 = 80,
			damage1 = 1,
			area1 = 1,
			hitLimit1 = 8,
			speed1 = 5,
			attackCount1 = 3,
			duration1 = 60,
			hitCD1 = 30
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Increase damage by <span class=gtgreen>20%</span>.",
			damage1 = 1.2
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "<span class=gtgreen>1</span> more Nut.",
			attackCount1 = 4
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Reduce time between attacks by <span class=gtgreen>15%</span>.",
			attackTime1 = 68
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "<span class=gtgreen>1</span> more Nut.",
			attackCount1 = 5
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Increase damage by <span class=gtgreen>20%</span> and speed of Nuts by by <span class=gtgreen>50%</span>.",
			damage1 = 1.44,
			speed1 = 7.5
			-- LVL 7/Awakened
			desc = "Increase attack size by by <span class=gtgreen>30%</span> and double the hit-limit. Nuts bounce once when hitting the edge of the screen.",
			area1 = 1.3,
			hitLimit1 = 8,
			duration1 = 150
	["Paint Brush"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Swings a giant paintbrush in front.",
			weaponType1 = "Melee",
			attackTime1 = 90,
			damage1 = 1,
			area1 = 1,
			hitLimit1 = -1,
			attackCount1 = 1,
			hitCD1 = 30
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Increase damage by <span class=gtgreen>20%</span>.",
			damage1 = 1.2
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Swings the Paint Brush a <span class=gtgreen>second</span> time.",
			attackCount1 = 2,
			attackDelay1 = 15
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Increase attack size by <span class=gtgreen>20%</span>.",
			area1 = 1.2
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Swings the Paint Brush <span class=gtgreen>3</span> times.",
			attackCount1 = 3,
			attackDelay1 = 12,
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Increase attack size by <span class=gtgreen>25%</span>.",
			area1 = 1.5
			-- LVL 7/Awakened
			desc = "Covers targets with paint, increasing Critical Hit chance by <span class=gtgreen>15%</span>. Target may also leave paint on the ground which deals 50% weapon damage.",
			chance1 = 10,
			label1 = "Brush",
			label2 = "Paint",
			damage2 = 1.2 * 0.5, -- 0.5x brush damage
			duration2 = 300,
			hitCD2 = 300,
			area2 = 1,
			label3 = "Crit vulnerability",
			duration3 = 600
	["Keris"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Summons daggers that fly forward.",
			weaponType1 = "Melee",
			attackTime1 = 90,
			damage1 = 1,
			duration1 = 30,
			hitCD1 = 60,
			hitLimit1 = -1,
			area1 = 1.5,
			attackCount1 = 1,
			range1 = 120
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Summons <span class=gtgreen>1</span> more Keris.",
			attackCount1 = 2,
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Increase damage by <span class=gtgreen>20%</span>.",
			damage1 = 1.2,
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Reduce time between attacks by <span class=gtgreen>15%</span>.",
			attackTime1 = 76.5,
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Increase damage by <span class=gtgreen>25%</span>. Summons <span class=gtgreen>1</span> more Keris.",
			attackCount1 = 3 -- does not seem to increase damage
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Summons <span class=gtgreen>1</span> more Keris and increase the size of the Keris by <span class=gtgreen>50%</span>.",
			attackCount1 = 4,
			area1 = 2.25,
			range1 = 150
			-- LVL 7/Awakened
			desc = "Summon a large Keris blade from under up to 4 targets within Anya's Pick Up Range.",
			label1 = "Main attack",
			damage1 = 1.5,
			label2 = "Large keris",
			attackCount2 = 4,
			damage2 = 1.5 / 1.5, -- main proj damage / 1.5
			area2 = 1.5,
			duration2 = 30,
			hitCD2 = 30,
			kbDuration2 = 10,
			kbSpeed2 = 4

	["BL Book"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Repel targets with orbiting BL Books.",
			weaponType1 = "multishot",
			weight = 3,
			attackTime1 = 360,
			minDelay1 = 300,
			attackCount1 = 3,
			damage1 = 1.4,
			hitLimit1 = 7,
			hitCD1 = 20,
			area1 = 1,
			duration1 = 120,
			speed1 = 3,
			radius1 = 50,
			kbDuration1 = 5,
			kbSpeed1 = 2
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Add 1 additional book.",
			attackCount1 = 4
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Increase damage by 30% and increase duration by 1 second.",
			damage1 = 1.82,
			duration1 = 300
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Add 1 additional book.",
			attackCount1 = 5
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Increase radius and spinning speed by 25%.",
			speed1 = 5,
			radius1 = 75
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Add 1 additional book.",
			attackCount1 = 6
			-- LVL 7
			desc = "Increase damage by 40%.",
			damage1 = 2.548
	["Bounce Ball"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Drops a falling bounce ball on a random target. Size of ball varies between characters.",
			weaponType1 = "Multishot",
			weight = 4,
			damage1 = 1.4,
		    attackTime1 = 120,
		    hitCD1 = 30,
		    hitLimit1 = 1,
		    area1 = 0.6,
		    speed1 = 8,
		    duration1 = 180,
		    range1 = 300
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Increase damage by 20%.",
			damage1 = 1.56
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Drop 2 balls.",
			attackCount1 = 2,
			attackDelay1 = 5
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Gain knockback effect. The strength of knockback varies from character.",
			kbDuration1 = 5,
			kbSpeed1 = 3
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Drop 3 balls.",
			attackCount1 = 3
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Reduce the time between attacks by 15%.",
			attackTime1 = 102
			-- LVL 7
			desc = "Increase damage by 30% and drop 4 balls.",
			damage1 = 2.028,
			attackCount1 = 4
	["CEO's Tears"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Fires rapid tears at random targets.",
			weaponType1 = "multishot",
			weight = 2,
			attackTime1 = 30,
			attackCount1 = 1,
			damage1 = 1,
			hitLimit1 = 1,
			hitCD1 = 30,
			area1 = 0.9,
			duration1 = 90,
			speed1 = 4
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Increase damage by 20%.",
			damage1 = 1.2
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Shoot 2 tears.",
			attackCount1 = 2
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Reduce the time between attacks by 33%.",
			attackTime1 = 20
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Tears are 25% faster and increase damage by 20%.",
			damage1 = 1.44,
			speed1 = 5
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Reduce the time between attacks by 50%.",
			attackTime1 = 10
			-- LVL 7
			desc = "Shoot 4 tears.",
			attackCount1 = 4
	["Cutting Board"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Create a defensive wall that damages targets behind you. Effectiveness is increased on certain characters.",
			weaponType1 = "ranged",
			weight = 2,
			attackTime1 = 180,
			attackCount1 = 1,
			damage1 = 1.3,
			hitLimit1 = -1,
			hitCD1 = 20,
			area1 = 1,
			duration1 = 120,
			speed1 = 7,
			kbDuration1 = 20,
			kbSpeed1 = 7
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Increase size of wall by 30%.",
			area1 = 1.3
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Increase damage by 30%.",
			damage1 = 1.625
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Walls travel farther.",
			speed1 = 10
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Increase damage by 50%.",
			damage1 = 2.535
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Reduce the time between attacks by 0.5 seconds.",
			attackTime1 = 150
			-- LVL 7
			desc = "Shoot additional walls from sides.",
			attackCount1 = 3
	["Elite Lava Bucket"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Drop lava on the ground, burning targets slowly.",
			weaponType1 = "multishot",
			weight = 3,
			attackTime1 = 300,
			attackCount1 = 1,
			damage1 = 0.8,
			hitLimit1 = -1,
			hitCD1 = 45,
			area1 = 0.9,
			duration1 = 180,
			speed1 = 6
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Increase lava area by 20%.",
			area1 = 1.1
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Throw 2 lava buckets.",
			attackCount1 = 2,
			attackDelay1 = 5
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Increase damage by 30% and increase duration of lava by 1 second.",
			damage1 = 1.2,
			duration1 = 270
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Increase damage by 30%.",
			damage1 = 1.56
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Throw 3 lava buckets.",
			attackCount1 = 3
			-- LVL 7
			desc = "Throw 4 lava buckets and increase lava size by 20%.",
			attackCount1 = 4,
			area1 = 1.32
	["EN's Curse"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Fires cursed energy in front. On hit, there is a chance to spread another Curse towards another nearby target.",
			weaponType1 = "Multishot",
			weight = 2,
			damage1 = 1.44,
			attackTime1 = 110,
			hitCD1 = 30,
			hitLimit1 = 1,
			speed1 = 7,
			area1 = 1.5,
			duration1 = 90,
			range1 = 100,
			chance1 = 70
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Increase chance of chaining curses from 70% to 80%.",
			chance1 = 80
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Increase damage by 30%.",
			damage1 = 1.87
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Increase the maximum range limit of chaining curses to 125px.",
			range1 = 125
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Fire 2 curses and increase chance of chaining to 90%.",
			attackCount1 = 2,
			chance1 = 90
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Reduce the time between attacks by 15%.",
			attackTime1 = 93
			-- LVL 7
			desc = "Fire 3 curses. Each time a curse spreads, its damage increases by 10%."
	["Fan Beam"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Shoot a powerful laser beam from the microphone. Horizontal Only.",
			weaponType1 = "ranged",
			weight = 3,
			attackTime1 = 180,
			attackCount1 = 1,
			damage1 = 3,
			hitLimit1 = -1,
			hitCD1 = 60,
			area1 = 1,
			kbDuration1 = 10,
			kbSpeed1 = 15
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Increase size by 30%.",
			area1 = 1.3
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Reduce attack cooldown by 0.5 second.",
			attackTime1 = 150
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Increase damage by 50%.",
			damage1 = 4
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Reduce attack cooldown by 0.5 second.",
			attackTime1 = 120
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Increase beam size by 50%.",
			area1 = 2
			-- LVL 7
			desc = "Fire an additional beam behind.",
			attackCount1 = 2
	["Glowstick"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Throw a glowstick to a nearby target and then spins back to player.",
			weaponType1 = "multishot",
			weight = 4,
			label1 = "Projectile",
			label2 = "Explosion",
			attackTime1 = 240,
			attackCount1 = 1,
			damage1 = 1.2,
			damage2 = 1.2 * 1.5,
			hitLimit1 = 3,
			hitLimit2 = -1,
			hitCD1 = 30,
			hitCD2 = 60,
			area1 = 1,
			area2 = 1 * 1.5,
			duration1 = 180,
			speed1 = 8
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Increase damage by 20%.",
			damage1 = 1.44,
			damage2 = 1.44 * 1.5
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Increase hit limit by 10 and throw 1 additional glowstick",
			attackCount1 = 2,
			attackDelay1 = 5,
			hitLimit1 = 8
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Increase size of glowstick by 25%.",
			area1 = 1.25,
			area2 = 1.25 * 1.5
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Throw 1 additional glowstick.",
			attackCount1 = 3
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Increase damage by 33%.",
			damage1 = 1.9152,
			damage2 = 1.9152 * 1.5
			-- LVL 7
			desc = "Throw 1 additional glowstick.",
			attackCount1 = 4
	["Holo Bomb"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "A bomb that explodes, dealing damage to all nearby targets.",
			weaponType1 = "multishot",
			weight = 3,
			attackTime1 = 120,
			attackCount1 = 1,
			damage1 = 1.7,
			hitLimit1 = -1,
			hitCD1 = 20,
			area1 = 1.44,
			duration1 = 630,
			speed1 = 7
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Increase explosion size by 15%.",
			area1 = 1.656
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Increase damage by 20%.",
			area1 = 2.04
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Throw 2 bombs.",
			attackCount1 = 2,
			attackDelay1 = 5
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Reduce the time between attacks by 20%.",
			attackTime1 = 96
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Increase explosion size by 20%.",
			damage1 = 1.9872
			-- LVL 7
			desc = "Throw 3 bombs.",
			attackCount1 = 3
	["Idol Song"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Magical music notes that float vertically in both directions.",
			weaponType1 = "ranged",
			weight = 3,
			attackTime1 = 200,
			attackCount1 = 2,
			damage1 = 1.3,
			hitLimit1 = -1,
			hitCD1 = 20,
			area1 = 1,
			duration1 = 150,
			speed1 = 1,
			width1 = 7
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Increase damage by 25%.",
			damage1 = 1.625
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Increase speed and travel width.",
			speed1 = 1.2,
			width1 = 10
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Increase music note size by 25%.",
			area1 = 1.25
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Reduce the time between attacks by 20%.",
			attackTime1 = 160
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Increase music note size by 25%.",
			area1 = 1.56
			-- LVL 7
			desc = "Increase damage by 50%.",
			damage1 = 2.43
	["Plug Type Asacoco"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Fire a fast piercing tail targeted at a random target.",
			weaponType1 = "multishot",
			weight = 4,
			attackTime1 = 150,
			attackCount1 = 1,
			damage1 = 1.4,
			hitLimit1 = -1,
			hitCD1 = 10,
			area1 = 1,
			duration1 = 45,
			speed1 = 20
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Increase damage by 20%.",
			damage1 = 1.68
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Fire an additional Asacoco.",
			attackCount1 = 2,
			attackDelay1 = 5
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Increase damage by 30%.",
			damage1 = 2.184
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Fire an additional Asacoco.",
			attackCount1 = 3
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Adds knockback on hit.",
			kbDuration1 = 15,
			kbSpeed1 = 7
			-- LVL 7
			desc = "Fire an additional Asacoco.",
			attackCount1 = 4
	["Psycho Axe"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Throw an axe that spirals outward from the player.",
			weaponType1 = "ranged",
			weight = 3,
			attackTime1 = 240,
			attackCount1 = 1,
			damage1 = 1.2,
			hitLimit1 = 10,
			hitCD1 = 50,
			area1 = 1,
			duration1 = 180,
			speed1 = 10
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Increase size of axe by 20%. Increase damage by 20%.",
			damage1 = 1.56,
			area1 = 1.2
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Reduce time between attacks by 20%.",
			attackTime1 = 192
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Increase damage by 33%, and size by 20%.",
			damage1 = 2.07,
			area1 = 1.44
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Remove hit limit, and lasts 1 second longer.",
			hitLimit1 = -1,
			duration1 = 240
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Increase attack size by 50%.",
			area1 = 2.16
			-- LVL 7
			desc = "Increase damage by 50%.",
			damage1 = 3.11
	["Sausage"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "If there are targets nearby, swings a small sausage towards the closest target.",
			weaponType1 = "Melee",
			weight = 3,
			attackTime1 = 90,
			attackCount1 = 1,
			damage1 = 1.6,
			hitLimit1 = -1,
			hitCD1 = 30,
			range1 = 60,
			area1 = 1,
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Increase damage by <span class=gtgreen>20%</span>.",
			damage1 = 1.92,
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Adds a small <span class=gtyellow>knockback</span> on hit.",
			kbDuration1 = 5,
			kbSpeed1 = 5,
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Reduce the time between attacks by <span class=gtgreen>20%</span>.",
			attackTime1 = 72,
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Increase attack area by and damamge by <span class=gtgreen>30%</span>.",
			range1 = 80,
			area1 = 1.2,
			damage1 = 2.5
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Reduce the time between attacks by <span class=gtgreen>20%</span>.",
			attackTime1 = 57,
			-- LVL 7
			desc = "Sausage swing becomes a <span class=gtgreen>2-hit combo</span>.",
			attackCount1 = 2,
			attackDelay1 = 10,
			damage1 = 1.3
	["Spider Cooking"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Create an area of Miasma around, dealing slow damage to enemies inside.",
			weaponType1 = "Melee",
			weight = 4,
			attackTime1 = 600,
			minDelay1 = 600,
			attackCount1 = 1,
			damage1 = 0.9,
			hitLimit1 = -1,
			hitCD1 = 45,
			area1 = 1.1,
			duration1 = 601,
			speed1 = 0
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Increase area by 15%.",
			area1 = 1.265
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Increase damage by 30%.",
			damage1 = 1.17
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Increase area by 25%.",
			area1 = 1.58125
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Increase frequency of hits by 20%.",
			hitCD1 = 36
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Increase damage by 60%.",
			damage1 = 1.404
			-- LVL 7
			desc = "Add small knockback on hit.",
			kbDuration1 = 8,
			kbSpeed1 = 3
	["Wamy Water"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Create a splash of unknown water in front, knocking targets back.",
			weaponType1 = "Melee",
			weight = 3,
			attackTime1 = 120,
			attackCount1 = 1,
			damage1 = 1.1,
			hitLimit1 = -1,
			hitCD1 = 30,
			area1 = 1.2,
			kbDuration1 = 10,
			kbSpeed1 = 5
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Increase damage by 20%.",
			area1 = 1.32
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Increase attack area by 30%.",
			area1 = 1.44
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Increase splash knockback.",
			kbSpeed1 = 8
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Reduce time between attacks by 20%.",
			attackTime1 = 96
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Increase damage by 30%.",
			damage1 = 1.716
			-- LVL 7
			desc = "Increase attack area by 30% and stuns targets for a short moment after knockback.",
			area1 = 2
	["X-Potato"] = {
			-- LVL 1
			desc = "Throw a potato that bounces around the screen before exploding into an X.",
			weaponType1 = "multishot",
			weight = 2,
			label1 = "Projectile",
			label2 = "Explosion",
			attackTime1 = 210,
			attackCount1 = 1,
			damage1 = 0.9,
			damage2 = 0.9 * 2,
			hitLimit1 = 10,
			hitLimit2 = -1,
			hitCD1 = 20,
			area1 = 1,
			area2 = 0.8,
			duration1 = 180,
			speed1 = 5
			-- LVL 2
			desc = "Increase the X explosion size by 20%.",
			area2 = 1
			-- LVL 3
			desc = "Throw 2 potatoes.",
			attackCount1 = 2,
			attackDelay1 = 5
			-- LVL 4
			desc = "Increase damage and speed by 30%.",
			damage1 = 1.43,
			damage2 = 1.43 * 2
			-- LVL 5
			desc = "Reduce the time between attacks by 15% and remove hit limit.",
			attackTime1 = 127,
			hitLimit1 = -1
			-- LVL 6
			desc = "Increase the size of potatoes and the X explosion size by 30%.",
			attackCount1 = 4,
			area1 = 1.3,
			area2 = 1.3
			-- LVL 7
			desc = "Throw 4 potatoes.",
			attackCount1 = 4
	["Absolute Wall"] = {
			desc = "Summon forth the Great Wall of Hololive. Has a small chance to protect from projectiles.",
			weaponType1 = "Melee",
			damage1 = 2,
		    attackTime1 = 600,
		    area1 = 2,
		    hitLimit1 = 1,
		    duration1 = 600,
		    radius1 = 80,
		    minDelay1 = 600,
		    hitCD1 = 30,
		    attackCount1 = 4,
		    kbDuration1 = 15,
		    kbSpeed1 = 16,
		    chance1 = 10
	["BL Fujoshi"] = {
			desc = "Endless BL, how shameless!",
			weaponType1 = "Melee",
			label1 = "Book",
			label2 = "Axe",
			attackTime1 = 110,
			minDelay1 = 110,
			attackCount1 = 6,
			attackCount2 = 2,
			damage1 = 0.5,
			damage2 = 1.25,
			hitLimit1 = -1,
			hitCD1 = 40,
			hitCD2 = 20,
			area1 = 1.5,
			area2 = 2,
			duration1 = 110,
			speed1 = 8,
			speed2 = 10,
			radius1 = 90,
			radius2 = 160
	["Bone Bros."] = {
			desc = "Don't bite the hand that feeds you if it's holding a knife.",
			weaponType1 = "Multishot",
		    attackTime1 = 60,
		    minDelay1 = 20,
		    duration1 = 30,
			label1 = "Slash",
		    damage1 = 1*1.3, -- 1.3x main attack damage
		    attackCount1 = 1,
		    hitLimit1 = 10,
		    area1 = 1.5,
		    speed1 = 15,
		    hitCD1 = 30,
			label2 = "Bullet",
		    damage2 = 1*1.1, -- 1.1x main attack damage
		    attackCount2 = 1,
		    hitLimit2 = 5,
		    area2 = 1.25,
		    speed2 = 15,
		    hitCD2 = 30
	["Breathe-In Type Asacoco"] = {
			desc = "Limited time only for 5000 yen!!!",
			weaponType1 = "Multishot",
			attackTime1 = 45,
			minDelay1 = 20,
			attackCount1 = 5,
			attackDelay1 = 5,
			damage1 = 2.4,
			hitLimit1 = -1,
			hitCD1 = 20,
			area1 = 2,
			duration1 = 60
	["Broken Dreams"] = {
			desc = "The dream is dead and there is no hope. Bubble Shield also slows targets.",
			weaponType1 = "Multishot",
			label1 = "Bubble",
			label2 = "Rain",
			attackTime1 = 120,
			attackTime2 = 8,
			minDelay1 = 10,
			attackCount1 = 1,
			attackCount2 = 6,
			damage1 = 1,
			damage2 = 1.2,
			hitLimit1 = -1,
			hitLimit2 = 5,
			hitCD1 = 40,
			hitCD2 = 30,
			area1 = 1.3,
			duration1 = 120,
			duration2 = 40,
			speed1 = 0,
			speed2 = 30
	["Crescent Bardiche"] = {
			desc = "A large halberd that deals high critical damage, and summons falling stars.",
			weaponType1 = "Melee",
			label1 = "Halberd",
			attackTime1 = 90,
			damage1 = 2.5,
			hitLimit1 = -1,
			area1 = 1.5,
			hitCD1 = 30,
			duration1 = 40,
			speed1 = 5,
			chance1 = 40,
			label2 = "Stars",
			damage2 = 0.75,
			attackCount2 = 1,
			hitLimit2 = 5,
			hitCD2 = 30,
			duration2 = 60,
			speed2 = 15
	["Curse Ball"] = {
			desc = "Play ball! The more you play, the longer it stays.",
			weaponType1 = "Ranged",
			label1 = "Ball",
			attackTime1 = 660,
			damage1 = 4,
			hitLimit1 = -1,
			minDelay1 = 300,
			area1 = 2,
			speed1 = 5,
			hitCD1 = 30,
			duration1 = 600,
			kbDuration1 = 7,
			kbSpeed1 = 5,
			label2 = "Curse",
			damage2 = 3,
			attackTime2 = 60,
			attackCount2 = 1,
			hitLimit2 = -1,
			hitCD2 = 45,
			duration2 = 35,
			area2 = 3.02 -- 0.4 * logn(1.6, argument0.lifetime + 1) * argument1.weaponSizeMultiplier
	["Dragon Fire"] = {
			desc = "The power of a once LEGENDARY Dragon. The OG.",
			weaponType1 = "Multishot",
			attackTime1 = 3,
			minDelay1 = 3,
			attackCount1 = 4,
			damage1 = 0.5,
			hitCD1 = 15,
			hitLimit1 = 4,
			area1 = 1,
			duration1 = 20,
			speed1 = 15,
			kbDuration1 = 3,
			kbSpeed1 = 1
	["Eldritch Horror"] = {
			desc = "Summons unknown horrors. May <span class=gtyellow>Life-steal</span> up to 5% HP from targets defeated in whirlpool.",
			weaponType1 = "Ranged",
			damage1 = 2.8,
		    area1 = 3.5,
		    attackTime1 = 390,
		    attackCount1 = 1,
		    duration1 = 240,
		    hitLimit1 = -1,
		    hitCD1 = 20,
		    minDelay1 = 120,
    		range1 = 180,
    		chance1 = 30
	["Elite Cooking"] = {
			desc = "May have severe unknown side effects if consumed.",
			weaponType1 = "Ranged",
			label1 = "Projectile",
			label2 = "Pool",
			attackTime1 = 35,
			minDelay1 = 10,
			attackCount1 = 1,
			damage1 = 0.65,
			hitLimit1 = -1,
			hitCD1 = 30,
			area1 = 0.9,
			area2 = 2,
			duration1 = 70,
			duration2 = 300,
			speed1 = 10
	["Flattening Board"] = {
			desc = "Feel the wrath of cutting boards...!?",
			weaponType1 = "Multishot",
			label1 = "Projectile",
			label2 = "Explosion",
			attackTime1 = 40,
			minDelay1 = 10,
			attackCount1 = 2,
			damage1 = 2.2,
			damage2 = 1,
			hitLimit1 = 10,
			hitCD1 = 120,
			area1 = 1.5,
			area2 = 2,
			duration1 = 120,
			range1 = 200
	["Frozen Sea"] = {
			desc = "Endless waves of ice that slows targets.",
			weaponType1 = "Multishot",
			label1 = "Book",
			label2 = "Icicle",
			attackTime1 = 110,
			attackTime2 = 8,
			minDelay1 = 110,
			minDelay2 = 8,
			attackCount1 = 5,
			attackCount2 = 1,
			damage1 = 0.25,
			damage2 = 0.7,
			hitLimit1 = -1,
			hitLimit2 = 7,
			hitCD1 = 40,
			hitCD2 = 15,
			area1 = 1.3,
			area2 = 1,
			duration1 = 110,
			duration2 = 25,
			speed1 = 6,
			speed2 = 20,
			radius1 = 75
	["I'm Die, Thank You Forever"] = {
			desc = "Throw a Bomb that attaches to a target. When target is defeated, the bomb explodes.",
			weaponType1 = "Ranged",
			label1 = "Projectile",
			damage1 = 1,
		    attackCount1 = 1,
		    attackTime1 = 180,
		    hitLimit1 = 1,
		    duration1 = 300,
		    minDelay1 = 60,
		    area1 = 1.5,
		    hitCD1 = 30,
		    speed1 = 15,
		    label2 = "Explosion",
		    damage2 = 3,
		    attackCount2 = 1,
		    hitLimit2 = -1,
		    hitCD2 = 30,
		    duration2 = 95,
		    kbDuration2 = 10,
		    kbSpeed2 = 10
	["Idol Concert"] = {
			desc = "Throw glowstick in all directions that explode into song!",
			weaponType1 = "Ranged",
			label1 = "Projectile",
			label2 = "Explosion",
			attackTime1 = 120,
			minDelay1 = 40,
			attackCount1 = 8,
			attackDelay1 = 5,
			damage1 = 1.75,
			damage2 = 1.75 * 2.25, -- 2.25x projectile damage
			hitLimit1 = -1,
			hitCD1 = 20,
			hitCD2 = 90,
			area1 = 2,
			area2 = 2 * 2,
			duration1 = 60,
			duration2 = 15,
			speed1 = 8,
			kbDuration1 = 7,
			kbSpeed1 = 3
	["Legendary Sausage"] = {
			desc = "A continuously spinning sausage. Spins faster as you move.",
			weaponType1 = "Melee",
			damage1 = 3,
			area1 = 2,
			attackTime1 = 400,
			attackCount1 = 1,
			duration1 = 240,
			hitLimit1 = -1,
			hitCD1 = 10,
			minDelay1 = 240,
			range1 = 180,
			kbDuration1 = 4,
			kbSpeed1 = 4,
	["Lightning Wiener"] = {
			desc = "Shoots Lightning charged weiners that home into targets, and summons lightning to strike down when hit.",
			weaponType1 = "Multishot",
			label1 = "Wiener",
			attackTime1 = 300,
			damage1 = 0.8,
			hitLimit1 = -1,
			minDelay1 = 240,
			area1 = 1.5,
			hitCD1 = 30,
			attackCount1 = 4,
			duration1 = 240,
			range1 = 250,
			label2 = "Lightning",
			attackCount2 = 1,
			damage2 = 0.8*2.2, -- 2.2x weiner damage
			hitLimit2 = 10,
			hitCD2 = 30,
			label3 = "Lightning, X",
			area1 = 1, -- x
			label4 = "Lightning, Y",
			area2 = 3 -- y
	["Light Beam"] = {
			desc = "Throw glowsticks that explode into targeted beams!",
			weaponType1 = "Multishot",
			label1 = "Projectile",
			label2 = "Beam",
			attackTime1 = 50,
			minDelay1 = 10,
			attackCount1 = 4,
			damage1 = 1,
			damage2 = 1*3, -- 3x projectile damage
			hitLimit1 = -1,
			hitCD1 = 15,
			hitCD2 = 60,
			area1 = 2,
			area2 = 3,
			duration1 = 60,
			speed1 = 8,
			range1 = 400
	["MiComet"] = {
			desc = "Real business partners.",
			weaponType1 = "Ranged",
			label1 = "Impact",
			label2 = "Pool",
			attackTime1 = 60,
			minDelay1 = 5,
			attackCount1 = 1,
			damage1 = 3,
			damage2 = 1.75,
			hitLimit1 = -1,
			hitCD1 = 60,
			hitCD2 = 30,
			area1 = 2,
			area2 = 3,
			duration1 = 120
	["MiKorone"] = {
			desc = "Burning hot potatos fall, and targets hit by it leave lava pools as they move.",
			weaponType1 = "Multishot",
			attackTime1 = 150,
		    minDelay1 = 30,
		    speed1 = 20,
			label1 = "Projectile",
		    attackCount1 = 5,
		    attackDelay1 = 7,
		    damage1 = 2,
		    hitLimit1 = 1,
		    duration1 = 180,
		    hitCD1 = 30,
		    area1 = 2,
			label2 = "Initial pool",
			attackCount2 = 1,
		    damage2 = 0.5,
		    hitLimit2 = -1,
		    duration2 = 240,
		    hitCD2 = 15,
		    area2 = 2/3, -- proj area/3
			label3 = "Subsequent pools",
			attackTime3 = 45,
			attackCount3 = 1,
			damage3 = 1.3,
			hitLimit3 = -1,
			duration3 = 240,
			hitCD3 = 10,
			area3 = 2/3 --  =pool area
	["Rap Dog"] = {
			desc = "Drop some HOT BEATS where targets hit take 20% more damage.",
			weaponType1 = "Ranged",
			label1 = "Projectile",
			label2 = "Explosion",
			attackTime1 = 35,
			attackCount1 = 1,
			damage1 = 1,
			damage2 = 1 * 1.3, -- 1.3x projectile damage 
			hitLimit1 = -1,
			hitCD1 = 15,
			hitCD2 = 60,
			area1 = 1.75,
			area2 = 1.75 * 1.2,
			duration1 = 150,
			duration2 = 15,
			speed1 = 10
	["Ring Of Fitness"] = {
			desc = "Continuously throw a ring of fitness balls. Hope nobody walks in.",
			weaponType1 = "Multishot",
			damage1 = 2,
		    attackTime1 = 75,
		    area1 = 0.6,
		    hitLimit1 = 1,
		    duration1 = 120,
		    minDelay1 = 10,
		    hitCD1 = 30,
		    attackCount1 = 15,
		    speed1 = 10
	["Snow Flower Sake"] = {
			desc = "Throw a bottle that shatters into a Snowflake. Has a 30% chance to cause <span class=gtblue>Frozen</span>.",
			weaponType1 = "MultiShot",
			label1 = "Bottle",
			damage1 = 2,
		    attackTime1 = 200,
		    hitLimit1 = -1,
		    duration1 = 31,
		    minDelay1 = 60,
		    area1 = 1,
		    hitCD1 = 30,
		    attackCount1 = 3,
		    attackDelay1 = 10,
		    speed1 = 10,
		    chance1 = 30,
		    label2 = "Explosion",
		    damage2 = 2*2, -- 2x projectile damage
		    attackCount2 = 1,
		    hitLimit2 = -1,
		    hitCD2 = 30,
		    duration2 = 30
	["Stream Of Tears"] = {
			desc = "Nothing can stop the stream of tears.",
			weaponType1 = "Ranged",
			label1 = "X",
			label2 = "Y",
			attackTime1 = 360,
			minDelay1 = 360,
			attackCount1 = 2,
			damage1 = 2.75,
			hitLimit1 = -1,
			hitCD1 = 30,
			area1 = 1.3,
			area2 = 4,
			duration1 = 360
	["Snow Queen"] = {
			desc = "Freeze everything around, dealing constant damage. Also increase Crit chance by 20%.",
			weaponType1 = "Ranged",
			label1 = "Snow Queen",
			damage1 = 2.2,
			attackTime1 = 300,
			minDelay1 = 300,
			hitLimit1 = -1,
			hitCD1 = 30,
			area1 = 2.5,
			range1 = 300,
			duration1 = 320,
			attackCount1 = 1,
			label2 = "Frozen",
			damage2 = 0.75,
			hitCD2 = 20,
			chance2 = 40,
			duration2 = 120
	["Jingisukan"] = {
			desc = "Throws delicious grilled lamb all around. Standing inside the Jingisukan areas heals 3 HP per second (Considered as Food heal). Also increase Max HP by 100.",
			weaponType1 = "Ranged",
			attackCount1 = 1, --config default value
			label1 = "Projectile",
			damage1 = 0.8,
			attackTime1 = 35,
			area1 = 0.9,
			minDelay1 = 10,
			hitLimit1 = -1,
			speed1 = 9,
			hitCD1 = 30,
			duration1 = 70,
			range1 = 400,
			label2 = "Pool",
			area2 = 1.75, -- maxSize
			attackCount2 = 1, -- through script, splitCount = 6
			damage2 = 0.8*1, -- ==proj damage, through script
			speed2 = 0,
			hitCD2 = 25,
			heal2 = "3HP per second",
			duration2 = 300
	["Holy Fire"] = { --聖なる炎
			desc = "Spits flames which contain the strength of 50kg(?). All attack damage is also multiplied 1.3 times",
			label1 = "Gorilla paw",
			weaponType1 = "Multishot",
			damage1 = 0.6,
			attackTime1 = 7,
			hitCD1 = 15,
			speed1 = 15,
			minDelay1 = 7,
			hitLimit1 = 7,
			area1 = 2,
			kbDuration1 = 5,
			kbSpeed1 = 3,
			duration1 = 20,
			attackCount1 = 3,
			label2 = "Fire",
			damage2 = 0.6*1.5, --1.5x paw damage
			hitLimit2 = 3,
			hitCD2 = 60,
			area2 = 1.25,
			speed2 = 15,
			duration2 = 40

		["Idol Live"] = {
			desc = "Put on a Special Live! Reduce Special Cooldown by <span class=gtgreen>30%</span>. Whenever activating the special, increase all stats by 50% for 10 seconds (can only activate once per 30 seconds)",
			weaponType1 = "Ranged",
			label1 = "Main (logo)",
			attackTime1 = 240,
			hitLimit1 = 10,
			hitCD1 = 20,
			damage1 = 0.8,
			duration1 = 240,
			attackCount1 = 1, -- splitCount = 10
			area1 = 1, -- default config value
			label2 = "Glowsticks",
			attackCount2 = 8, -- through script
			damage2 = 0.8*1, -- ==main damage
			hitLimit2 = -1,
			hitCD2 = 10,
			speed2 = 18,
			duration2 = 60,
			kbDuration2 = 10,
			kbSpeed2 = 10,
			area2 = 1, -- default config value
			label3 = "Particles",
			damage3 = 0.8* 1.5, -- 1.5x main damage, through script
			area3 = 1, -- == main area, through script
			attackCount3 = 50, -- through script
			hitLimit3 = -1,
			hitCD3 = 10,
			speed3 = 18,
			duration3 = 60,
			kbDuration3 = 10,
			kbSpeed3 = 10,
			label4 = "Musical notes",
			attackCount4 = 3, -- throguh script
			damage4 = 0.8/1.5, -- main damage/1.5, through script
			hitCD4 = 20,
			hitLimit4 = 7,
			speed4 = 5,
			area4 = 1, -- == main area, through script
			duration4 = 60,
			kbDuration4 = 7,
			kbSpeed4 = 3