Usada Casino

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The Usada Casino.

The Usada Casino is a sub-location within the Holo House game mode. It acts as a hub for various optional luck-based minigames.


The Usada Casino is located to the southwast of the main Holo House compound, reached by taking a left on the intersection south of the Holo House. Alternatively, the Usada Casino can be directly accessed from the Holo House character select screen.

PekoChip Icon.png PekoChips (also referred to as UsadaChips or UsaChips) are the main currency used in the Usada Casino - these can be purchased from Pekomama.gif Pekomama at the front desk at a cost of 100 HoloCoins per 10 PekoChips. However, the player can only buy PekoChips from Pekomama if they have less than 1000 PekoChips on hand - any more must be won by playing the various minigames throughout the casino.

PekoChips and HoloCoins can be exchanged at the front desk for a variety of prizes.



A round of blackjack

In the game of Blackjack, the player bets against the dealer (minimum of 10 PekoChips, maximum of 10k) to get as close to Blackjack (21) without going over. Number cards count as their number, and face cards (the king, queen, and jack) count as 10. Aces count as 11, unless it would put the player over 21, then it counts as 1.

The dealer first deals two cards to themselves, and then to the player. The player then starts their turn. The player can choose to Hit (receive another card) or Hold (end their turn without taking a card). If the player ends their turn, the dealer then starts their turn. If the dealer wins, the player loses their bet. If the player wins, they receive their bet multiplied by the payout multiplier. The multiplier increases for each game the player wins. In the case of a Push (where the player and dealer are tied), the bet is returned to the player. The player can also choose to spend 25% of their current bet to increase their chance of bribing the dealer; if successful, the next draw will get Blackjack if possible, or a 10.


The roulette wheel

In the game of Roulette, the player places PekoChips in the desired color slots, in increments of 10. If the wheel lands on that color, the player receives that slot's payout multiplier.

While the wheel is spinning, the player can choose to kick the table to nudge the wheel towards a desired color; however, this has a chance to cause PekoChips to fall off the table, losing the player's bet.


The slot machine

Each spin of the slot machine costs 10 PekoChips. Spin the slots to start, then press the Stop button until all 3 spinning slots are stopped. If any row or diagonal matches, the player wins PekoChips based on the symbol on the slots, with the symbol payouts displayed at the top of the machine. If three coin symbols are matched, a minigame will start, and the player must repeatedly tap the action button to receive extra chips.

Occasionally, the machine will enter Fever mode, where the chip payout is doubled.

The Bonus Pool of PekoChips increases by 5 each time the player spins the slots, which are added to the payout if the player hits 3 Lucky 7's. The player can also choose to kick the machine for a chance to receive some of the Bonus Pool chips; if unsuccessful, some of the Bonus Pool chips will be lost.


A round of Higher-Lower

In this game, the player can bet a number of PekoChips (from 10 to 1000) on whether the card on the right will be higher or lower in value than the card on the left. Aces are low, and face cards (king, queen, and jack) are high. The player can also switch the left card to a new card, but this can only be used once. If the player wins, they can choose to continue to the next round, with higher payouts, or they can choose to cash out their winnings.

Math Quiz

Example of a Gura level math question

Here the player can choose between four math courses of varying difficulty and receive payouts for each correct answer to the math questions. A math question will be displayed at the top of the screen, and to select an answer, the player must shoot the Nousagi carrying the desired answer. There is only a time limit for the Endless math course. Answering all questions correctly without losing any lives offers a "Perfect!" bonus (+20% payout).

Math courses
Course PekoChip Icon.png Play fee Num. Questions PekoChip Icon.png Payout per correct PekoChip Icon.png Max payout
Gura 100 10 20 240
Normal 1000 15 200 3600
Challenge 2000 20 400 9600
Endless 5000 Infinite 500 Infinite

Tsunomaki Janken

A round of Tsunomaki Janken

The various Hololive characters loitering within the Usada Casino can be challenged to a game of Tsunomaki Janken, which is essentially Rock Paper Scissors. Players choose which hand shape they will play, and whichever participant wins 3 rounds wins the game, with the winner taking a portion of the loser's chips.


Workers racing

Here the player can race their hired workers against seven other NPC workers. There are four Cups, each with eight courses at varying entree fees and payouts, and may have various obstacles. The worker's stats and their health status are displayed on the right while selecting a worker.

During a race, the worker will use stamina to run or swim. Press CONFIRM to let the worker rest and recover stamina, and press CANCEL to use energy for a brief sprint. If the worker runs out of stamina, they will fall over, and the player must tap the action button to recover. The worker must place 1st in a race to win. Each time a worker enters a race, their health status drops, and once they become too exhausted, another worker must be used. Workers can be trained by spending PekoChips to increase their stats (energy, speed, and recovery) up to a given amount (PT) which is based on the worker's current level.

List of courses

Beginners Cup
Course PekoChip Icon.png Entry Fee PekoChip Icon.png Prize Obstacles
Racing Icon.png Course 1 50 150 None
Racing Icon.png Course 2 75 225 None
Racing Icon.png Course 3 100 300 None
Racing Icon.png Course 4 125 375 None
Racing Icon.png Course 5 150 450 None
Racing Icon.png Course 6 175 525 None
Racing Icon.png Course 7 200 600 None
Racing Icon.png Course 8 225 675 Sand Obstacle Icon.png Sand
Competitive Cup
Course PekoChip Icon.png Entry Fee PekoChip Icon.png Prize Obstacles
Racing Icon.png Course 1 250 750 None
Racing Icon.png Course 2 275 825 Sand Obstacle Icon.png Sand
Racing Icon.png Course 3 300 900 Sand Obstacle Icon.png Sand
Racing Icon.png Course 4 325 975 None
Racing Icon.png Course 5 350 1050 Water Obstacle Icon.png Water
Racing Icon.png Course 6 375 1125 Water Obstacle Icon.png Water
Racing Icon.png Course 7 400 1200 None
Racing Icon.png Course 8 425 1275 Water Obstacle Icon.png Water
Veterans Cup
Course PekoChip Icon.png Entry Fee PekoChip Icon.png Prize Obstacles
Racing Icon.png Course 1 450 1350 Sand Obstacle Icon.png Sand, Water Obstacle Icon.png Water
Racing Icon.png Course 2 475 1425 Sand Obstacle Icon.png Sand, Water Obstacle Icon.png Water
Racing Icon.png Course 3 500 1500 Sand Obstacle Icon.png Sand
Racing Icon.png Course 4 525 1575 Sand Obstacle Icon.png Sand, Water Obstacle Icon.png Water
Racing Icon.png Course 5 550 1650 Wind Obstacle Icon.png Wind
Racing Icon.png Course 6 575 1725 Sand Obstacle Icon.png Sand, Water Obstacle Icon.png Water, Wind Obstacle Icon.png Wind
Racing Icon.png Course 7 600 1800 Water Obstacle Icon.png Water
Racing Icon.png Course 8 625 1875 Sand Obstacle Icon.png Sand, Water Obstacle Icon.png Water, Wind Obstacle Icon.png Wind
Champions Cup
Course PekoChip Icon.png Entry Fee PekoChip Icon.png Prize Obstacles
Racing Icon.png Course 1 750 2250 Sand Obstacle Icon.png Sand, Wind Obstacle Icon.png Wind
Racing Icon.png Course 2 800 2400 Sand Obstacle Icon.png Sand, Water Obstacle Icon.png Water
Racing Icon.png Course 3 850 2550 Water Obstacle Icon.png Water
Racing Icon.png Course 4 900 2700 Sand Obstacle Icon.png Sand, Wind Obstacle Icon.png Wind
Racing Icon.png Course 5 950 2850 None
Racing Icon.png Course 6 1000 3000 Sand Obstacle Icon.png Sand, Water Obstacle Icon.png Water, Wind Obstacle Icon.png Wind
Racing Icon.png Course 7 1250 3750 Water Obstacle Icon.png Water, Wind Obstacle Icon.png Wind
Racing Icon.png Course 8 1500 4500 Sand Obstacle Icon.png Sand, Water Obstacle Icon.png Water, Wind Obstacle Icon.png Wind

Fight Pit

Fight Pit menu
Workers in battle

In the Fight Pit, the player can pit their hired workers to fight against seven other NPC workers. There are four matches of varying difficulty; higher difficulties yield higher rewards. In battle, the player can send commands to their worker:

  • Attack! - Target the nearest enemy worker. The type of attack the worker uses depends on the type of worker (Melee, Ranged, Magic).
  • Retreat! - Command the worker to move away from the nearest enemy worker.
  • Special! - Use Special Attack if available.
  • Get Item! - Seek out the nearest item drop on the battlefield, if available.

Each command has a cooldown of several seconds. Workers can be trained by spending PekoChips to increase their stats (HP and ATK) up to a given amount (PT) which is based on the worker's current level.

List of matches

Match PekoChip Icon.png Bet Min / Max Payout Multiplier Enemy Worker Types
Fighting Icon.png Beginners Match 100 / 1000 1.50x Melee
Fighting Icon.png Competitive Match 500 / 5000 2x Melee, Ranged
Fighting Icon.png Veterans Match 1000 / 10000 2.50x Melee, Ranged, Magic
Fighting Icon.png Champions Match 5000 / 50000 3x Melee, Ranged, Magic
(Can use Specials)

Casino Prizes

UsaChip Prizes

Prize Type PekoChip Icon.png Price Description
Fish Bag Icon.png Fish Bag Material 2,500 Get a random assortment of common fish.
Plant Bag Icon.png Plant Bag Material 2,500 Get a random assortment of common plants.
Mineral Bag Icon.png Mineral Bag Material 2,500 Get a random assortment of common minerals.
Wood Bag Icon.png Wood Bag Material 2,500 Get a random assortment of common wood.
Heart Prize Icon.png Hearts Trail 10,000 Create heart effects when moving in main game.
Sakura Prize Icon.png Sakura Trail 10,000 Create sakura petal effects when moving in main game.
Sparkle Prize Icon.png Sparkles Trail 10,000 Create sparkle effects when moving in main game.
Leaf Prize Icon.png Leaves Trail 10,000 Create leaves effects when moving in main game.
Hololive Prize Icon.png Hololive Trail 10,000 Create blue triangle effects when moving in main game.
Bubble Prize Icon.png Bubbles Trail 10,000 Create bubble effects when moving in main game.
Skull Prize Icon.png Skulls Trail 10,000 Create skull effects when moving in main game.
Cat Prize Icon.png Cat Pet 50,000 Summons a pet cat to follow you while in Holo House areas. Very popular pet!
Cat IdleAnim.gifCat RunAnim.gifCat PetAnim.gif
Dog Prize Icon.png Dog Pet 50,000 Summons a pet dog to follow you while in Holo House areas. A certified good boy.
Dog IdleAnim.gifDog RunAnim.gifDog PetAnim.gif
Rabbit Prize Icon.png Rabbit Pet 50,000 Summons a pet rabbit to follow you while in Holo House areas. This one does not scam you.
Rabbit IdleAnim.gifRabbit RunAnim.gifRabbit PetAnim.gif
Beetle Prize Icon.png Beetle Pet 50,000 Summons a pet beetle to follow you while in Holo House areas. You may not see it, but it is there.
Beetle IdleAnim.gifBeetle RunAnim.gifBeetle PetAnim.gif
Penguin Prize Icon.png Penguin Pet 50,000 Summons a pet penguin to follow you while in Holo House areas. It's cool AND cute!
Penguin IdleAnim.gifPenguin RunAnim.gifPenguin PetAnim.gif
Monkey Prize Icon.png Monkey Pet 111,111 Summons a pet monkey to follow you while in Holo House areas. Don't let this pet monkey distract you.
Monkey IdleAnim.gifMonkey RunAnim.gifMonkey PetAnim.gif
Worker Tools Icon.png Worker Tools Upgrade 100,000 Purchase rights for workers to use tools. Increase HoloCoin gather rate by 25% for all workers.
Worker Breaks Icon.png Worker Breaks Upgrade 100,000 Purchase rights for workers to have breaks. Workers will spend Stamina 25% slower.
Gold Rabbit's Foot Icon.png Gold Rabbit's Foot Upgrade 1,000,000 Increases the drop rate of Fan Letters by 20%.
Usada Casino Drink Icon.png Usada Casino Drink - 1,000,000 A somewhat tasty drink. This item does absolutely nothing. It is an absolute scam. You will only waste your chips from buying this. (Actually.)

HoloCoin Prizes

Prize Type HoloCoin Icon.png Price Description
Legendary Weapon Icon.png Legendary Weapon Upgrade 7,777,777 A legendary secret artifact discovered by the Casino owner from mysterious lands. Only one exists in all the world. Increases ATK by 2% in main game. Definitely not a scam item. (Only applies to Stage Mode)
Legendary Boots Icon.png Legendary Boots Upgrade 7,777,777 A legendary secret artifact discovered by the Casino owner from mysterious lands. Only one exists in all the world. Increases SPD by 2% in main game. Definitely not a scam item. (Only applies to Stage Mode)
Legendary Gloves Icon.png Legendary Gloves Upgrade 7,777,777 A legendary secret artifact discovered by the Casino owner from mysterious lands. Only one exists in all the world. Increases Pick Up Range by 2% in main game. Definitely not a scam item. (Only applies to Stage Mode)
Legendary Drink Icon.png Legendary Drink Upgrade 7,777,777 A legendary secret artifact discovered by the Casino owner from mysterious lands. Only one exists in all the world. Increases Haste by 1% in main game. Definitely not a scam item. (Only applies to Stage Mode)
Legendary Lens Icon.png Legendary Lens Upgrade 7,777,777 A legendary secret artifact discovered by the Casino owner from mysterious lands. Only one exists in all the world. Increases Crit by 1% in main game. Definitely not a scam item. (Only applies to Stage Mode)
Usada Casino Drink Icon.png Usada Casino Drink - 1,000,000 A somewhat tasty drink. This item does absolutely nothing. It is an absolute scam. You will only waste your chips from buying this. (Actually.)


For the full list of changes, see Changelog.

0.7 Hotfix 11

Added new tech so now we can inject images into text strings.
Operator symbols in Casino's math game have been adjusted.

0.7 Hotfix 9

Lowered the cost of the Scam items in Usada Casino (to 1/10th of their original prices) and changed when they can become active (only in Stage Mode).

0.7 Release
0.6 Release
  • At the southern end of the Holo House map, a group of Nousagis could be found working on the site of the future Usada Casino.


Usada Casino Teaser in Holo X Break
  • Usada Casino was teased as early as Version 0.6 alongside the newly introduced HoloHouse.
    • The Casino was also teased as an in-game poster for Holo X Break, HoloCure's sister game by Kay Yu and his team as seen on the image on the right.
    • The Casino was, according to Kay Yu, "an excuse for us to put literally any mini game we want into it".[1]
  • The main music for the Casino is "PEKORANDOMBRAIN!" by Usada Pekora; the track in-game is fittingly called "PEKOGAMBLEBRAIN".
    • For the fight pit and racing mini-games, a slightly remixed version called "Go Peko, Go Peko, Go Peko!!" is used instead.
  • The shop NPC Pekomama.gif at the Casino's main counter is Pekomama (aka "Pekora Mami"), the character representing Pekora's real-life mother. Pekomama first appeared as a voice-only guest on Pekora's stream celebrating Pekora's 1 million Youtube subscriber milestone in 2021, where her mature and soft-spoken demeanor made her popular with viewers.[2] She made infrequent appearances on Pekora's channel afterwards, before making her vtuber debut on Pekora's April Fool's Day 2024 stream, which at the time broke the record for the highest concurrent viewership numbers for a vtuber debut at over 180,000 viewers.[3]
    • In-game, Pekomama will have different dialogue if the player is playing as Usada Pekora Icon.pngUsada Pekora.
  • A very expensive drinking glass collection.
    The amount of Usada Casino Drink Icon.png drinks bought for HoloCoins or PekoChips is presented as a collection of empty cups randomly placed around the central Pekora Statue.
  • The Lets Go Gambling! Icon.pngLets Go Gambling! achievement and the "Aww dang it" message on the slots are references to the memetic "gamblecore" video.[4]
  • The Math game, alongside the Smollie math boss in Stage 4 (Hard), was inspired by Hololive's members atrocious experience with math and math puzzles.[5] The most notable incident is during streams of the indie Horror game The Kidnap where the different members tried to solve a puzzle involving elementary grade math paper with varying level of accuracy.[6]
    • The fact that the easiest level was named after Gura is a nod to Gura's less than stellar mental calculation skill.[7]
  • Tsunomaki Janken is based on Tsunomaki Watame's Tsunomaki Janken game. The game originally exist as pre-recorded segment on Kiryu Coco's Asacoco News (See: Plug Type Asacoco#Trivia) before being recreated as an automatic game building in the Hololive JP Minecraft Server.
    • When playing as Sakura Miko Icon.pngSakura Miko against Tsunomaki Watame Icon.pngTsunomaki Watame at Tsunomaki Janken, the game is programmed to give the player a 99% chance of losing.[8] This references Miko's winrate against Watame doing Tsunomaki Janken in various places especially in Minecraft where there is a result board consisting mostly of Miko's games, the majority of which are losses.[9]
    • Janken is the Japanese word for Rock-Paper-Scissors.
    • Kay didn't intended for a player's PekoChips to be able to go down to a negative number after losing to other members at Tsunomaki Janken. However, he found it so entertaining after watching Bae lose all her money to NPC IRyS several times on stream that he decided not to fix it, making it an official mechanic.[10]
  • The Fight Pit and Racing games are both directly inspired by Sonic Adventure's Chao Garden[11]
  • Several pets are references to hololive members.
    • The Beetle pet is a reference to Momosuzu Nene's beetle-keeping hobby similar to the Beetle Icon.pngBeetle item.
    • The Monkey pet is a reference to Jill-kun, Pekora's real-life pet Senegalese bushbaby. Its buying price is a reference to Pekora's character age, and its description text is a reference to the "Pekora bought a faqing monkey" meme.





HoloCure OST - PEKOGAMBLEBRAIN (Extended Loop) by Eufrik
HoloCure OST - Go Peko, Go Peko, Go Peko!! by Eufrik

Full Map

Full view of the casino


  1. Kay Yu (2023-11-01). Kay Yu on Twitter.
  2. Yamete Kudasubs (2020-12-20). Pekora comes out to Pekomama【Full Stream Highlights】.
  3. Whatopia (2024-04-01). PekoMama Debut and Start Mommy Roleplay With Nousagi~.
  4. raxdflipnote (2024/05/11). gamblecore.
  5. Kay Yu (2024-11-15). Kay Yu on Twitter. “I am certain now that if I were to put basic math in HoloCure as a mechanic or challenge, It's going to become the hardest content in the game. I know what I must do”
  6. Phalnoa Ch (2023-11-08). Holomem vs Math questions 【Hololive】.
  7. Kowkarot (2023-03-03). Has Gura's Math Improved in 3 Years?.
  8. Kay Yu (2024-11-17). Kay Yu on Twitter.
  9. Kiriku Translation (2024-09-03). Elite Miko Play Tsunomaki Janken In 2024【Hololive English Sub】.
  10. Kay Yu (2024-11-15). Kay Yu on Twitter.
  11. HoloCure Official X [@HoloCureGame] (2024-09-06). Kay Yu on X. “So yeah basically you'll want some workers with good stats as for why, i'll just share this if you know you know [image]”