Stage 5/Design reference and trivia

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Enemy Trivia
Shrimp.gif Stage 1
Sukonbu.gif Stage 2
Stage 3 Stage 3
Moonafic.gif Stage 4
Nousagi.gif Stage 5

This page contains information on enemies that appear in Stage 5, including their origin and how they relate to the talents they are referencing.


  • HLC OG are designs original to HoloCure.
  • General are mascots, both official and fan made, belonging to or associated with a talent, but are not meant to represent their fans.
  • Fan Mascots are official mascots representing the associated talent fanbase.
Hololive Members Fan name Mascot Name

and Type

Usada Pekora IdleAnim.gif

Usada Pekora

Nousagi Nousagi (Fan Mascot) Nousagi.gifNousagi2.gifNousagi3.gifNousagi4.gif
Houshou Marine IdleAnim.gif

Houshou Marine

Houshou no Ichimi Ichimin (Fan Mascot) Ichimin.gifIchimin2.gifIchimin3.gifIchimin4.gif
Shiranui Flare IdleAnim.gif

Shiranui Flare

Elfriend Elfriend (Fan Mascot) Elfriend.gifElfriend2.gifElfriend3.gif
Shirogane Noel IdleAnim.gif

Shirogane Noel

Knight's Order of Shirogane Danin (Fan Mascot) Danin.gifDanin2.gifDanin3.gif
Kiryu Coco IdleAnim.gif

Kiryu Coco

Tatsunoko Tatsunoko (HLC OG) Tatsunoko.gifTatsunoko2.gif
Otaku (HLC OG) Otaku Green.gifOtaku Red.gifOtaku Blue.gif
Amane Kanata IdleAnim.gif

Amane Kanata

Heimin Heimin (HLC OG) Heimin.gifHeimin2.gif
Upao (General) Upao 2x.gif
Tsunomaki Watame IdleAnim.gif

Tsunomaki Watame

Watamate Watamate (Fan Mascot) Watamate.gifWatamate2.gif
Tokoyami Towa IdleAnim.gif

Tokoyami Towa

Tokoyami Kenzoku Kenzoku (HLC OG) Kenzoku.gifKenzoku2.gif
Himemori Luna IdleAnim.gif

Himemori Luna

LuKnight LuKnight (Fan Mascot) LuKnight.gif LuKnight2.gif
Major Bosses
Hololive Members Mascot name Mascot
Himemori Luna IdleAnim.gif

Himemori Luna

Nanora 2x.gif
Usada Pekora IdleAnim.gif

Usada Pekora

Pekodam 2x.gif

Major Bosses


Nanora is based on a depiction of Himemori Luna by fan animator Mochimiko.


Pekodam is a Gundam-inspired expensive build project by Usada Pekora within the Hololive Minecraft Server.

Canon Fan Mascots

This category consists of enemies that are directly based on official fan mascot design use by Hololive Talents.

List of canon fan mascot designs: Nousagi, Ichimin, Elfriend, Dannin, Watamate, LuKnight


Nousagi messing around while their princess suffer.

Nousagi (野兎, Wild Rabbits) are fans of Usada Pekora. Their name is the shorten form of 野うさぎ同盟 (No-usagi Doumei, Wild Rabbit Alliance). According to Pekora's lore, the Nousagis are the citizen of Pekoland and are the subject of its ruler Princess Pekora. Their design first appeared in Pekora's first new start screen that she began using a few months after her debut.[1]

  • The word Nousagi is the common local name of the Japanese Hare.
  • Nousagi's flowery fullname is a trait they share with their fellow JP Gen 3 fandom the Ichimin and Danin.

Houshou no IchiminIchimin.gifIchimin2.gifIchimin3.gifIchimin4.gif

A crewmate being punished by his pushy captain

Houshou no Ichimi (宝鐘の一味, Houshou's (Pirate) Crew) are fans of Houshou Marine. Their name is typically shorten as Ichimi (一味, Crew). According to Marine's Lore, the Ichimis are supposed to be her pirate subordinate but her lack of ship meant the Ichimi only gets to show off in her fantasy MVs.[2]

  • One of the earliest depiction of the red-white striped shirt Ichimi appeared as far back as July 2022 with an official T-shirt that was part of her Birthday Merch Set which suggest that the design has existed since an even earlier date.[3]


Elfriend being given Flare's Golden YAGOO trophy as gift

Elfriend are fans of Shiranui Flare. Their name is a simple portmanteu of Elf and Friend. The little orange bird designed was announced and revealed alongside Flare's visual redesign which was meant to emphasize more on her cutesy side.[4]

Knight's Order of ShiroganeDanin.gifDanin2.gifDanin3.gif

Danins feading their oshi in her pre-start screen.

Knight's Order of Shirogane (白銀聖騎士団, Shirogane Kishidan) are fans of Shirogane Noel. Their name is typically shorten as Danin (団員, Order Member). Their mascot being a hamster with a Gyudon bow as a hat is based on Noel's own love of hamster and gyudon.[5]

  • Danin are the only fanbase introduce in Version 0.7 to use their English name which happens to also make them the longest fan name in HoloCure. This name was so long that even its short type name Shirogane Knights, used as the worker name in HoloHouse, was still too long and overflow from its UI window.
  • Despite their lore where they are member's of Noel's Knight Order, they are almost never depicted as knights in any official media and are mostly shown as Noel's animal henchman.


A variety of Watamate in various stage of life (and death)

Watamate are fans of Tsunomaki Watame.[6] Their sheeplike appeareance is likely based on the shepherdess bard motif of Watame which can be seen in media like the Hololive Alternative PV.[7] While the Watamates are frequently depicts as sheep, the current recognized design as used by HoloCure was created by Watame herself and first appeared in episode 28 of Watame Night Fever, Watame's weekly karaoke stream.[8]


Luna playing around with a 3D LuKnight

LuKnight (ルーナイト, Ruunaito) are fans of Himemori Luna.[9] Their name is a pun combining Luna (ルー, Ruuna) and the Japanese transliteration of the English word Knight (イト, Naito). Owing to their name, the LuKnights were frequently depicted as some form of armored knight especially after their performances in Monster Hunter where they showed their skill alongside their princess albeit in less than modest pink outfits.[10] The official stubby pink knight design first appeared sometime in 2021 and has since made its way into official artworks, 3D Live and more.[11]

Canon Mascot

This category consists of enemies based on mascots associated with Hololive Talents, including fan designs that are acknowledged by the talents themselves.

List of canon mascot designs: Upao.

UpaoUpao 2x.gif

Kanata commiserate about Upao's lack of popularity feat. two common variants of Upao.

Upao is the mascot belonging to Amane Kanata. The mascot came from Kanata's legendary Minecraft farming series where she tried to breed the rare blue color axolotls that ending up taking over 3000 axolotls and 27 hours.[12] The moment became so iconic that Kanata would create her mascot Upao based on the blue axolotl and naming it after the Japanese term for axolotls, Wooper Looper (Upa Rupa).

HoloCure Original

This category consists of enemies that were created by the HoloCure team for the game. This category can include a range from entirely original designs, to designs that are inspired by other mascots, or popular fan interpretations.

List of HoloCure original designs: Otaku, Tatsunoko, Heimin, Kenzoku

Otaku Otaku Green.gifOtaku Red.gifOtaku Blue.gif

Otaku are enemies introduced in Version 0.5 for Stage 3 and Stage 2 (Hard). They are a representation of the Hololive reddit communities in general, and concert-going fans in particular. They were also considered the unofficial version the Tatsunoko, the fandom of former hololive talent Kiryu Coco until the introduction of actual Tatsunoko.gifTatsunoko2.gifTatsunoko enemies in Version 0.7.


The final official artwork of Kiryu Coco with a Chungus-face Tatsunoko accompanying her for her next journey

Tatsunoko (たつのこ) are fans of Kiryu Coco. Their face, similar to the Otaku Green.gifOtaku enemies, are based on the ( :^ ) ) emoticon face popularized by the "Quantum Chicken Soup Grass Big Chungus" meme by Reddit user u/Archdarck. They are depicted in HoloCure as suits wearing yakuza-inspired suits which likely referenced their other name, Kiryu-kai (桐生会, Kiryu Clan), which is based on Coco's love of yakuza media.[13]

  • The name Tatsunoko might have been derived from the kanji 竜の子 (Tatsu no Ko) which can be translated as Children of Dragon.


Heimin (へい民) are fans of Amane Kanata. Their name is likely a Japanese pun combine common greeting Hey (transliterate as へい (hei)) and Heimin (平民, Plebeian/Commoner).[14] Their in-game mascot is an original design that is a simplified version of Upao.

Tokoyami KenzokuKenzoku.gifKenzoku2.gif

Tokoyami Kenzoku (常闇眷属, Kin/Family of Tokoyami) are fans of Tokoyami Towa. Their in-game design is a HoloCure original that is likely based on Towa's familiar/mascot Bibi (See: Tokoyami Towa#Trivia).


  1. Usada Pekora Ch. (2019-10-01). 【マインクラフト】ついに完成ぺこら村!まったりマイクラするぺこ【ホロライブ/兎田ぺこら】 ( Retrieved on 2024-11-25.
  2. Cover Corp.. Hololive - Talents - Houshou Marine. Hololive Official Website. Retrieved on 2024-11-06.
  3. Cover Corp. (2024-07-30). Houshou Marine Birthday Celebration 2022. Hololive Official Shop. Retrieved on 2024-11-06.
  4. u/YaBoiLordRoy (2021-12-29). The Elfriends design has been finished! AND FLARE IS GETTING A NEW MAIN VISUAL!. Reddit (r/Hololive). Retrieved on 2024-11-06.
  5. Cover Corp.. Hololive - Talents - Shirogane Noel. Hololive Official Website. Retrieved on 2024-11-06.
  6. Cover Corp.. Hololive - Talents - Tsunomaki Watame. Hololive Official Website. Retrieved on 2024-11-06.
  7. Hololive Official Youtube (2022/06/11). Hololive Alternative 2nd Teaser.
  8. Tsunomake Watame Ch. (2020-10-04). 【歌枠】第28回!わためぇ Night Fever!!【角巻わため/ホロライブ4期生】 ( Retrieved on 2024-11-25.
  9. Cover Corp.. Hololive - Talents - Himemori Luna. Hololive Official Website. Retrieved on 2024-11-06.
  10. Cain chin (2021-04-07). Pervert Luknights in pink come to Luna's help in MH Rise 👑Hololive Eng Sub ( Retrieved on 2025-01-04.
  11. Himemori Luna Ch. (2021-10-05). 【 夜更かしゲーム 】メガドライブミニ/PICO PARKで遊ぶ💗【#姫森ルーナ/ホロライブ】 ( Retrieved on 2025-01-04.
  12. Kowkarot (2021/07/16). Kanata Amane - The Complete Blue Axolotl Saga.
  13. VTuber for ALL (2020-04-08). 【ENG SUB】Kiryu Coco’s reaction when she saw her husband. Retrieved on 2024-11-06.
  14. Meaning of 平民 (en).