Stage 4/Design reference and trivia

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Enemy Trivia
Shrimp.gif Stage 1
Sukonbu.gif Stage 2
Stage 3 Stage 3
Moonafic.gif Stage 4
Nousagi.gif Stage 5

This page contains information on enemies that appear in Stage 4 and Stage 4 (Hard), including their origin and how they relate to the talents they are referencing.


  • HLC OG are designs original to HoloCure.
  • General are mascots, both official and fan made, belonging to or associated with a talent, but are not meant to represent their fans.
  • Fan Mascots are official mascots representing the associated talent fanbase.
Hololive Members Fan name Mascot Name

and Type

Moona Hoshinova IdleAnim.gif

Moona Hoshinova
Moonafic Moomo (General) link#Moonafic (Moomo)Moonafic VIP.gif
Moonabito (General) Moonabito 2x.gif
Ayunda Risu IdleAnim.gif

Ayunda Risu
Risuner (General)

Prisuner (Member)

Risuner (Fan Mascot) Risuner.gifNutty Risuner.gif
Riscot (General) Riscot 2x.gif
Airani Iofifteen IdleAnim.gif

Airani Iofifteen
Ioforia Ioforia (HLC OG) IOFORIA.gifStained IOFORIA.gif
Kureiji Ollie IdleAnim.gif

Kureiji Ollie
Zomrade Zomrade (HLC OG) Zomerade Old.gifZomerade2 Old.gif(Replaced)
Zomball (Fan Mascot) Zomerade.gifHyper Zomerade.gif
Smollie (General) Smollie 2x.gif (Hard only)
Pavolia Reine IdleAnim.gif

Pavolia Reine
Merakyat (General)
Royaltea (Members)
Merakyat (Fan Mascot) Merakyat.gifMerakyat Royaltea.gif
Anya Melfissa IdleAnim.gif

Anya Melfissa
Melfriend Melfriend (HLC OG) Melfriend.gifGilded Melfriend.gif
Kobo Kanaeru IdleAnim.gif

Kobo Kanaeru
Kobokerz (General)

Kobolonimbus (Members)

Kobokerz (HLC OG) Kobokerz.gifKobolonimbus.gif
Cilus (General) Cilus 2x.gif
Kaela Kovalskia IdleAnim.gif

Kaela Kovalskia
Pemaloe Pemaloe (Fan Mascot) Pemaloe.gifPemaloe Completionist.gifPemaloeBomber 2x.gif
Vestia Zeta IdleAnim.gif

Vestia Zeta
Zecretary (General)
Secret Unit (Members)
Zecretary (Fan Mascot) Zecretary.gifZecretary Secret State.gif
Bazo (General) Bazo 2x.gif
Kiryu Coco IdleAnim.gif

Kiryu Coco
Tatsunoko Otaku (HLC OG) Otaku Green.gifOtaku Red.gifOtaku Blue.gif
Major Bosses
Hololive Members Mascot name Mascots
Kureiji Ollie IdleAnim.gif

Kureiji Ollie
Udin 2x.gif
Ayunda Risu IdleAnim.gif

Ayunda Risu
Aragami Oga
Area 15 Risusaurus
Risusaurus 2x.gif
Moona Hoshinova IdleAnim.gif

Moona Hoshinova
Moontato 2x.gif
Airani Iofifteen IdleAnim.gif

Airani Iofifteen
UFOFI 2x.gif
Kaela Kovalskia IdleAnim.gif

Kaela Kovalskia
Goriela 2x.gif

(Hard Only)

Major Bosses


Udin is the mascot of Kureiji Ollie, typically seen as the keychain trinket on Ollie's Path of Sincerity Icon.pngPath of Sincerity.

Area 15

Area 15 bosses (Risusaurus, Moontato, UFOFI) are based on their namesake members Risu, Moona, and Iofi. Risusaurus is Risu's mascot, Moontato is a cursed version of one of Moona's costume, while UFOFI is based on a Minecraft build belonging to Iofi.


GoriEla is one of Kaela's alternative personalities alongside Ckia.png Ckia. GoriEla represents Kaela's more primal, straight-forward side.

Canon Fan Mascot

This category consists of enemies that are directly based on official fan mascot design use by Hololive Talents.

List of canon fan mascot designs: Risuner, Zomball Zomrade, Meraykat, Zecretary, Pemaloe.

Risuner Risuner.gifNutty Risuner.gif

A Risuner resting on Risu's tail

Risuners are fans of Ayunda Risu. Their name is derived from the romanization of リスナー (JP: Risunā, Listener) the Japanese word for a streamers chat/audience, which contains "Risu" (squirrel), and creates an obvious pun. Like most of Hololive ID, Risu originally did not have a mascot for her fanbase, but she created one later on. The mascot was revealed during Risu's 2023 Birthday stream as part of the update of Risu's base outfit.[1]

Not to be confused with the similarly named squirrel-themed Matsurisu Matsurisu.gif which are fans of Natsuiro Matsuri.

Zomrade Zomerade.gifHyper Zomerade.gif

A red and grey hair bun shape mascot
Zomball design revealed by Ollie

Zomrades are fans of Kureiji Ollie. Their name is an obvious combination of "zombie" and "comrades", with the paid members being called Zomily (zombie family). Like most of HoloID fans, the Zomrades initially didn't have their own mascot but gained one later on. Created as a collaboration between Ollie and the Zomily, the mascot name Zomball was revealed on Twitter by Ollie. [2]

  • Prior to the creation of the Zomballs, Zomrades in HoloCure were represented by a HoloCure original zombie design Zomerade Old.gifZomerade2 Old.gif likely based on the fact that Ollie herself is a zombie. The sprites were replaced by the Zomballs in Version 0.7 and have not been reused since.

Merakyat Merakyat.gifMerakyat Royaltea.gif

Conga line of MERAKyat

Merakyat are fans of Pavolia Reine. Their name (officially written as MERAKyat) is a pun combining Merak (ID: Peafowl) and Rakyat (ID: Citizen), and the whole word Merakyat itself means humble. Their mascot first appeared in Reine's 2022 3D Concert Stream as part of her new Pre-start waiting screen.[3]

Zecretary Zecretary.gifZecretary Secret State.gif

A Ze(ta)cretary taking over for Zeta

Zecretary are fans of Vestia Zeta. Their name is a pun combining Zeta and secretary, and was chosen by her chat at debut, competing against Zetaibou. The mascot was drawn on stream by Zeta, based on Zeta's self-proclaimed title of "Cat Lord".[4]

  • Despite being heavily memed to be a cat (as referenced by her in-game skill Cat(?) Reflexes Icon.pngCat(?) Reflexes), Zeta's Cat Lord title is based on her love of cats, and not that she herself is a cat.[5]

Pemaloe Pemaloe.gifPemaloe Completionist.gif

Pemaloe being rolled alongside the various Kaela alter egos.

Pemaloe (pronounced Pema-Lu) are fans of Kaela Kovalskia. Their name is an archaic spelling of Pemalu which means either a "hammer user" or a "shy person" in Indonesian. Their mascot being a penguin is based on a pre-debut meme where Kaela was considered a penguin due to her dress color scheme and shape, as well as her surname being similar to the name of the penguin character Kowalski from Dreamwork's Madagascar.[6] The basic design concept of a scarf-wearing penguin existed since Kaela's debut in fanart, but the now-official rounded bandana wearing penguin would only appear later on, with its first appearance on Kaela's Youtube channel being a thumbnail art drawn by artist Mitsumine323.[7]

  • Note that unlike Zeta, who turned her cat meme into a running joke, Kaela heavily dislikes this penguin association, and will actively ignore or shut down all attempt at using the meme, especially if her viewers ask her or members of HoloTori/HoloBird (Kiara, Lui, Mumei, Reine, and Subaru) for Kaela to join the group. Only the Pemaloe are penguins, not Kaela herself.

Canon Mascot

This category consists of enemies based on mascots associated with Hololive Talents, including fan designs that are acknowledged by the talents themselves.

List of canon mascot designs: Cilus, Bazo, Moonabito, Moomo Moonafic, Riscot, and Smollie.

Moonafic (Moomo) Moonafic.gifMoonafic VIP.gif

Pororo, the basis for Moomo and HoloCure's Moonafic

Moonafic are fans of Moona Hoshinova. Their name is a combination of Moona and Fanatic, although Moona sometimes jokes that it's based on Munafik (ID: Hypocrite).[8] The mascot used in HoloCure is based on Moona's penguin mascot Moomo,[9] which itself is based on her real life penguin plushie Pororo.[10]

Moonabito Moonabito 2x.gif

Baby Moona holding a large size Moonabito

Moonabito is the mascot of Moona Hoshinova. It was created by Moona alongside her membership subscribers, and was publicly revealed at Moona's 2023 Birthday stream. It is based on Moona's Moon and Technology theme, which resulted in a mascot that combines aspects of a spacesuit and a robot.[11]

  • Moona considers Moonabito as her true mascot as opposed to Moomo.[11]

Riscot Riscot 2x.gif

The in-progress Riscot by Oga

Riscot is a mascot belonging to Ayunda Risu. It is Risu's first mascot, and was created by HoloStar Gen 3 member Aragami Oga.[12][13]

  • Risusaurus, Risu's second mascot and the final boss of Stage 4, is also a creation of Oga.[14]
  • HoloID Gen 1 and Star Gen 3 are both considered each other's genmates due their debut dates being close together, leading to their bond, with Oga and Risu in particular being close friends, leading to Oga designing mascots for Risu.[15]

BazoBazo 2x.gif

Bazo taking over for Zeta

Bazo is the mascot of Vestia Zeta. He is a deer and was revealed along side Zeta at her debut.[16]

CilusCilus 2x.gif

Cilus debut

Cilus is the mascot of Kobo Kanaeru. It was revealed as part of Kobo's 2022 Birthday Countdown stream, and its name is the shortened form of Cimol Mulus, which means Smooth Small Meatball[17].

SmollieSmollie 2x.gif

Another cursed Smollie alongside a thicc Udin

Smollie is the mascot of Kureiji Ollie and was created by Ollie herself. Smollie is treated both as a self-representation of Ollie herself but sometimes as its own character. The cursed long-leg Smollie, which is featured in HoloCure, is an example of the latter.[18]

  • The fact that the Smollie boss is tied with a math mechanic is a reference to Ollie high proficiency in Math to the extend that she even hosted a series of math lesson streams on her channel.[19]

HoloCure Original

This category consists of enemies that were created by the HoloCure team for the game. This category can include a range from entirely original designs, to designs that are inspired by other mascots, or popular fan interpretations.

List of HoloCure original designs: Otaku, Ioforia, Melfriend, Kobokerz

Otaku Otaku Green.gifOtaku Red.gifOtaku Blue.gif

Otaku are enemies introduced in Version 0.5 for Stage 3 and Stage 2 (Hard). They are a representation of the Hololive reddit communities in general, and concert-going fans in particular. They were also considered the unofficial version the Tatsunoko, the fandom of former hololive talent Kiryu Coco until the introduction of actual Tatsunoko.gifTatsunoko2.gifTatsunoko enemies in Version 0.7.

Ioforia IOFORIA.gifStained IOFORIA.gif

Ioforia are fans of Airani Iofifteen. The name Ioforia was one of the two choices given for a fan name at Iofi's debut, with the other name being Hyuma. There is no official explanation of the meaning of Ioforia, although it could be a play on the word euphoria. The mascot antler being a paint brush and the paint-like mark are based on Iofi's artist status and her own birthmark, respectively.

Melfriend Melfriend.gifGilded Melfriend.gif

Toaster-kun alongside Holoro other mascots: Udin, Tatang, and Merakyats
Toaster-kun alongside Holoro other mascots: Udin, Tatang, and Merakyat

Melfriends are fans of Anya Melfissa. Their name is a portmanteau of "Melfissa" and "friend". Their mascot being a Keris/Kris is based on Anya's lore of being the human form of the spiritual dagger.

  • Despite not having an official fan mascot, Anya does have two mascots of her own, Toaster-kun and Moko the fox. Anya expressed desire to have the Melfriend be depicted as a toaster of some kind.[20]

Kobokerz Kobokerz.gifKobolonimbus.gif

Cloud Kobo

Kobokerz are fans of Kobo Kanaeru. Their name was chosen by her chat at debut, competing against Kobesties. Their paid members are called Kobolonimbus, which is based on Kumulonimbus, the Indonesian word for Cumulonimbus clouds. Their mascot is likely based on Kobo's pre-start screen, where Kobo is riding a cloud, as well as her lore of being a rain shaman who summons rain clouds.


  1. Phalnoa ch. (2023/01/15). Risu got huge buffs on her old outfit【Ayunda Risu】.
  3. Pavolia Reine ch. (2022/09/09). 【#Reine2ndMEPtember】BABY 3D BIRTHDAY CONCERT!!! (Surprises Inside)【Pavolia Reine/hololiveID 2nd gen】.
  4. Vestia Zeta (2023/03/06). Drawing Zecretary Mascot!.
  5. Ninja Sharks clips (2023/01/18). Zeta is not a cat anymore, she evolved to a CATLORD now !!!!.
  6. Ameki Ch. 【Hololive & Vtubers Clips 】 (2022/03/22). Kaela immediately BONKED the chat for calling her a Penguin 【Hololive ID Gen 3】.
  7. @mitsumine323 (2022/11/06). ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ #inKaela. Twitter.
  8. Pretamax (2021/12/07). Moona flexes her Diva voice.
  9. The Icy Panda ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ (2022/09/16). It's Moomo! - 【Moona Hoshinova 3D Showcase】.
  10. Rickchama ch. (2021/02/23). Moona tries to protect Pororo from bullies【EN sub】.
  11. 11.0 11.1 Moona Hoshinova (2023/02/14). 【#MoonaBirthdaySeason3】Birthday Countdown!!!【Moona hololive ID】.
  12. Aragami Oga ch. (2020/06/26). 【Drawing】 ~Illustration of drawing and talking nonsense~ 【Aragami Oga/Holostars】.
  13. Aragami Oga (Twitter) (2020/06/26). So, I hope you enjoyed the stream where I draw the mascots of the holo members.
  14. Aragami Oga ch. (2021/01/21). 【雑談】誕生日楽しかったね【荒咬オウガ Ayunda Risu】.
  15. HolostarsNews (2022/03/21). Oga reacts to ID 1st member's 3D【ENG sub clip】.
  16. Vestia Zeta ch. (2022/03/25). 【DEBUT STREAM】First Mission: Start!【Vestia Zeta / Hololive Indonesia 3rd Gen】.
  17. Kobo Kanaeru Ch. (2022/11/12). 【PARTY HANDCAM】COUNTDOWN! WHAT DAY IS TOMORROW??.
  18. Kureiji Ollie (Twitter) (2022/11/27). GIVE SMOLLIE A PAT??.
  19. Kureiji Ollie ch. (2023). MATH STREAM - Playlist.
  20. Anya Melfissa (2022/10/02). 【HoloCure】New Playable Senpais... NEW GACHA... 新アプデとか色々見る!!!【hololive Indonesia 2nd Generation.