Stage 3/Design reference and trivia

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Enemy Trivia
Shrimp.gif Stage 1
Sukonbu.gif Stage 2
Stage 3 Stage 3
Moonafic.gif Stage 4
Nousagi.gif Stage 5

This page contains information on enemies that appear in Stage 3 and Stage 3 (Hard), including their origin and how they relate to the talents they are referencing.


  • HLC OG are designs original to HoloCure.
  • General are mascots, both official and fan made, belonging to or associated with a talent, but are not meant to represent their fans.
  • Fan Mascots are official mascots representing the associated talent fanbase.
Hololive Members Fan name Mascot Name

and Type

Shirakami Fubuki IdleAnim.gif
Shirakami Fubuki
Sukonbu Oruyanke (General) Oruyanke 2x.gif
Akai Haato IdleAnim.gif
Akai Haato


Haaton Haatons (Fan Mascot) Haaton.gifHaaton2.gif
Spiderchama Hatling (HLC OG) Spiderchama Hatchling.gif
Yozora Mel IdleAnim.gif
Yozora Mel
Kapumin Kapumin (HLC OG) Kapumin.gif
Obake-chan (General) Obake-chan 2x.gif
Natsuiro Matsuri IdleAnim.gif
Natsuiro Matsuri
Matsurisu Matsurisu (Fan Mascot) Matsurisu.gifMatsurisu2.gif
Matsurisu3.gif (Hard Only)
Aki Rosenthal IdleAnim.gif
Aki Rosenthal
Rosetai Rosetai (Fans Mascot) Rosetai.gifRosetai2.gifRosetai3 2x.gif
Rosetai4.gif (Hard Only)
Oozora Subaru IdleAnim.gif
Oozora Subaru
Subatomo (regular)

Ahijo (Gachikoi)

Shubaduck (General) Subatomo.gifSubatomo2.gif
Yuzuki Choco IdleAnim.gif
Yuzuki Choco
Chocomates (as a whole)

Students (individual)

Chocomates (HLC OG) Choco Mate.gif
Chocolat (General) Chocolat 2x.gif
Murasaki Shion IdleAnim.gif
Murasaki Shion
Shiokko Shiokko (Fan Mascot) Shiokko.gifShiokko2.gif
Nakiri Ayame IdleAnim.gif
Nakiri Ayame
Nakirigumi Nakirigumi (HLC OG) Nakirigumi.gifNakirigumi2.gif
Poyoyo (General) Poyoyo 2x.gif
Minato Aqua IdleAnim.gif
Minato Aqua
Aqua Crew Aqua Crew (HLC OG) Aqua Crew Blue.gifAqua Crew Pink.gif
Amelia Watson IdleAnim.gif
Amelia Watson
Teamate (General)

Investi-gator (Members)

Cursed Bubba (HLC OG) Cursed Bubba.gif (Hard Only)
Others Otaku Otaku (Fan Mascot) Otaku Green.gif
Otaku Red.gifOtaku Blue.gif(Hard Only)
Major Bosses
Hololive Members Mascot name Mascot
Oozora Subaru IdleAnim.gif
Oozora Subaru
Shubangelion 2x.gif
Akai Haato IdleAnim.gif
Akai Haato


Nanashi Mumei IdleAnim.gif

Nanashi Mumei

Spiderchama 2x.gif
Amelia Watson IdleAnim.gif
Amelia Watson
Halloween Myth Pumpkin Ame
PumpkinAme 2x.gif
(Hard Only)
Gawr Gura IdleAnim.gif
Gawr Gura
Dino Gura
DinoGura 2x.gif
(Hard Only)
Ninomae Ina'nis IdleAnim.gif
Ninomae Ina'nis
Dr. Oopsie
DrOopsie 2x.gif
(Hard Only)
Takanashi Kiara IdleAnim.gif
Takanashi Kiara
Vampire Kiara
VampireKiara 2x.gif
(Hard Only)
Mori Calliope IdleAnim.gif
Mori Calliope
Nurse Calliope
NurseCalli 2x.gif
(Hard Only)

Major Bosses


Shubangelion is a creation by Oozora Subaru Icon.pngOozora Subaru within the Hololive Minecraft Server. Its inspiration and namesake are the Evangelions from the anime franchise of the same name.


Spiderchama is one of Nanashi Mumei's creations, this one specifically inspired by Haachama and her association with spiders. It is also referred to as TaranChama.

Halloween Myth

Halloween Myth are a quintet of bosses based on Hololive Myth's VRChat Halloween 3D model, originally designed by fan artist Walfie (creator of Smol Ame).

Canon Fan Mascot

This category consists of enemies that are directly based on official fan mascot design use by Hololive Talents.

List of canon fan mascot designs: Matsurisu, Haaton, Rosetai, Shiokko

Matsurisu Matsurisu.gifMatsurisu2.gifMatsurisu3.gif

Matsurisu drinking Beer

Matsurisu are fans of Natsuiro Matsuri. Their name is a portmanteau combining Matsuri and "Listeners" (リスナー, Risunā), the Japanese term for viewers. Since risu can mean squirrel (栗鼠, risu) in Japanese, her mascot is made to look like a squirrel.

Not to be confused with Risuners which are fans of Ayunda Risu.

Haaton Haaton.gifHaaton2.gif

Haachama and an IRL Haaton

Haaton are the fans of Akai Haato. Their name is a pun combining Haato and Ton (豚) means pig in Japanese, which is reflected in their mascot. Haatons' pig appearance and stitched decapitated head are part of their image as plaything for Haato's old tsundere persona, although they retain that characterization after the Haachama transition.

Rosetai Rosetai.gifRosetai2.gifRosetai3 2x.gifRosetai4.gif

Rosetai in their natural habitat

Rosetai are the fans of Aki Rosenthal. Their name is a combination of Rose (the shortened form of Rosenthal) and tai (隊) which means team/group/corp. Their mascot being apple knights is due to it being Aki's fan mark 🍎 which itself is chosen due to a multitude of reasons relating to Aki's rose motif.[1]

  • Version 0.6 introduced the Charge variant Rosetai4.gif as an enemy in Stage 3 (Hard). This variant alongside Stage 4 final boss Moontato and Stage 3 (Hard) final boss Nurse Calli are the first enemies with the Charging attack pattern.

Shiokko Shiokko.gifShiokko2.gif

Shion outfit with Shiokko

Shiokko (塩っ子) are the fans of Murasaki Shion. Their name is a combination of the kanji 塩 that can be read as Shio, and 子 (ko), which means child, which is why their official English's name is Shio-ldren (a play on Shion and children).[2] Note that Shion's name is spelled as シオン, so the kanji was likely chosen purely for its specific sound. The design being a cat is an direct allusion to Shion's lore where she is a witch.

Canon Mascot

This category consists of enemies based on mascots associated with Hololive Talents, including fan designs that are acknowledged by the talents themselves.

List of canon mascot designs: Oruyanke, Poyoyo, Subaru Duck, Nakirigumi Karma and Shiranui, Obake-chan and Chocolat.

Oruyanke Oruyanke 2x.gif

Fubuki, a Sukonbu, and Oruyanke in an MV

Oruyanke is one of Fubuki's many many mascots. Like all her mascot, it's name is a pun which in this case means "They're there!" in Japanese Kansai dialect.[3]

  • They appeared in both Stage 3 and the hard version of Stage 2 reflecting Fubuki's status as a member of both Gen 1 and Gamers.

Subatomo Subatomo.gifSubatomo2.gif

Dancing Subaru duck and Subaru

Subatomo are fans of Ozora Subaru. Their name is a combination of Subaru and Tomo (友, Friend). The design use in-game is a direct recreation of the Subaru Duck, or "Shubaduck", created by fan artist Suzuki Kenta.[4] The animation feature a duck wearing Subaru's hat dancing alongside Subaru. The image became a meme and spread beyond even the Hololive community. Note that Shubaduck are considered Subaru's alternative form. For information on why Subaru is associate with ducks See: Subaru#Trivia.

  • Ahijo are the name use for Subaru's most dedicated fans. The term was chosen by her fans, which is taken from a Spanish shrimp dish which happens to also rhyme with Ahiru (家鴨, Duck)
  • Shubaduck, alongside Tokino Sora's Ankimo, Amelia Watson's Smol Ame, Kureiji Ollie's Udin and Sakura Miko's Mikodanye, made their real life appearance at Hololive Super Expo 2022 event as full size mascots, and were revealed at the opening ceremony alongside YAGOO.[5]

Nakirigumi Nakirigumi.gifNakirigumi2.gif

Karma and Shiranui from the Yamato Phantasia Manga
Nakirigumi Fan Mark

Nakirigumi are the fans of Nakiri Ayame. Their name, Nakirigumi (lit. Nakiri Group), is similar to that of Japanese naming scheme for the Yakuza group, which resulted in Ayame's status as their Ojou (お嬢, young miss). Their design is based on Ayame's mascot familiars Karma and Shiranui.[6]

  • While it isn't a full mascot, the Nakirigumi does have a fan mark to represent themselves. The fan mark look similar to the 😈 Devil Emoji but cuter and more simplified and the mark is frequently used by Ayame as the thumbnail for her Members Only Streams.[7][8]

Poyoyo Poyoyo 2x.gif

Ayame showing off Poyoyo

Poyoyo is the general mascot of Nakiri Ayame. It was created by Shirakami Fubuki for Ayame.[9]

Obake-chan Obake-chan 2x.gif

Obake-chan from Mel's 3D design sheet

Obake-chan is the general mascot of Yozora Mel. It was part of Mel's 3D design concept by her artist Ayamy.[10] Its name directly translates to Miss Ghost.

Chocolat Chocolat 2x.gif

Chocolat Merch

Chocolat is the general mascot of Yuzuki Choco. The chocolate naming scheme (Choco, Chocolat, Chocomate) is due to Choco's association with Valentine's Day, with her birthday being February 14.[11]

HoloCure Original

This category consists of enemies that were created by the HoloCure team for the game. This category can include a range from entirely original designs, to designs that are inspired by other mascots, or popular fan interpretations.

List of HoloCure original designs: Otaku, Kapu-min, Aqua Crew, Choco Mate, Spiderchama Hatchling.

Otaku Otaku Green.gifOtaku Red.gifOtaku Blue.gif

Otaku are enemies introduced in Version 0.5 for Stage 3 and Stage 2 (Hard). They are a representation of the Hololive reddit communities in general, and concert-going fans in particular. They were also considered the unofficial version the Tatsunoko, the fandom of former hololive talent Kiryu Coco until the introduction of actual Tatsunoko.gifTatsunoko2.gifTatsunoko enemies in Version 0.7.

Kapumin Kapumin.gif

Kapumin are the fans of Yozora Mel. Their name is the combination of Kapu, the Japanese onomatopoeia for biting, and min (民) meaning citizen. They are represented as bats due to Mel's lore being a vampire.

Aqua Crew Aqua Crew Blue.gifAqua Crew Pink.gif

Aqua Crew and Ichimi being shipped by their oshis.
Note the text for Aqua Crew read:
(masculine) We are highschool girls (俺たちJK, Ore-tachi JK)

Aqua Crew members are the fans of Minato Aqua. Their appearance in game is likely based on Aqua's Neko mascot.

  • Like Suisei, Aqua has expressed no desire to give her fanbase a mascot, instead choosing to pretend they are a bunch of highschool girls, despite the disproportionate number of them being male.[12]

Choco Mate Choco Mate.gif

Choco mate are fans of Yuzuki Choco. Their in-game design is likely a simplified version of Chocolat. The chocolate naming scheme (Choco, Chocolat, Chocomate) is due to Choco's association with Valentine's Day, with her birthday being February 14.[13]

Spiderchama Hatchling Spiderchama Hatchling.gif

Spiderchama Hatchlings are original to HoloCure. As the name implies, they are the spawn of Spiderchama.

  • They are one of the enemies to not have an entry in the Fan Letter bestiary.

Cursed Bubba Cursed Bubba.gif

Cursed Bubba is a HoloCure original variation of on Amelia Watson's Thicc Bubba Thicc Bubba.gif mascot. The Cursed Bubba first appeared in the Launch version of HoloCure as enemies that appeared alongside Stage 1's final boss Smol Ame, while the regular Thicc Bubba served as the representation for Ame's fanbase, the Teamates.

With the introduction of the Investi-gator Teamates Investi-Gator.gif in Version 0.4, the Cursed Bubbas in Stage 1 were replaced by normal Thicc Bubbas, which left the Cursed Bubba enemy unused until Version 0.6, where it would reappear as part of the Halloween Myth (Myth or Treat) half of Stage 3 (Hard).


  1. tripmode the 2nd (2022/09/14). Aki explains why her fan mark is an apple (Aki Rosenthal) (Hololive/ENG Sub).
  2. Cover Corp. Hololive Talents - Murasaki Shion.
  3. Fubuki Unofficial Fansite (2021). Fubuki Mascots.
  4. 鈴木 健太 / Suzuki Kenta@KS_wktk (2021/03/13). #プロテインザスバル.
  5. Hololive Official Youtube. (#Connected Hololive DAY1) Hololive SUPER EXPO 2022 Event Stage.
  6. Kagura Nana (2018/08/24). (VTuber) Nakiri Ayame. Pixiv.
  7. Hololive etc Cuts (2021/07/22). Ayame Is Surprised That Her Fans Don't Know About the Nakiri-gumi Mark (Hololive).
  8. Nakiri Ayame Channel (2024). Youtube Playlist - Members-only videos.
  9. Shirakami Fubuki (2019/05/08). This is Dr. FBK, the insane Mad Scientist of the hololive Science Institute (^・ω・^§)ノ. Twitter.
  10. Ayamy (2019/04/08). Yozora Mel in 3D. Pixiv. Note: Require Pixiv Account to View
  11. Cover Corp. Talents - Yuzuki Choco.
  12. Holoyume (2023/12/23). Marine Officially S̷h̷i̷p̷p̷e̷d̷ "Connected" Aqua's Fanbase With Hers... 【ENG Sub Hololive】.
  13. Cover Corp. Talents - Yuzuki Choco.