Stage 1/Design reference and trivia

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Enemy Trivia
Shrimp.gif Stage 1
Sukonbu.gif Stage 2
Stage 3 Stage 3
Moonafic.gif Stage 4
Nousagi.gif Stage 5

This page contains information on enemies that appear in Stage 1, Stage 1 (Hard) and the 2nd half of Stage 3 (Hard), including their origin and how they relate to the talents they are referencing.


  • HLC OG are designs original to HoloCure.
  • General are mascots, both official and fan made, belonging to or associated with a talent, but are not meant to represent their fans.
  • Fan Mascots are official mascots representing the associated talent fanbase.
Hololive Members Fan name Mascot Name

and Type

Amelia Watson IdleAnim.gif
Amelia Watson
Teamate (General)

Investi-gator (Members)

Investi-gator (Fan Mascot) Investi-Gator.gifInterro-Gator.gif
Thicc Bubba (General) Thicc Bubba.gif
Gawr Gura IdleAnim.gif

Gawr Gura



Shrimps (Fan Mascot) Shrimp.gifDark Shrimp.gifQ Shrimp.gifQ Shrimp 2.gifRiot Q Shrimp.gif
Ninomae Ina'nis IdleAnim.gif

Ninomae Ina'nis

Takodachi Tako (Fan Mascot) Takodachi.gifTako Viking.gifHungry Takodachi.gif
Takanashi Kiara IdleAnim.gif

Takanashi Kiara

KFP Chicken/Employees (Fan Mascot) KFP Employee.gifDisgruntled Employee.gif
Mori Calliope IdleAnim.gif

Mori Calliope

Dead Beat Dead Beat (Fan Mascot) Deadbeat.gifRiot Deadbeat.gifDeadbatter.gifQ Deadbeat.gifQ Deadbeat 2.gifRiot Q Deadbeat.gif

Deadbrawler.gif (Hard Only)

Hakos Baelz IdleAnim.gif

Hakos Baelz

Baerat/Brat Baerats (HLC OG) Baerat.gif (Replaced)
Rat Bros (Fan Mascot) Baerat2.gif
Ouro Kronii IdleAnim.gif

Ouro Kronii

Kronies Kronie (Fan Mascot) Kronie Lad.gifKronie Lass.gifKing Clock 2x.gif
Ceres Fauna IdleAnim.gif

Ceres Fauna

Sapling Sapling (HLC OG) Sapling.gifSapling2.gifSapling3.gifOvergrown Sapling 2x.gif

Rooted Sapling.pngGolden Apple Sapling 2x.gif (Hard Only)

Nanashi Mumei IdleAnim.gif

Nanashi Mumei

Hooman Hootsie (General) Hooman Old.gifHooman2 Old.gif (Replaced)
Hooman (HLC OG/Fan Mascot) Hooman.gifHooman2.gif
Tsukumo Sana IdleAnim.gif

Tsukumo Sana

Sanallite Bread Dogs (Fan Mascot) BreadDogSanallite.gif
Yatagarasu (General) Sanallite 2x.gif (Hard Only)
IRyS IdleAnim.gif


IRyStocrat Bloom and Gloom (General) Bloom.gifGloom.gif
GuyRys (Fan Mascot) GuyRyS.gif
IRyStocrat (Legacy) (HLC OG) Light IRyStocrat.gifNight IRyStocrat.gif (Hard Only)
Shishiro Botan SSRB SSRB (Fan Mascot) SSRB Commando.gif (Hard Only)
Major Bosses
Hololive Members Mascot name Mascot
Shirakami Fubuki IdleAnim.gif

Shirakami Fubuki

Fubuzilla 2x.gif
Amelia Watson IdleAnim.gif
Amelia Watson
Smol Ame
Smol Ame 2x.gif
Hakos Baelz IdleAnim.gif

Hakos Baelz

Halloween Bae
Halloween Bae 2x.gif
(Hard Only)

Major Bosses


Fubuzilla is a mascot belonging to Shirakami Fubuki. It originated from the Hololive 3D Anime series Holo no Graffiti.

Smol Ame

Smol Ame is a character created by popular chibi artist Walfie for Amelia Watson.

Halloween Bae

Halloween was one of the official 3D model commission by Hololive English for their 2021 Halloween VR Chat stream. This character only appears in the Hard version of Stage 1.

Canon Fan Mascot

This category consists of enemies that are directly based on official fan mascot design use by Hololive Talents.

List of canon fan mascot designs: Shrimp, Dead Beat, KFP Employee, Takodachi, Kronie, Investi-gator, Baerat, and Bread Dog Sanallite.

Shrimp Shrimp.gifDark Shrimp.gifQ Shrimp.gifQ Shrimp 2.gifRiot Q Shrimp.gif

Shrimp and Deadbeat design in the Q MV, note Kay Yu credit.

Shrimps (or Chum Buds as they're officially called) are the fans of Gawr Gura. The name "Shrimps" came from Gura's attempt at a fan name, while being unaware of the term "Simps," which is why it typically refers to Gura's paid members. Shrimps are usually depicted as little shrimp in a fishbowl. Their design in HoloCure came from Mori Calliope's "Q" music video, animated by Kay Yu, the creator of HoloCure. The Q variants of this enemy Q Shrimp.gifRiot Q Shrimp.gif are therefore a self-reference to Kay's own work.[1][2]

Dead Beat Deadbeat.gifRiot Deadbeat.gifDeadbatter.gifQ Deadbeat.gifQ Deadbeat 2.gifRiot Q Deadbeat.gifDeadbrawler.gif

Dead Beats are the fans of Mori Calliope. Usually, they are represented by generic skeleton 3D models that Calli found online. Their name is a reference to both their undead nature and to Calli's talent as a musician. Their design in HoloCure came from Calli's "Q" music video, animated by Kay Yu, the creator of HoloCure. The Q variants of this enemy Q Deadbeat.gifRiot Q Deadbeat.gif are therefore a self-reference to Kay's own work.[1][2]

Takodachi Takodachi.gifTako Viking.gifHungry Takodachi.gif

Ina and her Tako.

Takodachi are the fans of Ninomae Ina'nis. While the fandom as a whole are called Takodachi, individual fan and mascot are called Tako. Takodachi along with Myth's other general mascots (Kotori, Death-sensei, non thicc Bubba but not Bloop) are designed by Ina herself.[3] Takodachi are one of the few mascots that is both a fan mascot and a general mascot.

Teamate Investi-gator Investi-Gator.gifInterro-Gator.gif

Investi-gator start screen

Teamates are the fans of Watson Amelia. Investi-gators are specifically fans who are subscribed to Amelia's membership. However, the mascot is used to represent all of Ame's fans and not just the Investi-gators, despite their appearance.[4]

KFP Employee KFP Employee.gifDisgruntled Employee.gif

KFP Store start screen

KFP Employees are the fans of Takanashi Kiara. KFP, short for Kiara Fried Phoenix (a reference to Kentucky Fried Chicken), is the fast food restaurant founded and ran by Kiara, hence the individual fans are called Employee. The KFP-uniform chickens are frequently used by Kiara in various roles, and are commonly seen in her pre-start waiting screen performing a variety of tasks for her. Individually, they are usually called either Chimken, Chicken, or Employee.

Baerat Baerat2.gif

RatBros by Bae

Baerats (or Brats) are fans of Hakos Baelz.

Similar to the Investi-gator, the Baerat sprite is based on Bae's paid members, specifically Rat Bros, which is Bae's first membership tier. All three tiers (Rat Bros, Rat Boss, Rat God) have their own design drawn by Bae herself.[5][6]

  • Their current design was introduced in Version 0.4, and replaced an older designBaerat.gif which was based on Bae's general mascot Mr. Squeaks.

Bread Dog Sanallite BreadDogSanallite.gif

Bread Dog and Sana drawn by Sana

Sanallites are fans of Tsukumo Sana. The mascot itself is called Bread Dog, and was designed by Sana based on her love for bread and as a reference to fairy bread.

Kronie Kronie Lad.gifKronie Lass.gifKing Clock 2x.gif

Kronie from Kronii's merch

Kronies are fans of Ouro Kronii. Their clock like appearance is based on the Kronii's lore as the Warden of Time.

GuyRyS GuyRyS.gif

IRyS and GuyRyS on a date

IRyStocrats are fans of IRyS. They are represented by GuyRyS the Stickman, who typically appears in roleplay streams. Sometimes, IRyS herself will be the one voice acting the GuyRyS figure, especially on rebroadcasts of those aforementioned streams.

SSRB SSRB Commando.gif

SSRB design sheet

SSRBs are fans of HoloJP Gen 5 member Shishiro Botan. Introduced in Version 0.4, players will first encounter them in the Normal version of stage 2.

  • This enemy only appears in the Hard version of Stage 1.

Canon Mascot

This category consists of enemies based on mascots associated with Hololive Talents, including fan designs that are acknowledged by the talents themselves.

List of canon mascot designs: Thicc Bubba, Mr. Squeaks Baerat, Bloom and Gloom, Hootsie Hooman and Yatagarasu Sanallite.

Thicc Bubba Thicc Bubba.gif

Thicc Takodachi as originally drawn by Ame

Thicc Bubba is based on the Thicc Takodachi, shown to the right. The Thicc Takodachi was drawn by Ame and given to Ina as a cursed gift for the Myth 2020 Christmas gift exchange.[7] Thicc fanarts of Myth's other mascot would appear, including a Bubba version. Ame would later commission two 3D models of the design, one based directly on the original and a de-cursed version for use as a cameraman/tech support during VR Chat streams.

  • In Version 0.4, Thicc Bubbas were replaced by the Investi-gators as regular enemies in the normal version of Stage 1. Thicc Bubbas, in turn, replaced the Cursed Bubba variant Cursed Bubba.gif as mobs that appear alongside the Smol Ame boss. The Cursed Bubba enemies went unused until they reappeared in Version 0.6 in Stage 3 (Hard) as part of the Halloween Myth half of the stage.

Mr. Squeaks Baerat Baerat.gif

Mr. Squeaks at his debut

The Baerat enemy's original sprite is based on Bae's mascot Mr. Squeaks.

  • In Version 0.4, the Mr. Squeaks Baerat was completely replaced in-game by the Ratbros Baerat, and had not reappeared in any stages since.

Bloom and Gloom Bloom.gifGloom.gif

Bloom and Gloom as created by IRyS and Sana

Bloom and Gloom are the mascots of IRyS, and were co-designed by IRyS and Sana, with Sana providing her knowledge and input as a professional illustrator.[8] Bloom and Gloom are not meant to represent IRyS's fanbase, the IRyStocrats, since IRyS already has a design to represent them, GuyRyS the Stickman.[9][10]

  • In Version 0.4, they replaced the Fairy IRyStrocrats in the normal version of Stage 1.
    • In Version 0.7 Bloom and Gloom themselves were replaced by GuyRyS as the common mob enemy in both version of Stage 1 and would only appear as a minor bosses duo in Stage 1 (Hard).

Hootsie HoomanHooman Old.gifHooman2 Old.gif

Hootsie at reveal

Hootsie Hooman is the first iteration of the Hoomans enemies in HoloCure. This design is based on Hootsie, an owl mascot introduced in Mumei's New Year outfit reveal, being carried by Mumei in a bag.[11] The owl was unnamed at reveal and only receive the name Hootsie from Mumei later on.

Yatagarasu Sanallite.gif

Yatagarasu Original Design

Yatagarasu is the general mascot of Tsukumo Sana, and is based on Three-Legged Crow of Asian mythology, specifically as the amalgamation of the Chinese Sun Crow and the Japanese Yatagarasu.[12] According to Sana, the reason why Sana's Yatagarasu takes the shape of an orange worm is because its true form would melt the brain of any human who dare lay eye on it. The Yatagarasu in HoloCure are also wearing a Sana wig.

  • In Version 0.4, Yatagarasu Sanallites were replaced by the Bread Dog Sanallites in the normal version of Stage 1.
    • The Yatagarasu Sanallite would reappear in the hard version of Stage 1 as a mini-boss.

HoloCure Original

This category consists of enemies that were created by the HoloCure team for the game. This category can include a range from entirely original designs, to designs that are inspired by other mascots, or popular fan interpretations.

List of HoloCure original designs: Hooman, Sapling and IRyStrocrat (Legacy).


A Hooman watching their oshi (From Mumei's Dan Dan Don Don cover MV)

Hoomans are fans of Nanashi Mumei. They are based on - but not an exact copy of - the design by 3D artist Welloy that was used in Mumei's Dan Dan Don Don MV, created by fan animator Kanauru.[13]

  • As the MV is their only appearance, the canonicity of that design is still in question. The HoloCure version itself also made changes to Welloy's design where they now look much more bird-like compared to the humanoid appearance of the original model.

Sapling Sapling.gifSapling2.gifSapling3.gifOvergrown Sapling 2x.gifRooted Sapling.pngGolden Apple Sapling 2x.gif

Canon Sapling

Saplings are fans of Ceres Fauna. Despite not being canon, their in-game design still follows the general design style seen in fanarts: a green puff ball with a single stem growing on its head.

  • A canon version of the Sapling exists with the same design as the fanart version mention above. It is different from the HoloCure version as it lacks any appendage aside from its leaf stem.
  • The stationary turret variant Rooted Sapling.png and Gold variant Golden Apple Sapling 2x.gif only appears in the Hard version of Stage 1.

IRyStocrat (Legacy) Light IRyStocrat.gifNight IRyStocrat.gif

At launch, the enemis now known as IRyStocrats (Legacy) were the original representation of the IRyStocrats in HoloCure. They are the first enemy design to be entirely original to the game.

  • In the game files, the sprite for the white IRyStocrat is named "IRyStocratsDevil" despite the angel halo. Accordingly, the black version is called "IRyStocratsAngel".
  • In Version 0.4, the fairy-style IRyStocrat were replaced by Bloom and Gloom in the normal version of Stage 1, but would reappear in the hard variant of the stage.
  • Despite the introduction of both Bloom & Gloom and GuyRys, these fairy-style IRyStocrat are still used in-game. It is the only original sprite with that privilege as the other HoloCure Original (Baerat.gif Mr. Squeekz Baerats, Pioneer Old.gifMic Pioneer and Zomerade Old.gifZombie Zomrade) all have disappeared after their canon counterpart was added to replace them.
