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Pekodam is a boss-type enemy in HoloCure - Save the Fans!. It appears in Stage Mode and Endless Mode at the 20-minute mark in Stage 5.

Defeating Pekodam will unlock the Owl Dagger Icon.pngOwl Dagger.


Pekodam will fly around the player, firing short bursts of aimed red bullets and periodic rings of blue bullets. It will periodically stop in place and execute one of two attacks in a fixed cycle:

  • A tracking barrage of gunfire that sweeps away from it (with the tracking increasing in accuracy the further away the player is)
  • 4 waves of several missiles that strike from above after a delay


  • The Pekodam is based off, and named after, a giant statue built by Usada Pekora Icon.pngUsada Pekora in Hololive's Minecraft server. The name itself is a portmanteau of Pekora's name and "Gundam", the mecha from the eponymous series Gundam.
    • The Pekodam in Holocure is more stylized to resemble the titular mobile suits, whereas its original version was merely a statue in Pekora's likeness.