Nemu's Farm

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Nemu's Farm.

Farming Icon.gif Nemu's Farm is mini-game in the Holo House. It appears as an open-fenced farm that can be found to the bottom right of the Holo House. At the farm, various types of crops can be grown and harvested. The garden has eight plots, 4 above and 4 below. Players must purchase both soil and seeds from Nemu.gif Nemu, residing to the right of the garden. The soil and seeds can then be placed on the plots, and players will need to wait for the plants to grow.

Once the plants start sparkling, the plants can be harvested to put them in the player's inventory. The produce can be used for various purposes within the Holo House, including feeding Fans and cooking meals. The garden crops can also be sold for HoloCoin Icon.pngHoloCoins.


Each crop type has a different base grow time, which is the time it takes from planting to harvesting. The grow time, and the yield of the crop, also depends on the soil used.

  • Standard Soil Icon.png Standard Soil will have a normal growing time and normal crop yield (1-3 items)[Needs verification]
  • Enhanced Soil Icon.png Enhanced Soil will have a normal growing time, but triple the yield (2-9 items)
  • Expedited Soil Icon.png Expedited Soil will have a normal yield, but the starting grow time will be reduced by 40%.

Players can speed up the growth process by watering the plants, which reduces the grow time of the selected plot by 60 seconds. Rainy weather will automatically water plants, and NPC Holo members may also randomly water plants as they pass by. Any watering action (manual and automatic) has a 60 second cooldown per plot.

List of Farm Items

Nemu's Plant Shop
Item HoloCoin Icon.png Cost
Standard Soil Icon.png Standard Soil 200
Expedited Soil Icon.png Expedited Soil 750
Enhanced Soil Icon.png Enhanced Soil 1500
Wheat Seed Icon.png Wheat Seed 100
Tomato Seed Icon.png Tomato Seed 150
Potato Seed Icon.png Potato Seed 200
Rice Seed Icon.png Rice Seed 250
Onion Seed Icon.png Onion Seed 300
Carrot Seed Icon.png Carrot Seed 350
Green Bean Seed Icon.png Green Bean Seed 400
Pepper Seed Icon.png Pepper Seed 450
Strawberry Seed Icon.png Strawberry Seed 500
Corn Seed Icon.png Corn Seed 550
Radish Seed Icon.png Radish Seed 600
Garlic Seed Icon.png Garlic Seed 650
Crop Properties
Item HoloCoin Icon.png Sell Value Base Grow Time Watered Grow Time Expedited Soil Grow Time Expedited Soil + Watered Grow Time
Wheat Icon.png Wheat 50 05:00 02:00 03:00 01:00
Tomato Icon.png Tomato 100 06:00 03:00 03:36 01:36
Potato Icon.png Potato 150 06:30 03:00 03:54 01:54
Rice Icon.png Rice 200 07:00 03:00 04:12 02:00
Onion Icon.png Onion 250 07:30 03:30 04:30 02:00
Carrot Icon.png Carrot 300 08:00 04:00 04:48 02:00
Green Bean Icon.png Green Bean 350 08:30 04:00 05:06 02:06
Pepper Icon.png Pepper 400 09:00 04:00 05:24 02:24
Strawberry Icon.png Strawberry 450 09:30 04:30 05:42 02:42
Corn Icon.png Corn 500 10:00 05:00 06:00 03:00
Radish Icon.png Radish 550 11:00 05:00 06:36 03:00
Garlic Icon.png Garlic 600 12:00 06:00 07:12 03:12


For the full list of changes, see Changelog.

0.6 Release


  • If the player talks to Nemu while playing as Ceres Fauna Icon.pngCeres Fauna, Nemu will have different dialogue when addressing her.
