Management Board

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The Management Board.

Management Icon.gif Management Board is a feature in the Holo House. It can be found to the middle right of the Holo House map, where an empty fenced area exists with a ManagementBoard.gif Management Board. At the Management Board, players can recruit fans as Workers to work for them. Each worker has their own name, which is randomly generated from a pool of names provided by players.[1] Each worker recruited will passively earn HoloCoin Icon.pngHoloCoins, which can be collected by the player at any time.

Workers are also used for the Racing and Fight Pit minigames in the Usada Casino.


To keep working, each worker must be fed with a specific fish or crop; the exact type will be random. Unfed workers will lose their stamina until they fall into an Exhausted state, where they will no longer earn coins. Feeding Exhausted workers will restore their stamina, as well as grant them EXP to level up, which will make them better at earning HoloCoins. A worker's preferred food item will change upon leveling up. Any excess EXP over the current EXP limit will be carried over to the next level, and depending on how much food was fed, a worker can possibly level up multiple times in a single feeding.

The players themselves have a Manager Level, with EXP gained each time a worker levels up. The player's Management Level increases based on the type and amount of food workers eat; rarer food items will provide more relative EXP to both worker and manager. Increasing Manager Level allows players to recruit higher-tier workers with higher stats. The tier of a worker is indicated by the presence and color of the star next to their name, as well as the color of their name. The level cap for Management is 4, granting access to the highest-tier workers, which have a Level Cap of 38 to 50, and are denoted by their red names and platinum stars.

The Management Board has the following options:

  • Manage - The Manage tab is where players can perform administrative options on their workers, including checking on their individuals status. Players can use this tab to feed Exhausted workers to return them to working status. This tab is also where players can rename their workers, as well as fire workers, which will permanently remove them from play.
  • Hire - This tab allows players to recruit workers. Players must first send out a recruiting notice, which will generate a list of up to 5 random workers to choose from, but players can only choose one of the workers from the list to recruit. The first hire on this list will always be a fan of the character the player is currently using (for example, a Shrimp if the player is using Gawr Gura Icon.pngGawr Gura). Posting a recruiting notice has a starting cost of 500 HoloCoins, which increases by another 500 for each additional worker already active, up to a maximum of 5,000. Up to 10 workers can be recruited, and if players want to recruit a new worker beyond the limit, they must first fire an existing one. Each worker has 4 randomly generated main stats to consider:
    • Efficiency - This stat determines how fast the worker can collect HoloCoins. (1 efficiency = 1 coin gained every 2 to 10 seconds)
    • Stamina - The larger this stat, the longer a worker can keep working before becoming Exhausted. (1 stamina = 20 seconds of work)
    • Max Level - The maximum level to which the worker can be raised. Each level-up gives +1 Efficiency and +2 Stamina. It also increases the maximum amount stats they can be trained for the Usada Casino minigames.
    • EXP Rate - How fast the worker levels up.
  • Collect - Players can use this tab to view the HoloCoins earned by each worker (and can be used to gauge a worker's efficiency), and here the player can collect the earned HoloCoins, which will be immediately added to the player's account.
  • Read - The main help guide for the Management Board.


  • It is worth it to replace workers with better ranking ones on reaching a higher manager rank, as higher ranking workers have better stats to allow them to work longer and more efficiently for the same amount of resources fed to them.
  • If a worker is on a favorable preferred food, you may want to stop just before the next level, then feed them the maximum number of foods when they become exhausted. Likewise, if the worker is on an unfavorable preferred food, you should feed them just enough to reach the next level, where they will hopefully draw a more favorable preferred food.
  • You can get your name into the game as one of the workers by responding to a Google Forms survey. (See Trivia)


For the full list of changes, see Changelog.

0.6 Release


  • The names for all the workers come from a Google Form by created by the Holocure devs.[1] In the form you can specify the display name as well as up to five specific fan mascots your name will be attached to. Your response is also editable allowing you to change your name and selection. The dev team will continue to use the data from this form to update the name list so players are incentivize to change your selection especially after your favourite idol(s) are added to the game.[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 HoloCure Official Twitter [@HoloCureGame] (2023-05-16). HoloCure on Twitter. “In update 0.6, there will be a new special content where "randomly generated NPCs" will appear with randomly given names. If you'd like to give your usernames to be used in this content, please fill out the form!”
  2. Kay Yu [@kaynimatic] (2023-05-16). Kay Yu on “I don't think there's a time limit, so we're just gonna edit and work off the same form forever...”