Ceres Fauna

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Ceres Fauna is one of the playable characters in HoloCure - Save the Fans!. She belongs to the group Council + Promise and can be unlocked through the Character Gacha. Her Main Weapon is Nature Shield Icon.pngNature Shield, her Special Attack is Mother Nature Icon.pngMother Nature, and she has three other unique skills: Guardian Tree Icon.pngGuardian Tree, Whisperer Icon.pngWhisperer, and Sapling Icon.pngSapling.

Fauna, alongside the rest of Council + Promise and HoloMyth, is one of the 11 characters introduced in Version 0.3 - the first public version of the game.

Main Weapon

Nature Shield
Weapon Frame.png
Nature Shield Icon.png
Level 1
Create 3 razor sharp leaves that spiral outward.
Level 2
Increase damage by 20% and increase hit limit by 5.
Level 3
Reduce the time between attacks by 15%.
Level 4
Shoot 2 additional leaves.
Level 5
Increase area of attack by 30% and increase hit limit by 5.
Level 6
Increase damage by 30% and remove hit limit.
Level MAX
Shoot 2 additional leaves and aim towards targets.
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Level 1
110% (9 – 13)
Attack time:
100 (1.67 s)
Attack count:
Attack delay:
0 (0 s)
Hit limit:
Hit cooldown:
45 (0.75 s)
90 (1.5 s)
Projectile speed:

Level 2
132% (11 – 15)
Attack time:
100 (1.67 s)
Attack count:
Attack delay:
0 (0 s)
Hit limit:
Hit cooldown:
45 (0.75 s)
90 (1.5 s)
Projectile speed:

Level 3
132% (11 – 15)
Attack time:
85 (1.42 s)
Attack count:
Attack delay:
0 (0 s)
Hit limit:
Hit cooldown:
45 (0.75 s)
90 (1.5 s)
Projectile speed:

Level 4
132% (11 – 15)
Attack time:
85 (1.42 s)
Attack count:
Attack delay:
0 (0 s)
Hit limit:
Hit cooldown:
45 (0.75 s)
90 (1.5 s)
Projectile speed:

Level 5
132% (11 – 15)
Attack time:
85 (1.42 s)
Attack count:
Attack delay:
0 (0 s)
Hit limit:
Hit cooldown:
45 (0.75 s)
90 (1.5 s)
Projectile speed:

Level 6
171.6% (15 – 19)
Attack time:
85 (1.42 s)
Attack count:
Attack delay:
0 (0 s)
Hit limit:
Hit cooldown:
45 (0.75 s)
90 (1.5 s)
Projectile speed:

Level 7
171.6% (15 – 19)
Attack time:
85 (1.42 s)
Attack count:
Attack delay:
0 (0 s)
Hit limit:
Hit cooldown:
45 (0.75 s)
90 (1.5 s)
Projectile speed:

Up to date with version 0.6.1692275570
  • When Awakened, the leaves will encircle Fauna as normal, then each individual leaf acquires a target and shoots out towards them. The leaves also have no hit limit.
  • Level 6's hit limit removal is applied one level late (at level 7).[Bug?]

Special Attack

Mother Nature
Skill Frame.png
Mother Nature Icon.png
90 seconds
Summon a giant tree that creates a healing zone. In this zone, Fauna gains a 10 second invincibility buff.
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Level 1
25% of max HP
Attack time:
60 (1 s)
Attack count:
Hit limit:
600 (10 s)

Up to date with version 0.6.1692275570
  • Healing amount is rounded down to a whole number.


Guardian Tree
Skill Frame.png
Guardian Tree Icon.png
Level 1
When healing, a branch will grow under a random nearby target dealing 200% damage.
Level 2
When healing, a branch will grow under a random nearby target dealing 250% damage.
Level MAX
When healing, a branch will grow under a random nearby target dealing 300% damage.
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Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Up to date with version 0.6.1692275570
Skill Frame.png
Whisperer Icon.png
Level 1
Every 10 seconds, gain 1 Whisper (max 3). Each stack heals 2% HP every 2 seconds. On taking the next hit, consume 1 Whisper to negate the attack.
Level 2
Every 10 seconds, gain 1 Whisper (max 4). Each stack heals 2% HP every 2 seconds. On taking the next hit, consume 1 Whisper to negate the attack.
Level MAX
Every 10 seconds, gain 1 Whisper (max 5). Each stack heals 2% HP every 2 seconds. On taking the next hit, consume 1 Whisper to negate the attack.
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Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Up to date with version 0.6.1692275570
  • A yellow spherical shield will surround Fauna when a Whisper charge is active.
  • Taking damage while having Sake Icon.pngSake equipped will disable the effect of Sake despite its tooltip saying that you need to take damage to do so, making the two incompatible.
  • If Body Pillow Icon.pngBody Pillow is equipped, any hits Fauna takes will first consume any stacks of Whisper before damaging the shield.
Skill Frame.png
Sapling Icon.png
Level 1
Defeated targets have a 5% chance to drop saplings. A sapling heals 3% and increase Fauna's ATK and SPD by 30% for 15 seconds. After 10 seconds, uncollected saplings will move towards Fauna.
Level 2
Defeated targets have a 7% chance to drop saplings. A sapling heals 3% and increase Fauna's ATK and SPD by 50% for 15 seconds. After 10 seconds, uncollected saplings will move towards Fauna.
Level MAX
Defeated targets have a 10% chance to drop saplings. A sapling heals 3% and increase Fauna's ATK and SPD by 70% for 15 seconds. After 10 seconds, uncollected saplings will move towards Fauna.
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Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Up to date with version 0.6.1692275570
Sapling drop
  • Saplings are not affected by the character's Pick Up Range Icon.pngPick Up Range, and must be acquired by directly walking over them.
  • Picking up multiple Saplings will only refresh the buff's duration; the bonuses do not stack.

Overview and Tips

  • Whisperer Icon.pngWhisperer is an important skill to maintain Fauna's offensive capability, as its constant healing allows it to activate Guardian Tree Icon.pngGuardian Tree frequently. As long as at least a single Whisper charge is active, Guardian Tree will activate once every 2 seconds.
    • In the later minutes of a run, when there are likely lots of Saplings available, picking up multiple Saplings at once can allow Fauna to activate Guardian Tree in rapid succession, which can assist in dealing damage against large enemy groups or bosses.
  • As a character with access to multiple healing options, Fauna is one of the characters who is able to benefit from Injection Type Asacoco Icon.pngInjection Type Asacoco while having the ability to counteract its HP Icon.pngHP drain, making it a good potential source of additional ATK Icon.pngATK.


The following outfits are available for Fauna:

Idle Run Description
Ceres Fauna IdleAnim.gif Ceres Fauna RunAnim.gif Original outfit. Unlocked by default.
Ceres Fauna O1 IdleAnim.gif Ceres Fauna O1 RunAnim.gif New Year outfit.
Ceres Fauna O2 IdleAnim.gif Ceres Fauna O2 RunAnim.gif Casual outfit.
Ceres Fauna O3 IdleAnim.gif Ceres Fauna O3 RunAnim.gif Gothic outfit with Witch Hat & Cape.


For the full list of changes, see Changelog.

0.5 Release
  • Sapling Icon.pngSapling SPD bonus increased from 30%/40%/50% to 30%/50%/70%. [Undocumented]
0.4 Release
  • Sapling Icon.pngSapling skill gains new effect: Uncollected saplings will begin to move towards Fauna after 10 seconds.
  • Saplings ATK buff increased at lvl 2 and 3, and buff duration is increased from 10 to 15 seconds.
    • ATK bonus from 30%/40%/50% to 30%/50%/70%
  • Base SPD increased from 1.30x to 1.40x. [Undocumented]
0.3 Release
  • Initial release


  • Ceres Fauna is one of the playable characters based on retired hololive members (See: retired members).
    • She graduated on 03 January 2025.
  • Guardian Tree Icon.pngGuardian Tree, Mother Nature Icon.pngMother Nature, Nature Shield Icon.pngNature Shield, and Sapling Icon.pngSapling are based on Fauna's lore where she is the Keeper of Nature.[1]
    • Mother Nature Icon.pngMother Nature is based on the fan lore where Fauna is treated as nature itself rather than just its Keeper, a phenomenon she shared with her hololive English -Council- genmates.
    • The effects of Guardian Tree Icon.pngGuardian Tree and Mother Nature Icon.pngMother Nature of spawning branches/a giant tree was likely initially just a general reference to Fauna's nature association, but can now also be treated as a reference to Fauna's World Tree in the Hololive Minecraft Server. The project started in February of 2023 and as of March 2024 remained incomplete, albeit still in active construction. It is currently one of the biggest structures on the server.[2]
    • The name of the Sapling Icon.pngSapling skill is based on her fanbase, the Sapling.gif Saplings. According to her lore, the Sapling (fanbase) literally returns to nature by becoming actual (immobile) tree saplings, which are collected by Fauna to be planted in the Sapling Forest.
  • The Whisperer Icon.pngWhisperer skill is a reference to Fauna's specialty being her weekly ASMR streams.
