Character Gacha

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The Character Gacha screen, with HoloEN Myth selected.

The Character Gacha allows the player to acquire Characters and alternate costumes. The gachas are subdivided into multiple different banners (see below), separated by the different hololive branches and generations. Each banner contains up to six different characters. The characters are randomly selected from each banner and only one character can be acquired for each pull.

Each gacha roll costs 1,000 HoloCoin Icon.pngHoloCoins to purchase. Gacha rolls can be bought one at a time, or multiple rolls at once up to 10.

Gacha banners

Hololive EN Myth


This banner's only purpose is to upgrade Myth Characters and unlock alternate outfits, as all of the characters in this banner are unlocked by default. The following characters are available in this banner:

Hololive EN Council + Promise


The following characters are available in this banner:

Hololive JP Gamers


The following characters are available in this banner:

Hololive JP Gen 0


The following characters are available in this banner:

Hololive JP Gen 1


The following characters are available in this banner:

Hololive JP Gen 2


The following characters are available in this banner:

Hololive JP Gen 3 (Fantasy)


The following characters are available in this banner:

Hololive JP Gen 4 (Force)


The following characters are available in this banner:

Hololive ID Area 15


The following characters are available in this banner:

Hololive ID Holoro


The following characters are available in this banner:

Hololive ID HoloH3ro


The following characters are available in this banner:

Gacha mechanics

Gambler's Tear Icon
The player can use Tears to redeem a character or alternate outfit.

Character drop rate

There are no official drop rates for the characters but it is assumed that all characters have equal chances of appearing.

G. Rank

Whenever the player receives a duplicate character from a gacha pull, that character's G. Rank increases by 1, providing a permanent bonus of +1 HP, +1% ATK, and +1% SPD. This bonus can stack up to 20 times for a maximum bonus of +20% for each stat. As each character starts at G. Rank 1, with no bonuses provided, the maximum bonus is reached at G. Rank 21.

It is possible to receive duplicates even if your character already has reached maximum bonuses. When this happens, the character's G. Rank will still increase, but the character will not receive any additional bonuses. It is currently unknown if this is an intended mechanic or not. G. Rank bonuses can be disabled by toggling on the G Rank Off Icon.pngG Rank Off upgrade, which is purchasable at no HoloCoin cost.

Raising a character's G. Rank is also a requirement to receive Fandom boosts for that character.

Gambler's Tears

Players obtain a Gambler's Tear every time they receive a duplicate character.[1] 7 Tears can be used to redeem any specific character, and 15 Tears can be used to redeem an alternate outfit for some characters. Gamblers Tears are exclusive to the banner they were obtained from and cannot be used on other banners.


Screenshot of the gacha menu in the launch version of the game.
For the full list of changes, see Changelog.

0.7 Release
  • Added JP Gen 3 (Fantasy) and JP Gen 4 (Force).
  • Gacha banners now use the full-body sprite portraits instead of the smaller character sprites.[Undocumented]
  • Added new outfits for almost all pre-0.7 characters.[Undocumented]
  • The "Council + HOPE" banner is now "Council + Promise"[Undocumented]
0.6 Release
  • Added ID Area 15, ID Holoro, and ID HoloH3ro gacha banners.
  • Added the ability to buy multiple gacha rolls at once, up to 10.
  • Character/outfit selection in the Tears Menu was changed.
    • Now displays current G. Rank in the menu.
  • Added new outfits for almost all pre-0.6 characters.[Undocumented]
0.5 Release
  • Added JP Gen 1 and JP Gen 2 gacha banners.
  • Added new outfits:[Undocumented]
    • Formal outfits for all Myth characters.
    • Casual outfits for Ceres Fauna and Ouro Kronii.
    • Old model sprite for IRyS.
    • Casual outfits for JP GAMERS and Gen 0.
      • The alternate outfits for AZKi and Roboco-san are modeled after their original designs.
0.4 Release
  • Added JP Gamers and JP Gen 0 gacha banners.
  • Added Gambler's Tears
  • Added alternate outfit system.
    • Added casual outfits for all Myth characters.[Undocumented]
0.3 Release
  • Initial release.


  • It is presumed that the "G" in "G. Rank" stands for "gacha" but there is no official statement about it.
  • Gambler's Tears' name is inspired by the experience of hololive members losing everything to Rust's gambling system.[2][3] It's likely also a reference to the tears of gacha players both in HoloCure and in general.
  • Kay wanted to implement Gambler's Tears earlier but couldn't due to time constraint.[4]
  • "Council + Promise" (formerly "Council + Hope") is and will likely remain to be the banner with the most characters in HoloCure. This is due to Cover Corp. typically debuts a new generation with 3 to 5 members.
    • As its former name implies the banner combined members from Hololive English Council (Bae, Kronii, Fauna, Mumei, Sana) and Hololive English Project: HOPE (IRyS). This is because IRyS was usually considered a de facto member of Council under the group name "CouncilRyS" due to the Project: Hope being an interim project that debuted only a month before Council. CouncilRyS was later formalized as Promise after Sana's graduation, replacing both Council and Project: Hope as an official generation.
    • The only other case which could result in a banner with over 5 members is with Holostars JP which officially combined its first three generation into a single unit also name Holostars. If implemented in that form, it would result in a banner with 9~12 characters depending on Kay's research into Holostar short-lived members.
  • HoloCure's banner uses the generation's official name instead of their numbered name when possible.
    • Generation name was first used for Hololive GAMERS (which is unofficially JP Gen 2.5) and is implemented for all subsequent generation of both Hololive and Holostars. The exception to this was HoloCN and HoloID Gen 1 due to both debuting before the policy was applied to foreign branches. ID Gen 1 would later gain the name AREA 15 based on the name of their monthly collab stream.
