Nanashi Mumei

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Nanashi Mumei is one of the playable characters in HoloCure - Save the Fans!. She belongs to the group Council + Promise and can be unlocked through the Character Gacha. Her Main Weapon is Bird Feather Icon.pngBird Feather, her Special Attack is True Horror Icon.pngTrue Horror, and she has three other unique skills: Friend Icon.pngFriend, Civilization Icon.pngCivilization, and Bloodthirsty Icon.pngBloodthirsty.

Mumei, alongside the rest of Council + Promise and HoloMyth, is one of the 11 characters introduced in Version 0.3 - the first public version of the game.

Main Weapon

Bird Feather
Weapon Frame.png
Bird Feather Icon.png
Level 1
Shoot a bunch of feathers at a spread. Pierces through targets.
Level 2
Increase damage by 20%.
Level 3
Increase hit limit by 5.
Level 4
Shoot 1 additional feather.
Level 5
Reduce the time between attacks by 30% and increase hit limit by 5.
Level 6
Shoot 1 additional feather.
Level MAX
Feathers home into targets 3 times.
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Level 1
120% (10 – 14)
Attack time:
90 (1.5 s)
Attack count:
Attack delay:
5 (0.08 s)
Hit limit:
Hit cooldown:
15 (0.25 s)
25 (0.42 s)
Projectile speed:

Level 2
144% (12 – 16)
Attack time:
90 (1.5 s)
Attack count:
Attack delay:
5 (0.08 s)
Hit limit:
Hit cooldown:
15 (0.25 s)
25 (0.42 s)
Projectile speed:

Level 3
144% (12 – 16)
Attack time:
90 (1.5 s)
Attack count:
Attack delay:
5 (0.08 s)
Hit limit:
Hit cooldown:
15 (0.25 s)
25 (0.42 s)
Projectile speed:

Level 4
144% (12 – 16)
Attack time:
90 (1.5 s)
Attack count:
Attack delay:
4 (0.07 s)
Hit limit:
Hit cooldown:
15 (0.25 s)
25 (0.42 s)
Projectile speed:

Level 5
144% (12 – 16)
Attack time:
63 (1.05 s)
Attack count:
Attack delay:
4 (0.07 s)
Hit limit:
Hit cooldown:
15 (0.25 s)
25 (0.42 s)
Projectile speed:

Level 6
144% (12 – 16)
Attack time:
63 (1.05 s)
Attack count:
Attack delay:
4 (0.07 s)
Hit limit:
Hit cooldown:
15 (0.25 s)
25 (0.42 s)
Projectile speed:

Level 7
144% (12 – 16)
Attack time:
63 (1.05 s)
Attack count:
Attack delay:
4 (0.07 s)
Hit limit:
Hit cooldown:
15 (0.25 s)
60 (1 s)
Projectile speed:

Up to date with version 0.6.1692275570
  • In its base form, Bird Feather is a standard aimed attack with a short range. When Awakened, Bird Feather's attack is first launched at the target direction, similarly to its normal form, but upon hitting a target or reaching the maximum range, each individual burst will then seek out targets on their own at long range, without requiring any additional input from the player.
  • An awakened Bird Feather also gains +50% bonus area.

Special Attack

True Horror
Skill Frame.png
True Horror Icon.png
80 seconds
Destroy all targets in sight. Increase Haste by 1% for each target that has been sacrificed, for 10 seconds.
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Level 1
Hit limit:
30 (0.5 s)

Up to date with version 0.6.1692275570
True Horror
  • Grants invulnerability for a brief moment upon activation.
  • Only enemies visible on the screen when the ability is activated are affected.
  • Cannot target bosses and mini-bosses.


Skill Frame.png
Friend Icon.png
Level 1
Summon Friend that uses Bird Feather at 50% Power.
Level 2
Summon Friend that uses Bird Feather as well as 1 other random weapon at 65% Power.
Level MAX
Summon Friend that uses Bird Feather as well as 2 other random weapons at 80% Power.
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Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Up to date with version 0.6.1692275570
  • Friend will maintain a steady orbit around the character.
  • As a summon, Friend has his own pickup radius and will collect nearby EXP Icon.pngEXP and HoloCoin Icon.pngHoloCoin drops.
  • Aimed attacks are fired in the direction Mumei is aiming.
  • Friend's Bird Feather normally reproduces the effects of Knightly Milk Icon.pngKnightly Milk and Size Up Stamp Icon.pngSize Up Stamp.
  • Friend's attacks do not gain skill damage bonus from Beetle Icon.pngBeetle.
  • Friend's attacks benefit from Focus Shades Icon.pngFocus Shades if it uses a weapon that works with it.
Skill Frame.png
Civilization Icon.png
Level 1
ATK increases by 1% for every target currently on the screen, up to 100%. In addition, gain a further 1% for every 100 targets ever defeated.
Level 2
ATK increases by 1.50% for every target currently on the screen, up to 120%. In addition, gain a further 1% for every 100 targets ever defeated.
Level MAX
ATK increases by 2% for every target currently on the screen, up to 150%. In addition, gain a further 1% for every 100 targets ever defeated.
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Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Up to date with version 0.6.1692275570
Skill Frame.png
Bloodthirsty Icon.png
Level 1
When a target is defeated, gain 1 stack of Bloodthirst. At 20 stacks, Mumei heals 10% HP and gains 30% ATK for 10 seconds.
Level 2
When a target is defeated, gain 1 stack of Bloodthirst. At 20 stacks, Mumei heals 10% HP and gains 45% ATK for 10 seconds.
Level MAX
When a target is defeated, gain 1 stack of Bloodthirst. At 20 stacks, Mumei heals 10% HP and gains 60% ATK for 10 seconds.
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Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Up to date with version 0.6.1692275570


The following outfits are available for Mumei:

Idle Run Description
Nanashi Mumei IdleAnim.gif Nanashi Mumei RunAnim.gif Original outfit. Unlocked by default.
Nanashi Mumei O1 IdleAnim.gif Nanashi Mumei O1 RunAnim.gif New Year outfit.
Nanashi Mumei O2 IdleAnim.gif Nanashi Mumei O2 RunAnim.gif Casual outfit with Hood on.
Nanashi Mumei O3 IdleAnim.gif Nanashi Mumei O3 RunAnim.gif Gothic outfit.


For the full list of changes, see Changelog.

0.6 Release
  • History Icon.pngHistory skill has been removed.
  • Civilization Icon.pngCivilization skill gains the effect of History skill, to a lesser degree.
    • New effect: "ATK increases by 1%/1.50%/2% for every target currently on screen, up to 100%/120%/150%. In addition, gain further 1% for every 100 targets defeated."
  • New skill Bloodthirsty Icon.pngBloodthirsty has been added to replace History.
    • Bloodthirsty: "When a target is defeated, gain 1 stack of Bloodthirst. At 20 stacks Mumei heals 10% HP and gains 30%/45%/60% ATK for 10 seconds."
  • Friend Icon.pngFriend skill now always casts Bird Feather, and effects of level 2 and 3 has been changed.
    • Uses one random weapon at level 2 and two random weapons at level 3 in addition to Bird Feather.
  • True Horror Icon.pngTrue Horror no longer deletes drops, and gains a new effect which grants a Haste buff to Mumei.
    • Increases Haste by 1% per target sacrificed for 10 seconds.
  • Bird Feather Icon.pngBird Feather damage increased from 110% (9 – 13) to 120% (10 – 14). [Undocumented]
0.5 Hotfix 2

Bird Feather Icon.pngBird Feather [Undocumented]

  • Range reduced from 150 to 120.
  • Awakened projectile speed reduced from 17 to 16.
0.5 Hotfix 1
  • Slightly changed the behavior of target seeking for Awakened weapon.
0.5 Release
  • True Horror Icon.pngTrue Horror grants Mumei temporary Invincibility while the jumpscare is active
0.4 Release
  • Mumei Bird Feather Icon.pngFeather Awakened is now initially aimed towards the character's aimed direction before targetting a random target.
  • Friend Icon.pngFriend's weapon power reduced.
    • From 80%/100%/120% to 50%/65%/80%
  • Base ATK reduced from 0.85x to 0.80x. [Undocumented]
  • Bird Feather damage reduced from 120% to 110%. [Undocumented]
  • Bug fixes: [Undocumented]
    • Friend no longer infinitely spams weapons when Mumei reaches 100% Haste.
    • History now grants correct amount of stacks.
    • True Horror no longer affects enemies off-screen.
0.3 Patch 1
  • Bird Feather Icon.pngBird Feather
    • (Awakened) Damage dealt reduced from 158% to 144% (similar damage to Level 6)
  • History Icon.pngHistory
    • Required enemies defeated reduced from 100 to 50
0.3 Release
  • Initial release


  • Mumei, along with Tsukumo Sana Icon.pngSana, is tied for the lowest ATK Icon.pngbase ATK in the game, at 0.8.
  • Bird Feather Icon.pngBird Feather is based on the owl feathers seen on top of her head.[1]
  • The image that appears when activating True Horror Icon.pngTrue Horror is an actual drawing made by Mumei herself while playing the game Passpartout: The Starving Artist. The drawing was supposed to depict her fellow Hololive member Hoshimachi Suisei, but instead morphed into its current form over the course of the stream.[2]
  • Most of Mumei's skills (Civilization Icon.pngCivilization, Friend Icon.pngFriend, and her former skill History Icon.pngHistory) are based on her lore where she is the Guardian of Civilization.[1]
    • Friend Icon.pngFriend is Mumei's unnamed companion/mascot. He lacks a real name as Mumei does not want to eventually forget it due to her constant amnesia. She calls him Friend to remind herself that he is her friend to help her soothe her anger or when he was acting fishy.[3]
    • Civilization Icon.pngCivilization is based on her being the Guardian of Civilization, specifically the lore where her creator was the embodiment of Civilization. In practice, like the rest of Council + Promise, Mumei is treated as though she herself is the representation of Civilization rather than just its guardian. The skill effect is likely based on the proliferation of humanity on Earth.
    • History Icon.pngHistory, similar to Civilization Icon.pngCivilization, was based on Mumei's Civilization lore. Its ability likely referenced humanity's history of war and destruction.
  • Bloodthirsty Icon.pngBloodthirsty is based on the general meme of a psychopathic Mumei. Its icon is based on a combination of the "Smol Mumei" VRChat model designed by her genmate Tsukumo Sana, which has the ability to switch to the True Horror Icon.pngTrue Horror face.[4] The Dan Dan Don Don cover MV, which features the aforementioned psychopathic Mumei, also used the Smol Mumei model.[5]
