Amelia Watson

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Amelia Watson is one of the playable characters in HoloCure - Save the Fans!. She belongs to the group HoloMyth and is available at the start of the game. Her Main Weapon is Pistol Shot Icon.pngPistol Shot, her Special Attack is Slow Time Icon.pngSlow Time, and she has three other unique skills: The Ame Way Icon.pngThe Ame Way, Detective Eye Icon.pngDetective Eye, and Bubba Icon.pngBubba.

Amelia, alongside the rest of HoloMyth and Council + Promise, is one of the 11 characters introduced in Version 0.3 - the first public version of the game.

Main Weapon

Pistol Shot
Weapon Frame.png
Pistol Shot Icon.png
Level 1
Shoots 3 projectiles forward.
Level 2
Shoot 2 additional shot, and each bullet can pierce +1 times.
Level 3
Increase damage by 20%.
Level 4
Bullets ricochet if hit limit is reached.
Level 5
Each bullet can pierce +1 times. Reduce the time between attacks by 25%.
Level 6
Increase damage by 20%.
Level MAX
For the next 2 seconds, 15% of all damage taken by target is stored in time. Then, target takes total amount of stored damage.
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Level 1
100% (8 – 12)
Attack time:
80 (1.33 s)
Attack count:
Attack delay:
6 (0.1 s)
Hit limit:
Hit cooldown:
20 (0.33 s)
120 (2 s)
Projectile speed:

Level 2
100% (8 – 12)
Attack time:
80 (1.33 s)
Attack count:
Attack delay:
6 (0.1 s)
Hit limit:
Hit cooldown:
20 (0.33 s)
120 (2 s)
Projectile speed:

Level 3
120% (10 – 14)
Attack time:
80 (1.33 s)
Attack count:
Attack delay:
6 (0.1 s)
Hit limit:
Hit cooldown:
20 (0.33 s)
120 (2 s)
Projectile speed:

Level 4
120% (10 – 14)
Attack time:
80 (1.33 s)
Attack count:
Attack delay:
6 (0.1 s)
Hit limit:
Hit cooldown:
20 (0.33 s)
120 (2 s)
Projectile speed:

Level 5
120% (10 – 14)
Attack time:
60 (1 s)
Attack count:
Attack delay:
6 (0.1 s)
Hit limit:
Hit cooldown:
20 (0.33 s)
120 (2 s)
Projectile speed:

Level 6
144% (12 – 16)
Attack time:
60 (1 s)
Attack count:
Attack delay:
6 (0.1 s)
Hit limit:
Hit cooldown:
20 (0.33 s)
120 (2 s)
Projectile speed:

Level 7
144% (12 – 16)
Attack time:
60 (1 s)
Attack count:
Attack delay:
6 (0.1 s)
Hit limit:
Hit cooldown:
20 (0.33 s)
120 (2 s)
Projectile speed:

Up to date with version 0.6.1692275570
  • Using Amelia's Special Attack, Slow Time Icon.pngSlow Time, boosts the attack speed of this weapon by 50%. At its Awakened state, this lets the weapon function similar to a fully automatic weapon.
  • The ricochet direction is random.
  • Ricocheting bullets can hit 3 additional enemies. This amount is unaffected by the hit limit.
  • The number of projectiles is affected by the Projectile Up Stamp Icon.pngProjectile Up Stamp.

Special Attack

Slow Time
Skill Frame.png
Slow Time Icon.png
60 seconds
Slows all target movement by 80% while Pistol shot shoots 50% faster for 10 seconds.
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Level 1
600 (10 s)

Up to date with version 0.6.1692275570


The Ame Way
Skill Frame.png
The Ame Way Icon.png
Level 1
Gain 20% ATK. All Multi-Shot and Ranged weapons gains an extra 2% Crit chance and 5% Crit damage each target it hits.
Level 2
Gain 40% ATK. All Multi-Shot and Ranged weapons gains an extra 2% Crit chance and 5% Crit damage each target it hits.
Level MAX
Gain 60% ATK. All Multi-Shot and Ranged weapons gains an extra 2% Crit chance and 5% Crit damage each target it hits. notes=
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Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Up to date with version 0.6.1692275570
  • No additional details.
Detective Eye
Skill Frame.png
Detective Eye Icon.png
Level 1
Increases critical hit chance by 10%.
Level 2
Increases critical hit chance by 20%.
Level MAX
Increases critical hit chance by 30% with a 2% chance to defeat an target in 1 hit.
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Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Up to date with version 0.6.1692275570
  • A red "KO" appears on the screen when the Skill triggers.
  • Instant KO does not work on bosses.
Skill Frame.png
Bubba Icon.png
Level 1
Gain a dog companion that attacks random targets, dealing 100% of your base damage per hit.
Level 2
Gain a dog companion that attacks random targets, dealing 200% of your base damage per hit.
Level MAX
Gain a dog companion that attacks random targets, dealing 300% of your base damage per hit and stuns targets for 2 seconds on hit.
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Level 1
100% (8 – 12)

Level 2
200% (18 – 22)

Level 3
300% (27 – 33)

Up to date with version 0.6.1692275570
  • Bubba moves erratically around the screen, periodically letting out a bark that damages enemies around him.
  • As a summon, Bubba has his own pickup radius and will collect nearby EXP Icon.pngEXP and HoloCoin Icon.pngHoloCoin drops.
  • Leveling up the skill increases Bubba's speed and attack size. [Undocumented]
Amelia petting Bubba
  • Petting Bubba is a mechanic not documented anywhere in the game. In order to pet Bubba, the player must position Amelia directly next to him and press and hold the P key on the keyboard. Amelia must be completely still (i.e. no movement input), otherwise the input will be ignored. Upon triggering this state, the camera will zoom in and both Amelia and Bubba will play a unique petting animation until the key is released. The player will then earn the You Can Pet The Dog Icon.pngYou Can Pet The Dog achievement achievement. Neither Amelia nor Bubba will attack during this state, and Amelia will remain vulnerable to damage.

Overview and Tips

As one of the five starting characters available in the game, Amelia Watson is one of the most beginner-friendly characters, owing to her simple and straightforward kit focused primarily on long-range shooting using her Pistol Shot Icon.pngPistol Shot, with her The Ame Way Icon.pngThe Ame Way and Detective Eye Icon.pngDetective Eye skills providing necessary stat enhancements to her main weapon, and her Special Slow Time Icon.pngSlow Time further enhancing it. Bubba Icon.pngBubba, Amelia's dog companion, also makes playing her easier due to his ability to deal some (if random) crowd control and pick up items around him, allowing the player to focus less on collecting items and more on dodging and attacking. While lacking in reliable crowd control ability, the range of Amelia's weapon allows her to keep enemies far away from her, and with a proper build she is capable of bursting down Bosses using her Special, even from outside of the screen.


The following outfits are available for Amelia:

Idle Run Pet Description
Amelia Watson IdleAnim.gif Amelia Watson RunAnim.gif Amelia Watson PetAnim.gif Original outfit. (Unlocked by default.)
Amelia Watson O1 IdleAnim.gif Amelia Watson O1 RunAnim.gif Amelia Watson O1 PetAnim.gif Casual outfit.
Amelia Watson O2 IdleAnim.gif Amelia Watson O2 RunAnim.gif Amelia Watson O2 PetAnim.gif Formal outfit.
Amelia Watson O3 IdleAnim.gif Amelia Watson O3 RunAnim.gif Amelia Watson O3 PetAnim.gif New Year outfit.
Amelia Watson O4 IdleAnim.gif Amelia Watson O4 RunAnim.gif Amelia Watson O4 PetAnim.gif Space outfit.


For the full list of changes, see Changelog.

0.7 Release
  • Skill name of FPS Mastery has been changed to "The Ame Way". Effect has also been adjusted.
    • New Effect: "Gain 20% ATK. All Multi-Shot and Ranged weapons gains an extra 2% Crit chance and 5% Crit damage each target it hits."
0.6 Release
  • Effect of Awakened weapon has been changed.
    • New effect: "For the next 2 seconds, 15% of all damage taken by target is stored in time. Then target takes total of stored damage."
  • Pistol Shot Icon.pngPistol Shot [Undocumented]
    • Hit cooldown increased from 10 (0.17 s) to 20 (0.33 s).
    • Level 2 additional shots increased from 1 to 2.
    • Level 3 damage bonus reduced from 25% to 20%.
    • Level 6 damage bonus reduced from 40% to 20%.
  • Fixed Slow Time Icon.pngSlow Time incorrectly showing the duration at 15 seconds (instead of 10). [Undocumented]
0.5 Release
  • Pistol Shot Icon.pngPistol Shot no longer shoots horizontal only.
  • Bubba Icon.pngBubba's damage increased. [Undocumented]
    • From 100%/150%/200% to 100%/200%/300%
0.4 Release
  • Increased the damage up from FPS Mastery Icon.pngFPS Mastery
    • From 15%/25%/35% to 20%/40%/60%.
  • Base ATK increased from 1.25x to 1.30x. [Undocumented]
  • Pistol Shot Icon.pngPistol Shot damage adjusted from 80%/150%/210% to 100%/125%/175%. [Undocumented]
0.3 Release
  • Initial release


  • Amelia Watson is one of the playable characters based on retired hololive members (See: retired members).
    • She became the first hololive affiliate on 30 September 2024; while her regular streaming and social media activities have stopped, she may make occasional appearances in future hololive events.
  • Prior to update 0.5, Pistol Shot Icon.pngPistol Shot could only fire horizontally.
  • Both Detective Eye Icon.pngDetective Eye and Slow Time Icon.pngSlow Time are references to Ame's lore as a time-traveling detective.
    • During the pre-debut phase, she was meant to be a regular detective, but fans joked about her British-ness as her "mythical" trait to match the rest of her gen-mates. Ame played along with the joke on her debut by speaking with a fake British accent, but quickly dropped it afterward.
    • Her time travel aspect was not part of her initial characterization, but during a "Fall Guys" stream she idly talked about Mighty Beanz and then explained that she knew of that old toy through time travel. She went on to explain that her pocket watch serves as her time travel device,[1] and this eventually became a permanent part of her character.
  • Pistol Shot Icon.pngPistol Shot and her former skill FPS Mastery Icon.pngFPS Mastery reference Ame's preference toward FPS games.
  • Bubba Icon.pngBubba is a reference to Ame's mascot and real life pet dog, Bubba.
    • Bubba's design was actually created by Ninomae Ina'nis along with Calli's Death Sensei, Kiara's Kotori, and Ina's own Tako/Takodachi. Only Bloop, Gura's mascot, was not designed by Ina but by Gura's character designer Nachoneko (Amashiro Natsuki).
    • Aside from Bubba, Ame's collection of pets includes another dog (Mikki/Nikki), two cats (Henry and Wellington), and two empty fish tanks.[2]
