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Damage is the means of depleting a unit's health. The damage from an attack - weapon, Special Attack or skill - depends on the character's or target's attack/weapon strength and various damage modifiers, such as ATK stat and damage taken debuffs.


The amount of damage dealt is calculated via the following procedure:

First, the base damage is calculated from the weapon damage and the character's ATK:

[Toggle display]
attackDamage = 10 * totalWeaponDamage * totalATK/100%

Then randomization is added to the base damage if the base damage is greater than 2. This will result in the new value being within ±10% range of the base value if the base damage is higher than 20 or ±2 damage if base damage is less than 20:

[Toggle display]
randAttackDamage = attackDamage - random(max((attackDamage * 0.1), 2)) + random(max((attackDamage * 0.2), 4)

Lastly the value is multiplied by damage modifiers and rounded to closest integer. In the case of a result that ends in .5 the rounding is to the nearest even integer.

[Toggle display]
totalDamage = round(randAttackDamage * damageMod)

Weapon damage

The damage dealt by a weapon or an attack depends on its base damage modifier, enhancements applied to a weapon beyond its max level and the Growth bonus to the character's main weapon or special attack.

[Toggle display]
totalWeaponDamage = weaponDamage + enhancementBonus + growthBonus

Weapon damage bonuses

Some attacks have effects that add directly to the base weapon damage of that attack.

List of effects that add to baseweaponDamage
Effect Type Weapon Specific Character
Knight's Dance Icon.pngKnight's Dance Skill Knight's Dance Icon.pngKnight's Dance Shirogane Noel Icon.pngShirogane Noel
Rocket Launcher Awakened Icon.pngRocket Launcher Awakened Weapon Rocket Launcher Awakened Icon.pngRocket Launcher Awakened Usada Pekora Icon.pngUsada Pekora

Weapon damage bonuses, such as level up, stamp and enchantment bonuses, are multiplied directly to weapon's base damage. The bonuses from Level Ups stack multiplicatively with each other and the base weapon damage. The bonuses from stamps and enchantments are also applied to the base weapon damage.

[Toggle display]
weaponDamage = baseWeaponDamage/100% * (1 + attackStampBonus/100%) * (1 + soloStampBonus/100%) * (1 + attackEnchantmentBonus1/100%) * (1 + attackEnchantmentBonus2/100%) * (1 + levelBonus1/100%) * (1 + levelBonus2/100%) * (1 + levelBonus3/100%) * ...
List of effects that give weaponDamage multipliers
Effect Type Weapon Specific Character
Robo-Discharge Icon.pngRobo-Discharge Skill Robo-Discharge Icon.pngRobo-Discharge

Hi-Spec Mode Icon.pngHi-Spec Mode

Roboco-san Icon.pngRoboco-san
Worldwide Strongest Idol Icon.pngWorldwide Strongest Idol Skill Spider Cooking Icon.pngSpider Cooking

Elite Cooking Icon.pngElite Cooking

Broken Dreams Icon.pngBroken Dreams

Eldritch Horror Icon.pngEldritch Horror

Akai Haato Icon.pngAkai Haato
Material Grind Icon.pngMaterial Grind[Note 1] Skill - Kaela Kovalskia Icon.pngKaela Kovalskia
The Reaper Icon.pngThe Reaper Special Attack Scythe Swing Icon.pngScythe Swing Mori Calliope Icon.pngMori Calliope
EN's Curse Icon.pngEN's Curse (lvl 7)[Note 2] Weapon EN's Curse Icon.pngEN's Curse -
Baseball Pitch Awakened Icon.pngBaseball Pitch Awakened Weapon Baseball Pitch Awakened Icon.pngBaseball Pitch Awakened Oozora Subaru Icon.pngOozora Subaru
Study Glasses Icon.pngStudy Glasses[Note 1] Item - -
ATK Up Stamp Icon.pngATK Up Stamp Stamp - -
Lightness Stamp Icon.pngLightness Stamp Stamp - -
Solo Stamp Icon.pngSolo Stamp Stamp - -
Unit Stamp Icon.pngUnit Stamp Stamp - -
Damage +15% Enhancement - -
  1. 1.0 1.1 Material Grind and Study Glasses bonuses stack additively with each other as a single multiplier to weaponDamage. Glasses give .003 per stack while the ores give .01, .02, and .03 respectively
  2. EN's Curse Lvl 7 has a 10% damage boost that stacks multiplicatively with itself every time the attack chains.

Enhancement bonus

Enhancement bonus is a flat damage bonus applied to weapons using an Anvil's "Upgrade" option on a max level weapon, increasing the weapon's base damage for each successful enhancement. The bonus are split based on the number of attacks in the weapon's main attack sequence, including additional projectiles Projectile Up Stamp Icon.pngProjectile Up Stamp, Klutz Icon.pngKlutz, or the +1 Projectile enchantment. This value is referred to as splitCount

Some weapons have a custom splitCount that is hard coded which ignore extra projectiles and projectile count. Below is a table of these weapons and their splitCounts

List of Custom splitCounts
Weapon Splitcount
BL Fujoshi Icon.pngBL Fujoshi 8
Blood Lust Icon.pngBlood Lust 4
Bone Bros. Icon.pngBone Bros. 6
Broken Dreams Icon.pngBroken Dreams 6
Elite Cooking Icon.pngElite Cooking 6
Idol Live Icon.pngIdol Live 10
Jingisukan Icon.pngJingisukan 6
True Infinite BL Works Icon.pngTrue Infinite BL Works 8

Additionally, levels 2 and 3 of Blacksmith's Gear Icon.pngBlacksmith's Gear provide a multiplier to the enhancement bonus

[Toggle display]
enhancementBonus = (0.2 + ( max(1, blacksmithsGearLevel) - 1) / 20) * weaponEnhancements) / splitCount

Growth bonus

Growth is flat damage bonus that only applies to the character's main weapon's or Special Attack's damage. Similarly to enhancements, the bonus is divided by the number of the attacks in the weapon's attack sequence. Additionally, if the attack's hit cooldown is less than 20, the growth bonus is gradually reduced to a minimum of 20%.

[Toggle display]
growthBonus = (0.01 * growthLevel * playerLevel * min(20, max(4, hitCD))/20) / splitCount


The damage dealt by a character is most notably modified by their ATK-stat. The characters total ATK is the sum of their base ATK stat and all ATK bonuses from items and the character's skills. ATK bonuses stack additively.

[Toggle display]
totalATK = baseATK + (bonus1 + bonus2 + bonus3 + ...)
List of effects that modify ATK[1]
Effect Type Character
The Ame Way Icon.pngThe Ame Way Skill Amelia Watson Icon.pngAmelia Watson
Cult Icon.pngCult Skill Ninomae Ina'nis Icon.pngNinomae Ina'nis
Dancer Icon.pngDancer Skill Takanashi Kiara Icon.pngTakanashi Kiara
Workaholic Icon.pngWorkaholic Skill Mori Calliope Icon.pngMori Calliope
Perfection Icon.pngPerfection Skill Ouro Kronii Icon.pngOuro Kronii
Sapling Icon.pngSapling Skill Ceres Fauna Icon.pngCeres Fauna
Civilization Icon.pngCivilization Skill Nanashi Mumei Icon.pngNanashi Mumei
History Icon.pngHistory Skill Nanashi Mumei Icon.pngNanashi Mumei
Astrology Icon.pngAstrology Skill Tsukumo Sana Icon.pngTsukumo Sana
Speaker Of Space Icon.pngSpeaker Of Space[Note 1] Skill Tsukumo Sana Icon.pngTsukumo Sana
Half Demon Icon.pngHalf Demon Skill IRyS Icon.pngIRyS
Fox King Icon.pngFox King Skill Shirakami Fubuki Icon.pngShirakami Fubuki
Yummy Icon.pngYummy Skill Nekomata Okayu Icon.pngNekomata Okayu
Endurance Icon.pngEndurance Skill Inugami Korone Icon.pngInugami Korone
Hi-Level Icon.pngHi-Level Skill Roboco-san Icon.pngRoboco-san
Stellar Icon.pngStellar Skill Hoshimachi Suisei Icon.pngHoshimachi Suisei
Baby Language? Icon.pngBaby Language? Skill Sakura Miko Icon.pngSakura Miko
Elite Icon.pngElite Skill Sakura Miko Icon.pngSakura Miko
Worldwide Strongest Idol Icon.pngWorldwide Strongest Idol Skill Akai Haato Icon.pngAkai Haato
Acerola Juice Icon.pngAcerola Juice Skill Yozora Mel Icon.pngYozora Mel
Cheerleader Icon.pngCheerleader Skill Natsuiro Matsuri Icon.pngNatsuiro Matsuri
Cheeky Brat Icon.pngCheeky Brat Skill Murasaki Shion Icon.pngMurasaki Shion
Sololive Icon.pngSololive Skill Minato Aqua Icon.pngMinato Aqua
Hoshinova & Moona Icon.pngHoshinova & Moona Skill Moona Hoshinova Icon.pngMoona Hoshinova
Undead Icon.pngUndead Skill Kureiji Ollie Icon.pngKureiji Ollie
Living Weapon Icon.pngLiving Weapon Skill Anya Melfissa Icon.pngAnya Melfissa
Praise Icon.pngPraise Skill Kobo Kanaeru Icon.pngKobo Kanaeru
Polyglot Icon.pngPolyglot Skill Airani Iofifteen Icon.pngAirani Iofifteen
Gambler Icon.pngGambler Skill Usada Pekora Icon.pngUsada Pekora
Gyudon Icon.pngGyudon Skill Shirogane Noel Icon.pngShirogane Noel
Angelic & Gorillic Power Icon.pngAngelic & Gorillic Power Skill Amane Kanata Icon.pngAmane Kanata
Baby Princess Icon.pngBaby Princess Skill Himemori Luna Icon.pngHimemori Luna
Shark Call Icon.pngShark Call Special Attack Gawr Gura Icon.pngGawr Gura
Idol Dream Icon.pngIdol Dream Special Attack Tokino Sora Icon.pngTokino Sora
Hi-Spec Mode Icon.pngHi-Spec Mode Special Attack Roboco-san Icon.pngRoboco-san
WASSHOI! Icon.pngWASSHOI! Special Attack Natsuiro Matsuri Icon.pngNatsuiro Matsuri
Injection Type Asacoco Icon.pngInjection Type Asacoco Item -
Super Injection Type Asacoco Icon.pngSuper Injection Type Asacoco Item -
Membership Icon.pngMembership Item -
Super Super Chatto Time! Icon.pngSuper Super Chatto Time! Item -
Super Chicken's Feather Icon.pngSuper Chicken's Feather Item -
ATK Up Icon.pngATK Up Upgrade -
ATK Up Icon.pngATK Up Stat Up -
Fan Letters Icon.pngFan Letters Fan Letter -
  1. The skill both gives an equal amount of ATK% and Area increase and then gives ATK% equal to area increase, resulting in double the effect. So, lvl 3 Speaker Of Space gives total of +60% ATK, and it even applies to weapons that don't scale in size with it or Knightly Milk Icon.pngKnightly Milk.

Damage modifiers

Damage modifiers are multipliers to the attack's damage. Damage modifiers generally stack multiplicatively with each other and additively with other effects of the same type.

[Toggle display]
damageMod = (1 + totalCritMod/100% * BonusCritDamage) * bonusDamageTaken * DB * SkillDamage * DR

Critical hits

Critical hits multiply the damage dealt based on their critical damage modifier, if triggered. By default each character's critical damage modifier is 50%, meaning that their critical hits deal 1.5x damage. Some abilities can change the character's or the weapon's critical hit modifier.

Critical damage modifiers from different sources stack additively with each other. Critical damage modifiers that effect all damage are summed together as CRT Damage Icon.pngCRT Damage in the pause menu. CRT Damage Icon.pngCRT Damage does not include baseCritMod.

[Toggle display]
totalCritMod = baseCritMod + (critMod1 + critMod2 + critMod3 + ...)

totalCritMod is only relevant to the damage calculation if your hit is a critical hit. On a regular hit, totalCritMod is 0. If you are looking for average damage you can multiply totalCritMod by CRT Icon.pngCRT/100% before using it in the damageMod calcualation.

List of effects that modify critical damage[1]
Effect Type Character
The Ame Way Icon.pngThe Ame Way Skill Amelia Watson Icon.pngAmelia Watson
Rat's Ninja Way Icon.pngRat's Ninja Way Skill Hakos Baelz Icon.pngHakos Baelz
Chocotto Cooking Icon.pngChocotto Cooking Skill Yuzuki Choco Icon.pngYuzuki Choco
Lady Of The Peafowl Icon.pngLady Of The Peafowl Skill Pavolia Reine Icon.pngPavolia Reine
The Reaper Icon.pngThe Reaper Special Attack Mori Calliope Icon.pngMori Calliope
Axe Swing Awakened Icon.pngAxe Swing Awakened Weapon Hoshimachi Suisei Icon.pngHoshimachi Suisei
Hope Soda Icon.pngHope Soda Item -
ATK Up Stamp Icon.pngATK Up Stamp Stamp -
Crit Damage +10% Enhancement -

Bonus Crit Damage

When a player character gains CRT Icon.pngCRT above 100% the excess is converted to Bonus Crit Damage.

[Toggle display]
BonusCritDamage = 1 + ((Crit% - 100)/200)

Bonus damage taken

Bonus damage taken modifiers are applied by debuffs. Bonuses of this type stack additively with each other.

[Toggle display]
bonusDamageTaken = 1+((bonus1 + bonus2 + bonus3 + ...) / 100%)
List of effects that increase damage taken[1]
Effect Type Character
Power of Atlantis Icon.pngPower of Atlantis Skill Gawr Gura Icon.pngGawr Gura
Shark Bite Icon.pngShark Bite Skill Gawr Gura Icon.pngGawr Gura
The Rapper Icon.pngThe Rapper Skill Mori Calliope Icon.pngMori Calliope
You're The Enemy, Then Icon.pngYou're The Enemy, Then Skill Tokino Sora Icon.pngTokino Sora
Aromatherapy Icon.pngAromatherapy Skill Aki Rosenthal Icon.pngAki Rosenthal
Dangerous Marine Smell Icon.pngDangerous Marine Smell Skill Houshou Marine Icon.pngHoushou Marine
Demon Lord's Domain Icon.pngDemon Lord's Domain Special Attack Sakura Miko Icon.pngSakura Miko
Tarot Cards Awakened Icon.pngTarot Cards Awakened Weapon Ookami Mio Icon.pngOokami Mio
Sakura Gohei Awakened Icon.pngSakura Gohei Awakened Weapon Sakura Miko Icon.pngSakura Miko
Red Heart Awakened Icon.pngRed Heart Awakened[Note 1] Weapon Akai Haato Icon.pngAkai Haato
Cleaning Broom Awakened Icon.pngCleaning Broom Awakened[Note 2] Weapon Minato Aqua Icon.pngMinato Aqua
Aik Awakened Icon.pngAik Awakened Weapon Aki Rosenthal Icon.pngAki Rosenthal
Dragon Katana Awakened Icon.pngDragon Katana Awakened[Note 3] Weapon Kiryu Coco Icon.pngKiryu Coco
Rap Dog Icon.pngRap Dog Weapon -
Weaken Stamp Icon.pngWeaken Stamp Stamp -
  1. Only while in Haato form.
  2. Only increases damage from itself, not other damage sources. Stacks infinitely.
  3. Only increases damage from skills and special attacks.

Damage bonus

Damage bonus (DB) is a separate variable from bonus damage taken. Instead of being based on debuffs on enemies, these effects directly boost the character damage. Currently, all effects that modify DB are expressed in a multiplier form in the game text, rather than a percentage form, with the exception of Slumber Icon.pngSlumber. These modifiers stack additively with each other.

[Toggle display]
DB = 1 + (bonus1-1) + (bonus2-1) ...
List of effects that modify DB
Effect Type Character
Slumber Icon.pngSlumber Skill Anya Melfissa Icon.pngAnya Melfissa
Holy Fire Icon.pngHoly Fire Weapon -
Gorilla's Paw Icon.pngGorilla's Paw Item -
Face Mask Icon.pngFace Mask Item -
Candy Kingdom Sweets Icon.pngCandy Kingdom Sweets Item -

Skill Damage

Several effects in the game boost damage for skills. These effects are additive with each other and serve as a multiplier on damage for valid skills. Skills that copy damage from another source do not work with skill damage.

List of effects that Skill Damage
Effect Type Character
GWS Pill Icon.pngGWS Pill Item -
Super Injection Type Asacoco Icon.pngSuper Injection Type Asacoco Item -
Skill Up Icon.pngSkill Up Upgrade -
Fan Letters Icon.pngFan Letters Fan Letter -

Damage reduction

The damage reduction modifier is comprised of the various reductions to the damage the target receives from the attacker. This type of modifiers exceptionally stack multiplicatively with each other. Currently only damage dealt to the player is impacted by this modifier but since the game uses the same formula for dealing damage to the player as it does for dealing damage to enemies, this variable is included.

[Toggle display]
DR = (1 - reduction1/100%) * (1 - reduction2/100%) * (1 - reduction3/100%) * ...
List of effects that modify damage received
Effect Type Character
Endurance Icon.pngEndurance Skill Inugami Korone Icon.pngInugami Korone
Worldwide Strongest Idol Icon.pngWorldwide Strongest Idol Skill Akai Haato Icon.pngAkai Haato
Hoshinova & Moona Icon.pngHoshinova & Moona Skill Moona Hoshinova Icon.pngMoona Hoshinova
Slumber Icon.pngSlumber Skill Anya Melfissa Icon.pngAnya Melfissa
Muscle Icon.pngMuscle Skill Shirogane Noel Icon.pngShirogane Noel
Hatotaurus Icon.pngHatotaurus Special Attack Ookami Mio Icon.pngOokami Mio
Body Pillow Icon.pngBody Pillow Item -
Membership Icon.pngMembership Item -
Breastplate Icon.pngBreastplate Item -
Face Mask Icon.pngFace Mask Item -
Defense Up Icon.pngDefense Up Upgrade -

On-hit damage

Some sources apply damage as an on-hit effect. These on-hit effects are all multipliers that are applied after totalDamage is calculated. Some of these effects have their own rounding or flooring of the damage that they apply, so the order in which the effects are applied in the damage formula makes a difference. The order in which on-hit effects are applied is non-deterministic.

After all applicable on-hit affects are applied the final damage is rounded one last time. All rounding both by on-hit effects and by this last step follows the same rule for numbers ending in .5.

List of effects that apply on-hit damage
Effect Type Character Rounding Type
The Forbidden Wah Icon.pngThe Forbidden Wah Skill Ninomae Ina'nis Icon.pngNinomae Ina'nis -
Cheerful Laugh Icon.pngCheerful Laugh Skill Ookami Mio Icon.pngOokami Mio Floor
Duck Whisper Icon.pngDuck Whisper Skill Oozora Subaru Icon.pngOozora Subaru Floor
Cleaning Maid Icon.pngCleaning Maid Skill Minato Aqua Icon.pngMinato Aqua -
No Pressure Icon.pngNo Pressure Skill Kaela Kovalskia Icon.pngKaela Kovalskia Round
Secret Agent Icon.pngSecret Agent Skill Vestia Zeta Icon.pngVestia Zeta -
GMMF Icon.pngGMMF Skill Kiryu Coco Icon.pngKiryu Coco ?
Apex Shooter Icon.pngApex Shooter Skill Tokoyami Towa Icon.pngTokoyami Towa ?
Cleaning Broom Awakened Icon.pngCleaning Broom Awakened Weapon Minato Aqua Icon.pngMinato Aqua -
Beetle Icon.pngBeetle Item - Floor
Devil Hat Icon.pngDevil Hat Item - Floor
Ninja Headband Icon.pngNinja Headband Item - Floor
Piki Piki Piman Icon.pngPiki Piki Piman Item - Floor
Unit Stamp Icon.pngUnit Stamp Stamp - Round

Direct damage

A few effects in this game deal damage directly rather than going through the full damage calculation. Most of these effects copy damage from a triggering source and modify it in some manner. In the case of direct damage all of the steps of the damage calculation are skipped except for on-hit effects.

List of effects that deal direct damage
Effect Type Character
Stellar Icon.pngStellar Skill Hoshimachi Suisei Icon.pngHoshimachi Suisei
Deez Icon.pngDeez Skill Ayunda Risu Icon.pngAyunda Risu
Cutting Deep Icon.pngCutting Deep Skill Anya Melfissa Icon.pngAnya Melfissa
Pistol Shot Awakened Icon.pngPistol Shot Awakened Weapon Amelia Watson Icon.pngAmelia Watson
Candy Kingdom Sweets Icon.pngCandy Kingdom Sweets Item -
Marking Stamp Icon.pngMarking Stamp Stamp -
