Cooking Cauldron

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The Cooking Cauldron.

Cooking Icon.gif Cooking Cauldron is a mini-game in the Holo House. It can be found below the pond, indicated by a large CookingPot.gif Cauldron. With the Cooking Cauldron, players can cook meals using ingredients produced from Farming and Fishing.


Cooked meals can be used when starting a run in the main game mode to provide various benefits for a single run. Each meal provides a limited number of uses, with each use being consumed per run regardless of whether the run is cleared or not.

Meals are automatically eaten once cooked, and the current active meal will be displayed in the character select screen (under Preparation); cooking another meal will immediately override the previous meal regardless of how many uses the previous meal had remaining. Players can choose not to use the active meal on their run by unchecking the option on the stage select screen.

An "Auto-Cook" feature can be activated to allow the game to automatically cook the last created food item, provided the player has enough of the required ingredients stocked up.

Recipes will unlock as players gain more ingredients in their inventory from fishing and gardening.

List of Recipes

List of Recipes
Recipe Uses Food Effect Ingredients
Tempura Icon.png Tempura 5 Increase ATK by 30%. Wheat Icon.png Wheat x 1
Shrimp Icon.png Shrimp x 2
Tuna Sandwich Icon.png Tuna Sandwich 5 Increase SPD by 25%. Tuna Icon.png Tuna x 2
Wheat Icon.png Wheat x 1
Tomato Icon.png Tomato x 1
Sushi Set Icon.png Sushi Set 3 Increase Crit by 10%. Tuna Icon.png Tuna x 1
Salmon Icon.png Salmon x 1
Shrimp Icon.png Shrimp x 1
Rice Icon.png Rice x 1
Poke Bowl Icon.png Poke Bowl 5 Increase Pick Up Range by 40%. Koi Fish Icon.png Koi Fish x 2
Tuna Icon.png Tuna x 1
Shrimp Icon.png Shrimp x 1
Rice Icon.png Rice x 2
Lobster Dinner Icon.png Lobster Dinner 3 Increase Haste by 15%. Green Bean Icon.png Green Bean x 2
Wheat Icon.png Wheat x 3
Lobster Icon.png Lobster x 1
Potato Icon.png Potato x 2
Pufferfish Meal Set Icon.png Pufferfish Meal Set 3 Increase ATK/SPD/PUR by 20% and Max HP/Crit/Haste by 10%. Radish Icon.png Radish x 2
Pufferfish Icon.png Pufferfish x 3
Rice Icon.png Rice x 2
Onion Icon.png Onion x 2
Vegetarian Burger and Fries Icon.png Vegetarian Burger and Fries 5 Automatically heal 50% HP if if HP drops below 25% up to 10 times. Wheat Icon.png Wheat x 4
Potato Icon.png Potato x 2
Onion Icon.png Onion x 2
Turtle Soup Icon.png Turtle Soup 3 Greatly increases the chance of all EXP Icon.pngEXP-related items appearing. Turtle Icon.png Turtle x 2
Pepper Icon.png Pepper x 1
Potato Icon.png Potato x 2
Carrot Icon.png Carrot x 2
Onion Icon.png Onion x 2
Unagi Don Icon.png Unagi Don 5 Increase Max HP by 20. Eel Icon.png Eel x 2
Rice Icon.png Rice x 4
Calamari Set Icon.png Calamari Set 5 Increase Max HP by 40. Wheat Icon.png Wheat x 5
Squid Icon.png Squid x 2
Radish Icon.png Radish x 2
Pepper Icon.png Pepper x 2
Manta Ray Soup Icon.png Manta Ray Soup 3 Gain 1 extra life Shrimp Icon.png Shrimp x 1
Manta Ray Icon.png Manta Ray x 2
Pepper Icon.png Pepper x 1
Carrot Icon.png Carrot x 2
Corn Icon.png Corn x 1
Fruit Sandwich Icon.png Fruit Sandwich 5 Targets drop 30% more HoloCoin Icon.pngHoloCoins. Wheat Icon.png Wheat x 3
Strawberry Icon.png Strawberry x 5
Burger Meal Icon.png Burger Meal 5 Food Icon.pngBurgers drop twice as often. Wheat Icon.png Wheat x 2
Tomato Icon.png Tomato x 2
Onion Icon.png Onion x 2
Strange Seafood Soup Icon.png Strange Seafood Soup 3 Greatly increases the chance of Halu Icon.pngHalu appearing. Turtle Icon.png Turtle x 2
Garlic Icon.png Garlic x 2
Squid Icon.png Squid x 2
Radish Icon.png Radish x 2
Corn Icon.png Corn x 2
Vegetable Soup Icon.png Vegetable Soup 3 Gain a 5% chance to dodge attacks. Tomato Icon.png Tomato x 3
Pepper Icon.png Pepper x 3
Carrot Icon.png Carrot x 2
Onion Icon.png Onion x 2
Corn Icon.png Corn x 5
BBQ Squid Icon.png BBQ Squid 3 Take 33% less damage from projectile attacks. Garlic Icon.png Garlic x 2
Squid Icon.png Squid x 5
Radish Icon.png Radish x 3
Onion Icon.png Onion x 5
Potato Icon.png Potato x 3
Spicy Seafood Udon Icon.png Spicy Seafood Udon 5 When taking damage, increase Special meter. Green Bean Icon.png Green Bean x 3
Garlic Icon.png Garlic x 2
Wheat Icon.png Wheat x 5
Squid Icon.png Squid x 5
Shrimp Icon.png Shrimp x 3

Recipe Notes

  • Using HP-boosting meals like Pufferfish Meal Set, Unagi Don, and Calamari Set will make the player's character start a run with the additional max HP in the red, as the game does not automatically compensate for the temporary additional max HP, requiring players to heal up the missing HP.
  • Turtle Soup multiplies the weight of Study Glasses Icon.pngStudy Glasses and Researcher's Coat Icon.pngResearcher's Coat by 10, causing them to show up more often, typically within the first 1 - 5 levels.
  • Similarly, Strange Seafood Soup multiplies the weight of Halu Icon.pngHalu by 10.
  • Vegetarian Burger and Fries will have its icon appear on the bottom left of the screen, with a counter showing the remaining number of times the ability can activate during the run.


For the full list of changes, see Changelog.

0.7 Hotfix 8
0.7 Release
  • The effect of Vegetable Soup was changed.
    • Prior to this update, the effect was: "Every 30 seconds, become invincible to all attacks for 5 seconds."
0.6 Release