Ckia's Forge

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Ckia's Forge.

Ckia's Forge, also referred to as the Kovalskia Forge, is a mini-game in the Holo House. It is located to the far south of the Holo House map. The player can bring materials to the forge's vendor Ckia.png Ckia to craft a variety of items.

Mining Area

The mining area with a pebble friend (please do not mine your friends).
General guideline for gathering different levels of materials. (Only applies to players who are at or just below the indicated levels)

The Mining Area is located to the south of the forge. Here the player can log and mine various resources to craft items at Ckia's Forge.


Upon clicking on a material source (either a tree or a rock), a minigame will start, where the player must hit the action button when the indicator is within the red area, or as close to the red area as possible. The damage output of each hit depends on how close the indicator was to the red area. The total damage over all hits will determine how many materials the player gathers. Completely deplete its health to harvest the maximum amount of materials. If the player cannot deal enough damage to the resource they will fail to gather any materials, unless they use equipment with at least +1 in the "Gather" stat which will give a minimum amount of materials no matter how little damage is dealt.

Every time the player receives materials, they also receive EXP to either Woodcutting or Mining, depending on the resource. The amount of materials gathered has no effect on EXP gained. After receiving enough EXP, the player's skill level will increase, which will allow them to purchase higher-level items from Ckia. Skill level is capped at 10. The item's level determines the following stats:

  • Power - how much damage each strike of the item will deal to the material source.
  • Strikes - how many attempts the player has to deal damage to the material source.
  • Gather - how much additional material will be received for each harvest. Also determines the minimum amount of materials that will be received regardless of the damage dealt to the resource.
  • Precision - the size of the red area and how fast the indicator moves.

List of resources

Resource Level Woodcutting Mining HoloCoin Icon.png Value EXP Value Sources
Tree Rock
Lv: 1 Wood Stick Icon.png Stick Mineral Stone Icon.png Stone 20 3 Tree Lv 1.png Rock Lv 1.png
Lv: 2 Wood Plank Icon.png Plank Mineral Lead Icon.png Lead 40 6 Tree Lv 2.png Rock Lv 2.png
Lv: 3 Wood Hard Icon.png Hard Wood Mineral Iron Icon.png Iron 80 10 Tree Lv 3.png Rock Lv 3.png
Lv: 4 Wood Cedar Icon.png Cedar Wood Mineral Mythril Icon.png Mythril 120 15 Tree Lv 4.png Rock Lv 4.png
Lv: 5 Wood Maple Icon.png Maple Wood Mineral Adamantite Icon.png Adamantite 160 20 Tree Lv 5.png Rock Lv 5.png
Lv: 6 Wood Teak Icon.png Teak Wood Mineral Diamond Icon.png Diamond 200 27 Tree Lv 6.png Rock Lv 6.png
Lv: 7 Wood Acacia Icon.png Acacia Wood Mineral Platinum Icon.png Platinum 250 35 Tree Lv 7.png Rock Lv 7.png
Lv: 8 Wood Bamboo Icon.png Bamboo Wood Mineral Hololite Icon.png Hololite 300 40 Tree Lv 8.png Rock Lv 8.png


List of crafting recipes


Axes are the tools used for Woodcutting.

Axe Unlocked at Stats Required Materials
Old Axe Icon.png Old Axe Unlocked by default Power: 20
Strikes: 3
Gather: +0
Precision: 0
Stone Axe Icon.png Stone Axe Woodcutting LV: 2 Power: 30
Strikes: 3
Gather: +0
Precision: 0
30x Mineral Stone Icon.png Stone 20x Wood Stick Icon.png Stick
Lead Axe Icon.png Lead Axe Woodcutting LV: 3 Power: 40
Strikes: 3
Gather: +0
Precision: 1
40x Wood Plank Icon.png Plank 30x Wood Stick Icon.png Stick 20x Mineral Lead Icon.png Lead 10x Mineral Stone Icon.png Stone
Iron Axe Icon.png Iron Axe Woodcutting LV: 4 Power: 55
Strikes: 4
Gather: +1
Precision: 2
50x Wood Hard Icon.png Hard Wood 30x Wood Plank Icon.png Plank 20x Wood Stick Icon.png Stick 30x Mineral Iron Icon.png Iron 20x Mineral Lead Icon.png Lead
Myth Axe Icon.png Myth Axe Woodcutting LV: 5 Power: 70
Strikes: 4
Gather: +1
Precision: 3
50x Wood Cedar Icon.png Cedar Wood 40x Wood Hard Icon.png Hard Wood 30x Wood Plank Icon.png Plank 20x Mineral Mythril Icon.png Mythril 10x Mineral Iron Icon.png Iron
Promise Axe Icon.png Promise Axe Woodcutting LV: 6 Power: 90
Strikes: 4
Gather: +2
Precision: 4
75x Wood Maple Icon.png Maple Wood 50x Wood Cedar Icon.png Cedar Wood 30x Wood Hard Icon.png Hard Wood 40x Mineral Adamantite Icon.png Adamantite 30x Mineral Mythril Icon.png Mythril
Advent Axe Icon.png Advent Axe Woodcutting LV: 7 Power: 100
Strikes: 4
Gather: +2
Precision: 5
90x Wood Teak Icon.png Teak Wood 60x Wood Maple Icon.png Maple Wood 40x Wood Cedar Icon.png Cedar Wood 50x Mineral Diamond Icon.png Diamond 30x Mineral Adamantite Icon.png Adamantite
Justice Axe Icon.png Justice Axe Woodcutting LV: 8 Power: 110
Strikes: 4
Gather: +3
Precision: 6
100x Wood Acacia Icon.png Acacia Wood 80x Wood Teak Icon.png Teak Wood 75x Wood Maple Icon.png Maple Wood 60x Mineral Platinum Icon.png Platinum 40x Mineral Diamond Icon.png Diamond
Hololite Axe Icon.png Hololite Axe Woodcutting LV: 9 Power: 120
Strikes: 50
Gather: +4
Precision: 7
120x Wood Bamboo Icon.png Bamboo Wood 100x Wood Acacia Icon.png Acacia Wood 90x Mineral Diamond Icon.png Diamond 80x Mineral Hololite Icon.png Hololite 50x Mineral Platinum Icon.png Platinum


Pickaxes are the tools used for Mining.

Pickaxe Unlocked at Stats Required Materials
Old Pickaxe Icon.png Old Pickaxe Unlocked by default Power: 20
Strikes: 3
Gather: +0
Precision: 0
Stone Pickaxe Icon.png Stone Pickaxe Mining LV: 2 Power: 30
Strikes: 3
Gather: +0
Precision: 0
30x Mineral Stone Icon.png Stone 20x Wood Stick Icon.png Stick
Lead Pickaxe Icon.png Lead Pickaxe Mining LV: 3 Power: 40
Strikes: 3
Gather: +0
Precision: 1
40x Mineral Lead Icon.png Lead 30x Mineral Stone Icon.png Stone 20x Wood Plank Icon.png Plank 10x Wood Stick Icon.png Stick
Iron Pickaxe Icon.png Iron Pickaxe Mining LV: 4 Power: 55
Strikes: 4
Gather: +1
Precision: 2
50x Mineral Iron Icon.png Iron 30x Mineral Lead Icon.png Lead 20x Mineral Stone Icon.png Stone 30x Wood Hard Icon.png Hard Wood 20x Wood Plank Icon.png Plank
Myth Pickaxe Icon.png Myth Pickaxe Mining LV: 5 Power: 70
Strikes: 4
Gather: +1
Precision: 3
50x Mineral Mythril Icon.png Mythril 40x Mineral Lead Icon.png Lead 30x Mineral Stone Icon.png Stone 20x Wood Cedar Icon.png Cedar Wood 10x Wood Hard Icon.png Hard Wood
Promise Pickaxe Icon.png Promise Pickaxe Mining LV: 6 Power: 90
Strikes: 4
Gather: +2
Precision: 4
75x Mineral Adamantite Icon.png Adamantite 50x Mineral Mythril Icon.png Mythril 30x Mineral Iron Icon.png Iron 40x Wood Maple Icon.png Maple Wood 30x Wood Cedar Icon.png Cedar Wood
Advent Pickaxe Icon.png Advent Pickaxe Mining LV: 7 Power: 100
Strikes: 4
Gather: +2
Precision: 5
90x Mineral Diamond Icon.png Diamond 60x Mineral Adamantite Icon.png Adamantite 40x Mineral Mythril Icon.png Mythril 50x Wood Teak Icon.png Teak Wood 30x Wood Maple Icon.png Maple Wood
Justice Pickaxe Icon.png Justice Pickaxe Mining LV: 8 Power: 110
Strikes: 4
Gather: +3
Precision: 6
100x Mineral Platinum Icon.png Platinum 80x Mineral Diamond Icon.png Diamond 75x Mineral Adamantite Icon.png Adamantite 60x Wood Acacia Icon.png Acacia Wood 40x Wood Teak Icon.png Teak Wood
Hololite Pickaxe Icon.png Hololite Pickaxe Mining LV: 9 Power: 120
Strikes: 5
Gather: +4
Precision: 7
120x Mineral Hololite Icon.png Hololite 100x Mineral Platinum Icon.png Platinum 90x Mineral Diamond Icon.png Diamond 80x Wood Bamboo Icon.png Bamboo Wood 50x Wood Acacia Icon.png Acacia Wood


Prisms are defensive items that can be used in the main game.

Prism Stats Required Materials
Basic Prism Icon.png Basic Prism Blocks up to 2 damage from attacks.
Prism HP: 300
100x Mineral Lead Icon.png Lead 75x Mineral Iron Icon.png Iron 50x Wood Hard Icon.png Hard Wood 25x Wood Plank Icon.png Plank
Myth Prism Icon.png Myth Prism Blocks up to 3 damage from attacks.
Prism HP: 400
100x Mineral Mythril Icon.png Mythril 80x Mineral Iron Icon.png Iron 60x Mineral Lead Icon.png Lead 50x Wood Cedar Icon.png Cedar Wood 30x Wood Hard Icon.png Hard Wood
Promise Prism Icon.png Promise Prism Blocks up to 4 damage from attacks.
Prism HP: 500
100x Mineral Adamantite Icon.png Adamantite 80x Mineral Mythril Icon.png Mythril 60x Mineral Iron Icon.png Iron 50x Wood Maple Icon.png Maple Wood 40x Wood Cedar Icon.png Cedar Wood
Advent Prism Icon.png Advent Prism Blocks up to 5 damage from attacks.
Prism HP: 600
100x Mineral Diamond Icon.png Diamond 90x Mineral Adamantite Icon.png Adamantite 75x Mineral Mythril Icon.png Mythril 60x Wood Teak Icon.png Teak Wood 50x Wood Maple Icon.png Maple Wood
Justice Prism Icon.png Justice Prism Blocks up to 6 damage from attacks.
Prism HP: 700
100x Mineral Platinum Icon.png Platinum 90x Mineral Diamond Icon.png Diamond 80x Mineral Adamantite Icon.png Adamantite 75x Wood Acacia Icon.png Acacia Wood 60x Wood Teak Icon.png Teak Wood
Hololite Prism Icon.png Hololite Prism Blocks up to 7 damage from attacks.
Prism HP: 800
100x Mineral Hololite Icon.png Hololite 100x Mineral Platinum Icon.png Platinum 100x Mineral Diamond Icon.png Diamond 100x Wood Bamboo Icon.png Bamboo Wood 100x Wood Acacia Icon.png Acacia Wood

Ckia's Commissions

The item crafting minigame.

The player can choose to exchange some materials to craft a variety of items. The list of commission items and their material costs is random, sorted from most expensive to least. The following are the types of items that can be crafted:

  • Long Sword Icon.png Long Sword
  • Plate Armor Icon.png Plate Armor
  • Kite Shield Icon.png Kite Shield
  • Metal Plate Icon.png Metal Plate

After choosing a commission, a minigame will start, where the player has a limited number of 5 hits to find the "critical spot" on the item piece and increase the quality. The glow color of the Previous Hit icon will tell the player how "hot", or how close their previous hit was to the critical spot.

  • Black - Not close, +2%
  • Green - Getting closer, +5%
  • Yellow - Very close, +15%
  • Red - Critical spot found, +50%

Repeatedly hitting the critical spot can cause the quality to go over 100%. Once finished, the player will not keep the crafted item, but they will be paid a number of HoloCoins consisting of the base commission price and a bonus equivalent to the item's achived quality.


For the full list of changes, see Changelog.


  • Ckia is a character created by Kaela Kovalskia Icon.pngKaela Kovalskia as an alternate personality, who looks and acts in a child-like manner and is often considered as Kaela's younger "sister" from another universe.
  • The Mine Pebble.png Pebble that can be found in the mining area is the fan mascot of Hololive English Advent member Koseki Bijou.
  • The sprite for the Lead icon is named 'spr_MineralSteel' suggesting Steel was the name for the mineral earlier in development. The sprites for the Lead Axe and Lead Pickaxe also share the 'Steel' name.
    • The internal name for the lead rock pile is "spr_RockTungsten", suggesting another earlier name for this mineral.
