Changelog/Version 0.7

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This article, Changelog/Version 0.7, features content that was recently released. Some details may be missing or are not up to date.
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Version 0.7 is the fifth major version of HoloCure - Save the Fans!. This update added the members of Hololive JP Gen 3 (Fantasy) and JP Gen 4 (Force), the Fan Letter system, the Preparation system, two new Stages, and a number of new weapons, items, and collabs. It also added the Usada Casino, Ckia's Forge, and the Tower of Suffering to the Holo House game mode.



The following is the changelog for 0.7.

Note: The content below was obtained from the CHANGELOG.txt file in the HoloCure directory, and from patch notes released on the game's Steam page. Entries in italics are additional details (obtained either through datamining or in-game observation) that are not listed in official sources. The [Undocumented] tag is used to denote changes that are completely absent from official documentation. Contents are only modified with wikitext formatting to make them more readable on this page, and to link to relevant articles.

Hotfix 19

Date: 2024-12-04
Version: 0.7.1732393897

Fix Crashes with Okayu

Adjusted some translations

Hotfix 18

Date: 2024-11-24
Version: 0.7.1732393897

Bug fix

Hotfix 17

Date: 2024-11-23
Version: 0.7.1732274407

Hold bug

Hotfix 16

Date: 2024-11-22
Version: 0.7.1732274407

Fixed a memory leak when resetting often in Tower of Suffering.

Fixed a number of Fan Letters not able to be obtained.

Hotfix 15

Date: 2024-11-21
Version: 0.7.1732156050

Added new tech so now we can inject images into text strings.
Operator symbols in Casino's math game have been adjusted.

Hotfix 14

Date: 2024-11-19
Version: 0.7.1732011361

Fixed a major bug where in some circumstances, Greed Stamp Icon.pngGreed Stamp did not work. Ooopsssssss

Lowered the cost of the Scam items in Usada Casino (to 1/10th of their original prices) and changed when they can become active (only in Stage Mode).

Hotfix 13

Date: 2024-11-19
Version: Unknown

Shirogane Noel Icon.pngShirogane Noel

  • Gyudon Icon.pngGyudon's ATK bonus now requires 20 HP instead of 10 per increase of ATK.
  • In a previous build, Noel's Gyudon skill description text was corrected to +3 HP instead of +5 HP.[Note]
  • Since the launch of 0.7, this skill has always given +3 HP, not +5 HP.

Himemori Luna Icon.pngHimemori Luna

Houshou Marine Icon.pngHoushou Marine

  • Chance and amount of HoloCoin on level 7 Cutlass & Pistol Icon.pngCutlass & Pistol has been increased. However, a proc limit has been added.
  • Pirate Captain Icon.pngPirate Captain's effect where Skills can also hit HoloCoins out of targets was previously not activating properly, and has been fixed.

True Infinite BL Works Icon.pngTrue Infinite BL Works

  • Increased damage.

Greed Stamp Icon.pngGreed Stamp

  • A very short cooldown has been added to reduce possible proc.
  • I can't avoid doing this anymore the numbers are getting too crazy out there bros v_v

Material Find drop rates have increased slightly.

Tower jump start sound adjusted.


Hotfix 12

Date: 2024-11-17
Version: 0.7.1731852466

Very slightly changed some areas in the Tower of Suffering to make for smoother jump pathing.

and bugs

Hotfix 11

Date: 2024-11-17
Version: 0.7.1731834842

Reduced HP and SPD of early fans in Stage 5 very slightly.
and more bugs

Hotfix 10

Date: 2024-11-17
Version: Unknown

More bugs yay

Hotfix 9

Date: 2024-11-17
Version: Unknown

Hakos Baelz Icon.pngHakos Baelz

  • The special meter gain from Harbinger of Chaos Icon.pngHarbinger of Chaos was set much higher than intended. It has been reduced ):

Idol Live Icon.pngIdol Live

  • Fixed the minimum possible cooldown from Haste, it was erroneously set at 0.

Fixed typos

Hotfix 8

Date: 2024-11-17
Version: Unknown

Collector Stamp Icon.pngCollector Stamp drop rates were incorrectly set oops.

Hotfix 7

Date: 2024-11-16
Version: 0.7.1731788463


A whole bunch of bug fixes and some minor balance adjustments!

Changed name of PekoChips to UsaChips in English translation.[Undocumented][Datamined]

Build 11/16/2024

Usada Pekora Icon.pngUsada Pekora

  • Increased base SPD slightly.
  • Increased damage and chance of Pyromaniac Icon.pngPyromaniac slightly.

Houshou Marine Icon.pngHoushou Marine

  • Increased damage for Cutlass & Pistol Icon.pngCutlass & Pistol
  • Increased hitbox size for Heart Shots at level 7.

Hakos Baelz Icon.pngHakos Baelz

  • Reduced base cooldown between attacks for Play Dice Icon.pngPlay Dice.
  • Slightly increased base damage for Play Dice Icon.pngPlay Dice.

Kiryu Coco Icon.pngKiryu Coco

Hotfix 6

Date: 2024-11-16
Version: 0.7.1731736133

No changelog available for this update.


Shirogane Noel Icon.pngShirogane Noel

  • Noel's Gyudon skill description text was corrected to +3 HP instead of +5 HP. Since the launch of 0.7, this skill has always given +3 HP, not +5 HP.[Datamined]

Hotfix 5

Date: 2024-11-16
Version: 0.7.1731717178

No changelog available for this update.

Hotfix 4

Date: 2024-11-15
Version: 0.7.1731710129


Tsunomaki Watame Icon.pngTsunomaki Watame

Hotfix 3

Date: 2024-11-15
Version: 0.7.1731697313

No changelog available for this update.

Hotfix 2

Date: 2024-11-15
Version: 0.7.1731666399


Fixed a number of bugs, crashes, and a memory leak issue that may occur in the Tower.[Verify][Undocumented]

Hotfix 1

Date: 2024-11-15
Version: 0.7.1731660744

No changelog available for this update.


Fixed typo in Japanese translation of Lucky Bunny's description.[Undocumented][Datamined]


Date: 2024-11-15
Version: 0.7.1731644049

AZKi Icon.pngAZKi

  • Character has been revamped.
  • Special has been changed.
  • Skills have been changed. Virtual Diva has been changed to Virtual Saber, and Performance has been changed to Geographer.

Amelia Watson Icon.pngAmelia Watson

  • Skill name of FPS Mastery has been changed to "The Ame Way". Effect has also been adjusted.
Note: Previously, FPS Mastery's text stated "All weapons deal 15% more damage", when in reality it increased ATK by 15%.
The text has been corrected, and this effect is unchanged.

Anya Melfissa Icon.pngAnya Melfissa

  • Cutting Deep has been replaced with Debugger with an adjusted effect.

Aki Rosenthal Icon.pngAki Rosenthal

  • Aromatherapy now can also stun targets as an added effect.
  • Damage of Mukirose has been increased slightly.
  • New effect has been added to Belly Dancing.

Hakos Baelz Icon.pngHakos Baelz

  • Skill name of "CRATical Hit" has been changed to "Rat's Ninja Way". Skill icon has been changed.
  • Skill name of "RatNG" has been changed to "Harbinger of Chaos".
  • Skill effect has been adjusted and a new effect has been added to "Harbinger of Chaos".

Natsuiro Matsuri Icon.pngNatsuiro Matsuri

  • Bonus buff for perfecting the Taiko Drum sequence has been extended by 5 seconds. Bonus buffs also increased slightly.
  • Damage for Fireworks from perfecting the Taiko Drum sequence has been increased.
  • (Further changes later)

Murasaki Shion Icon.pngMurasaki Shion

  • Damage of Special attack is increased from 1000% to 1500%.

Nekomata Okayu Icon.pngNekomata Okayu

  • Duration of Mogu Mogu is increased from 6 to 7 seconds, and SPD buff is increased from 50% to 75%.

Shirakami Fubuki Icon.pngShirakami Fubuki

  • Reduced the size of Kon Kon attacks but also increased damage very slightly.

Minato Aqua Icon.pngMinato Aqua

  • Increased damage of NEKO.
  • Changed skill name and icon of Klutz to Legendary Idol. Effect has also been adjusted.

Vestia Zeta Icon.pngVestia Zeta

  • Cat? Reflexes skill adjusted. Now grants stacks that turn on Silent Pistol's Stealth mode without being invisible.
  • Cat? Reflexes crit buff has been increased.

Yozora Mel Icon.pngYozora Mel

  • Acerola Juice now only adds Life Steal on the main weapon. Amount of life steal is increased.

Yuzuki Choco Icon.pngYuzuki Choco

  • Nurse now requires a heal of 12 HP or more to activate, instead of critical heal as the activation requirement.

Fan Beam Icon.pngFan Beam

  • No longer horizontal only (finally).

Devil Hat Icon.pngDevil Hat

  • Effect has been changed. Effect now activates upon using Special.

GWS Pill Icon.pngGWS Pill

  • Additional effect has been added. GWS Pill now also increases the damage of all Skill attacks.

Injection Type Asacoco Icon.pngInjection Type Asacoco

  • Added Super variant.[Undocumented]

Vegetable Soup

  • Effect has been changed.

Jingisukan Icon.pngJingisukan

  • Heal has been slightly reduced

I'm Die, Thank You Forever Icon.pngI'm Die, Thank You Forever

  • No longer creates multiple explosions when one target has taken multiple bombs. Instead, will only create 1 explosion with damage that is adjusted based on how many bombs were attached (for optimization and reducing slow downs).
e.g. Before: 10 bombs attached to boss, it creates 10 explosions at once when defeated
Now: 10 bombs attached to boss, it creates 1 explosion that is equivalent to 10x damage when defeated

Unit Stamp Icon.pngUnit Stamp

  • The damage penalty on the main weapon has been reduced.

Reverse Stamp Icon.pngReverse Stamp

  • Effect has been changed.


  1. Potato7192 (Portrait illustrator) (2024-11-14). Potato7192 on X. “他の立ち絵もほぼ全部更新しました!”